Mason Dixon Ruffnecks
Player/Parent Handbook
Mission Statement
The Mason Dixon Ruffnecks are a non-profit organization developed for athletes to engage in quality and competitive experiences. A competitive athletic experience produces solid work ethics, enhances social development, and contributes to mental and physical health. In addition, these experiences teach players personal responsibility, self-discipline, self-motivation, and teamwork. Participation in our organization also improves player’s opportunity to play baseball at the high school and collegiate level.
The Mason Dixon Ruffnecks are a ‘performance team’, meaning that playing time must be earned. This is not a recreational program where all players get equal playing time without merit. In addition, players must try out for the team each season in August. Making the team only guarantees a spot on the team for that season. Additionally, other players may be added throughout the season as deemed necessary. Excessive turn-over in any program is corrosive; however, no turn-over means the program is possibly not growing.
Board of Directors
The purpose of the Board is to provide direction for the organization. The board will aid in decision making of the organization, promotion of the program, and assist with fundraising. The board has no authority on the baseball field. A successful team requires communication. If a problem cannot be resolved within the team, then a parent or coach may request a hearing with the board. The Board’s decision will be final in all cases.
Team Parent
Each team is suggested to select a Team Parent to assist the coach with administrative functions. Some of the possibly duties are to coordinate team meals at tournaments, coordinate team clothing orders, assist with travel arrangements, and be a general liaison between the parents and the coach.
Playing Time
Playing time is very important to everyone. All players should have an opportunity to play during pool play. Coaches are expected to put the best team on the field possible during championship and playoff rounds. Your team fees go toward practice time and instruction by qualified and experienced coaches, NOT playing time in tournaments. Playing time in tournament play is earned. More playing time is earned by being at practices, working hard to improve, as well as executing the skills when give the opportunity to play.
Tournament Play
Tournament formats and tournament management varies for every tournament. Exact tournament schedules are often not available until just before the tournament begins (often the night before play starts). Therefore, parents and players will need to be flexible. Tournaments may start early in the morning and may end late in the evening. The Mason Dixon Ruffnecks have no control over the administration of these tournaments. Team entry fees must be paid well in advance of tournaments and a large amount of planning will be required by parents. Players are expected to be on time for all tournaments (typically 1 hour prior to game time).
Out of Town Trips
Players and parents are representing the Mason Dixon Ruffnecks Organization at all tournaments and will not do anything to embarrass themselves or the organization. Any player caught doing anything illegal, including using an illegal substance, will result in the player being suspended from the tournament, sent home at their parent’s expense, and may result in dismissal from the team.
Players are required to be ready to begin practice at the designated start time, this means showing up early. If a player must miss a practice or be late for a practice, the coach must be notified in advance. Missing practice unannounced will result in reduced playing time. Excessive tardiness will result in reduced playing time.
Insurance Coverage
As part of their individual membership fees, all players are covered by a supplemental insurance policy. This is a million dollar liability policy that covers all club activities and injuries that may occur during an event. Please note that this is a supplemental policy to your own policy.
All players are required to pay a registration fee which is determined by the board. This fee will cover the cost of uniforms. The Head Coach is responsible for creating a budget for his team and sending the budget to the board for approval.
The organization will hold fundraisers to raise funds and promote our organization. Proceeds are used towards organizational operating expenses and team’s budgets. In 2015, all players are required to participate in a lottery ticket fundraiser. Each player must purchase 12 tickets ($10 each) and those funds will go directly to the organization. Tickets sold in excess of 15 will go directly towards a player’s individual budget. The organization reserves the right to add additional fundraisers as needed (example: Bull Roast).
The Mason Dixon Ruffnecks encourage players and parents to obtain organizational sponsors and those monies will be utilized directly towards the players budget.
Player/Coach/Parent Relationship
Baseball can teach many good traits, such as the spirit of cooperation, and the regard for physical fitness: but it is difficult for these and other desirable traits to take root in young players if those around them fail to set a proper example. We ask that parents refrain from criticizing opposing players, other coaches, parents, officials, or teammates. In spectator enthusiasm we are often prone to issue instructions to the players that may be contrary to those of the coach, leaving the player confused and upset. Let the athletes follow their coach’s instruction and leave the coaching to the coaches.
Coaches are giving their time, energy, and expertise in an effort to teach your child the fundamentals of baseball. The Mason Dixon Ruffnecks will not tolerate condemnation of the coaches. Understand that you will not agree with or like every coaching tactic, comment, or suggestion that is made by the coaches. Please do not interfere with your players coaches, especially during play, or do anything else that will detract from the enjoyment your child deserves to get from baseball. Parents are strictly forbidden to enter the dugout, bench area, or field unless instructed by one of the coaches to do so.
The following steps must be taken if any player/parent has a concern with the coach. After the mandatory ’24 Hour Rule’, players and/or parents should discuss their concern with the coach and try to arrive at a solution. The coach should not be considered unapproachable. Until the coach is made of a concern, nothing can be done to alleviate the issue. Do not wait until the end of the season to voice your concern. In saying that, voice your concern in the proper format and setting.
Please never approach a coach in the dugout or on the field to discuss a concern at practice or a tournament. This could result in immediate dismissal of the player without refund.
If, at any time, concerns are not resolved then the player and/or parent can discuss their concern with the president of the organization.
24 Hour Rule
If you disagree with the coaches’ decisions or coaching methods, you are required to wait 24 hours before approaching the coach to discuss the situation. This is a required cooling down period. If, after 24 hours, you feel you still have a valid concern, you are encouraged to reach out to your coach. However, a coach should never be approached in front of another coach, player, or parent. Your concerns need to be addressed via email, over the phone, or in a private meeting. Violation of the ’24 Hour Rule’ could result in immediate dismissal of the player without refund.
Mason Dixon Ruffnecks FEES for 2015
The Mason Dixon Ruffnecks are a totally self-funded organization. Funds are obtained through player dues, contributions, fundraisers, and sponsorships. The registration fee for 2015 is $300 and covers uniforms, insurance, and miscellaneous organizational costs.
In addition, each head coach is responsible for developing a player budget and communicating this budget to their team. This budget will include tournament costs, equipment (bats, balls, catcher’s gears, game balls, etc), league fees, field rentals, indoor training rentals, etc. Again, this budget can be reduced through sponsorships, team fundraisers, etc. Each head coach is responsible for collecting these fees and dues.
The Mason Dixon Ruffnecks have a website ( that will display important information regarding the organization. In addition, each team will have an individual team page for team specific communications.