1 pkg. each of blue OR black pens

3 dozen #2 pencils

1 pkg.colored pencils

1 pkg. red correcting pencils or pens

2 yellow highlighters

10 black dry erase markers

2 glue sticks

3 pkg. 3 x 3 inch post-its

5 packages of notebook lined paper

4 black speckled composition notebooks

8 folders with 2 pockets & prongs, various colors

Classroom supplies are to be replaced as consumed during the school year.

Wheeled backpacks are not allowed, as they do not fit in lockers.

We will be providing each student with a Student Assignment Book. If the Assignment Book is lost, the student will be asked to buy a replacement for $5.00.

Art Supplies -

Art smock or apron (may be an old shirt)

Non-lined, Non-loose-leaf (bound) sketchbook

Hand-held plastic pencil sharpener

Note: All of the items listed above will be used during your child's Art classes

Physical Education -

1.Please label all clothing and supplies with your child’s name

2.For hygienic reasons, a separate set of clothes must be worn for class participation.

a.Shorts should be free from zippers and belt loops to avoid catching on any objects that may cause harm. Boys shorts may not have any pockets.

b.T-shirts are to be worn for class. Shirts should be free from any inappropriate ads or words.

c.Halter tops, sleeveless tops, half-t-shirts and spaghetti straps may not be worn for class.

d.Athletic sneakers and socks must be worn at all times. Unacceptable footwear would include but not be limited to: shoes, deck shoes, rubber soled boots, hiking boots, high soled sneakers, fashion sneakers, backless sneakers, sneakers with wheels or sneakers with soft black soles that mark the gym floor.

e.New YorkStateMANDATES that NO jewelry be worn in Physical Education class. All jewelry is to be removed and left in your child’s classroom, along with their money and/or other valuables.

f.Sweatshirts and/or sweatpants are optional.

g.All undergarments are to be covered up at all times.

h.Toiletries such as deodorant and powder are optional. Make sure containers are non-aerosol varieties and non-breakable.

3.All students will use the locker room for changing purposes.

4.If eyeglasses are to be worn in class, the student MUST wear glass-guards. A parental note allowing your child to wear glasses without the guards can be accepted.

NOTE: A separate letter indicating your child’s Bus # and Bus Stop Location, or walker designation, will be mailed to your home by the transportation office.

Revised 4/19/19