Maskmaking Retreat Syllabus

Maskmaking Retreat Syllabus

One Day: Maskmaking Retreat Syllabus


Meeting your Spirit Guide: Creating your Spirit Mask

Facilitator: Dr. Carol P Vaccariello, LPC

Phone: 330-241-5415 email:

Date: May 9, 2009 9:30-5:30

Location: 89 Hartford Drive, Medina, Ohio 44256

Class Description

Do you know your inner Spirit Guide?

This retreat is an opportunity to journey into the dream time to meet and spend precious time with your Spirit Guide. During your visit you will seek gifts of guidance and purpose for this time in your life.

After journaling your experience you will work with a partner to create each other’s mask. Once your mask is dry and ready to be infused with the wisdom and gifts of your Spirit Guide, you will revisit your meditation asking for the gift(s) that will manifest through your mask.

No art experience is necessary.


$125 fee includes maskmaking material and a large variety of paints, fabrics, beads, feathers and more. Please collect and bring personal and meaningful items for your mask.


Space is limited.

Email or call ASAP: 330-241-5415

To reserve your space, a $50 nonrefundable deposit is required.

Recommended Reading: Faces of Your Soul: Rituals in Art, Maskmaking, and Guided Imagery with Ancestors, Spirit Guides, and Totem Animals by Elise and Kaleo Ching (North Atlantic Books, 2006). The reading enhances your understanding and trust of the process.

Day (9:30-5:30)

Please be prompt. Bring a bag lunch. Wear grubby clothes. Remove contact lense for maskmaking. Bring a journal.

9:30 Opening Circle and guided imagery to meet your Spirit Guide.

10:15 Maskmaking demonstration while Group A follows along making masks for partners in Group B

11:30 Maskmaking demonstration while Group B follows along making masks for partners in Group A

12:30 Filling the nostrils and clean up

1:00 Lunch while masks are drying

1:45 Art demonstration, painting and decorating your mask

5:00 Clean up, sharing circle, photos