Maryland ENA BY THE BAY 2016
The Conference Center at the Maritime Institute
Linthicum Heights, MD
Pre-Conference, Wed 18 May 2016
7:30am - 5:30pm
TARGET AUDIENCE: Nurses with a current ENPC or TNCC provider card (course < 4 years ago) and received an “instructor potential” letter from the Course Director.
In order to become an ENPC or TNCC instructor, this procedure must be followed:
1.You must meet the following criteria to be recommended:
- Score of at least 90% on your provider course multiple choice exam
- Score of at least 85% of total points on course-specific skill station
- Recommendation of course director & instructors (letter received at or after your course)
2.If you have met these criteria, please submit the following to the Instructor course director listed below:
- Letter of recommendation from your ENPC or TNCC course director
- A curriculum vitae (maximum two pages) with two years of experience caring for peds or trauma patients
- Letter expressing your commitment and your interest in teaching future ENPC or TNCC course
- Copy of your current ENPC or TNCC provider card
- Copy of your current RN card
- Copy of your current ENA membership card, if appropriate
FEE: $125 ENA member, $150 non-ENA member
Lead Faculty:
ENPC-I Course Director: Linda Arapian,
TNCC-I Course Director: Mary Alice Vanhoy,
Contact Hours7.0 Contact Hours for either course
Pre-registration is REQUIRED, please email Course Director ASAP with your interest in this course.
NOTE: If you completed your ENPC or TNCC course before 18 February 2016, you will need to re-validate your provider status by successfully completing the course exam (score at least 90%) and course-specific skill station (score at least 85%)
We will work with you to re-validate your provider status BEFORE this instructor course.
We reserve the right to cancel the review and refund all fees if the minimum number of registrations are not received
May 19, 2016
07:30–08:30Registration, Coffee, Continental Breakfast with Exhibitors
Silent Auction Begins
08:30–08:45Welcome and Announcements
Mary Alice Vanhoy MS, RN, CEN, CPEN, NRP, FAEN
2016MD ENA President
08:45–09:45Compassion Fatigue: “Do you have it?”
Mary Alice Vanhoy MS, RN, CEN, CPEN, NRP, FAEN
Emergency Room Staff Nurse
University of Maryland Shore Health
09:45-10:00Coffee with Exhibitors
Poster Session, Silent Auction Continues
“10:00–11:00“Acute Heart Failure”
Walid Hammad,MB, ChB, MPH, MD, FACEP
Clinical Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
University of Maryland School of Medicine
11:00–12:00“Heroin: A Dependency Disease That Could Already Be In Your Family”
Richard Alcorta MD,FACEP
State EMS Medical Director
12:00–13:00LUNCH (Networking): Visit With Exhibitors
Poster Session,Silent Auction Continues
13:00–14:00Update in Pharmacology: “420 Twice Daily for Pain: Medical Marijuana, What you
need to know!” *
Lisa L. Deal, Pharm.D.,BCPS, BSN, RN
Emergency Medicine Clinical Specialist
Beebe Healthcare
14:00–15:00 “Human Trafficking: What Every Nurse Needs To Know”*
Jessica Volz, MSN, RN
Bresee & Associates Forensic Consulting
15:00-15:15 Break
15:15-16:15 “ A Series of Health Issues Facing The City: What’s It All Mean?*
Joneigh Khaldun,MD,MPHChief Medical Officer
Baltimore City Health Department (topic pending)
16:15-16:45 Legislative Update
16:45–17:15 Closing Remarks, Program Evaluation, CNE Certificates Awarded
Silent Auction Winners Announced
* Lecture Title Subject to Change *
Registration Form
Last Name______First Name______MI: ______
Street: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Email: ______ENA Chapter Affiliation: MBC MMC ESC Other (please circle)
Phone Number: ______Other Number: ______
Name as you would like it to appear on your badge: ______
ENA Number: ______(Must attach copy off ENA card for ENA rates to apply)
RN License Number ______License State: ______(required to get Continued Education)
Hospital: ______Certification Type: CEN CPEN CFRN Other______
Preconference Workshop
_____ ENPC or TNCC Instructor Course (DEADLINE Wed, 1 May 2016)
ENA Member- $125.00
Non ENA Member- $ 150.00
Conference Registration
______Conference Registration ______
ENA Member- $100.00 (Early Bird - postmarked by 10 May 2016)
Non ENA Member- $115.00 (Early Bird – postmark by 10 May 2016)
ENA Member- $120.00 (post marked after 10 May 2016)
Non-ENA Member- $135.00 (post marked after 10 May 2016)
Student Rate: $50.00 (Early Bird by 10 May 2016)
Student Rate: $60.00 (after 10 May 2016)
NEW MEMBER RATE (Joined ENA for FIRST time in 2016) $50.00 (Proof of new membership due at registration)
______Pre-Conference and Conference Registration ______
ENA Members: $ 215.00 (Early Bird)
Non ENA Members: $255.00 (Early Bird)
ENA Members: $245.00.00 (after May 1st, 2016)
Non ENA Members- $285.00 (after May 1st, 2016)
______Silent Auction Donation: ______
-Note: If you are paying by Credit Card must have a valid email address listed above for invoicing purposes
-Registrants paying by Credit Card through PayPal can email registration forms to:
-Please make check or money orders payable to: “Maryland State Council of Emergency Nurses Association”
-Mail Registration form and Payment to: Gary Hicks, 500 Upper Chesapeake Drive, Bel Air, MD 21015