MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2010
Attendees:Suzan Swanton, Delegate Kirill Reznik, Danuta Wilson, LaTisha Hawkins, Shannon Bowles, Walter Biscoe, Eric Wish, Dorothy Moore, Lauresa Wigfall, Cindy Shifler, Allen Evans, Larry Dawson, Karen Bishop, Sandy Wilson, Linda Smith, Lourdes Vazquez, Linda Anerback, Vernon Spriggs, Deb Meyers, Oluwaseyi Ajayi, Vanessa Cooke, Erin Artigiani, Eugenia Conolly
Welcome/ Introductions: The meeting started by 2:30pmwith Suzan Swanton, Co-Chair, welcoming all the members and asking them to introduce themselves.
Review and Acceptance of 2/22/2010 Meeting Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and corrections made as necessary before the final adoption of the minutes were made by the members.
Report from the 4/21/ 2010 State Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council Meeting: Suzan Swanton related the discussion at the Council meeting concerning the current status of the Maryland Adolescent Survey. A task force was convened in 2009 to look at combining the YRBS, MAS and TYS. At the council meeting, Rosemary Johnston, Executive Director, Governor’s Office for Children, stated that the task force was considering using the TYS as the basis of a data collection instrument for adolescent and adding questions from other instruments as needed. She stated that the task force was aware of the data needs of the Drug Free Community Grants.
Maryland Strategic Prevention Framework Plan Update: Eugenia Conolly, Director Community Services Division at the Maryland Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration (ADAA) provided an update on the activities of the Maryland Strategic Prevention Framework. Ms. Conolly informed the meeting that the state had approved the filling of three positions for the Maryland Strategic Prevention Framework. She also mentioned that work is going on in the drafting of the Maryland Strategic Prevention Framework plan.
SEOW Report: Ms. Erin Artigiani, Deputy Director, Center for Substance Abuse Research (CESAR) spoke on the activities of SEOW in the collection of data relating to underage drinking across the counties in the state. Also, she informed the members of this committee about the decision of the management of ADAA not to continue with the contract with CESAR after June 30th 2010 and therefore thanked everybody for the good working relationship CESAR had enjoyed with them in the last twenty years.
Evidence Based Practices Workgroup Report:M’s Dorothy Moore presented the EBP workgroup progress report.
The EBP has held several meetings since the last MSPF Advisory Committee meeting. They continue to work on the Prevention Workgroup Survey and have identified with the assistance of the County Prevention Coordinators those individuals, group, organizations that provide prevention services to distribute the survey.Members of the workgroup are designing an MSPF Marketing strategy for communities, counties and the state. An update regarding the project will beprovided to the Committee in June. The guidancetool for identifying and selecting Evidence based programs will also be presented at our next meeting.
Cultural Competence Workgroup Report: This workgroup’s report was presented by Ms. Eugenia Conolly. She informed the committee that there has been an increase in the number of members since the last Committee meeting. Other points mentioned were that the committee is presently working on finalizing the Cultural Competency checklist for prospective MSPF Grantees.As a means to expand and enhance training for communities and providers on culturally competency, MAPPA and OETAS are collaborating on a training curriculum/program to be implemented no later than the fall.
In addition, Delegate Kirill Reznik recommended that this committee approach Delegate Shirley Nathan-Pullen for suggestions on how best to implement Culturally Competent practices at the community level.
Maryland Adolescent Survey Update:See notes under State Drug and Alcohol Council report.
SEOW Data Needs: Ms. Cindy Shifler addressed the committee at this point on what the implications of not having CESAR provide the needed data might be on substance abuse prevention work in the state. This concern was also shared by many of the members. However, Ms. Suzan Swanton responded that only the contract is affected and not the SEOW functions as there are other arrangements being made to maintain those activities.
Next MSPF Advisory Committee Meeting: Wednesday June 30, 2010 at the ADAA-OETAS Training Room from 2:30 to 4:30
Workgroup Meetings:
SEOW-July, 2010-Date and Location to be determined
EBP Workgroup-Thursday May 13, 2010 at10 am-ADAA
CC Workgroup-Thursday June10, 2010 at 11 am- ADAA