Kirkwood Community College

ECE 170 Child Growth and Development

Child Growth and Development

ECE 170

Instructor Name / Laura Vaske
Instructor Contact Info and Office Hours / LRC Stage 7:45-8:15 free, 11:45-1:30 free (please set up meeting time with instructor)
Email: phone: 319-730-3689
Meeting Times: / M-F 2:00-3:25 (times will vary based on schedule)
Semester Credits: / 3 credits
Course Description: / Reviews typical and atypical development of children from conception to adolescence in all developmental domains. Examines interactions between child, family and society within a variety of community and cultural contexts and how each impacts the developing child. Examines theories and evidence- based practices associated with understanding and supporting young children.
Prerequisites: / Child Development 1: Prenatal to Preschool with an 80%+
Required Materials: / Provided Textbook For Use During This Quarter:
Rathus, S (Current Edition) CDEV, Wadsworth, Cengage, Belmond, CA
Course Outcomes and Competencies: / This course addresses National Association for Education of Young Children Standards (and Social Science Objectives – SS ) by providing opportunities for students to:
1.  Compare and contrast the major theories of development. NAEYC Standard 1a. (SS # 2)
2.  Identify characteristics of effective research. NAEYC Standard 1b. (SS #1, 3, 4, 5)
3.  Recognize a range of typical and atypical skills and behaviors in each developmental domain and understand that growth, development & learning are progressive. NAEYC Standard1a.
4.  Describe experiences linked to children’s ages, individual strengths, interests and needs that support learning and development. NAEYC Standard 2b .
5.  Discuss evidenced-based strategies used to support families by identifying family structures, routines, preferences and unique positive aspects of each family. NAEYC Standard 2a.
6.  Explain the influences of family, culture, language, ability and community on each child’s development. NAEYC Standard 2b.
7.  Describe how exceptionalities influence individual children and families. NAEYC Standard 2a.
8.  Analyze development using observation and assessment techniques. NAEYC Standards 3a, 3d. (SS#4)
9.  Explore professional skills: commitment to NAEYC Code of Ethics, dispositions of effective educators including cultural awareness and sensitivity. NAEYC Standard 6b. (SS#5)
This course addresses Kirkwood Social Science (SS) Core Objectives by providing opportunities for students to:
1.  Examine how and why the discipline conducts science, analyzes data and draws conclusions
2.  Compare and contrast classic and contemporary perspectives within the discipline.
3.  Examine classic and contemporary research within the discipline.
4.  Discuss strategies to address ethical challenges face by the discipline
5.  Describe how and individual or groups can be influenced by social, cultural or political institutions


ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT LEARNING: Students will be assessed on the following assignments.

A. Observations and Participation Eight

Students will make observations of children. . Observations will be written on each of the following areas of development:

·  social, emotional

·  intellectual

·  language

·  physical development – fine and gross motor development

B. Research Paper One

Choose a child development topic that is of interest and explore in more depth. The paper should utilize a minimum of three evidence based resources (no text books, no random internet articles). The paper will be typed and stapled in the left hand corner. Grammar, spelling and punctuation are a portion of the grade. Papers must include a bibliography using the APA format.

Topics must be approved by the instructor by the date stated in the course outline. Approximate length of the paper is six to -ten pages. An outline and a rough draft will be handed in on specified dates. Potential topics will be discussed in class.

C. Research Reports Three

In this assignment students choose a topic that covers some aspect of child development (For example: play, gender roles, aggression, moral development, effects of television, parenting styles, etc.)and find a research study on the topic in a professional journal (e. g. Journal of Educational Psychology, Child Development, Exceptional Children, Early Childhood Research in Practice (on-line journal), or Early Childhood Education, Kirkwood Library and other college libraries all have accessible journals. You may also utilize EBSCO.

Read the report and find the answers to the questions that follow:

1.  Who were the investigators and what was the aim of the study?

2.  How did the investigators measure the topic of interest?

3.  Who were the children in the study?

4.  What was the design of the study?

5.  Were there ethical concerns in the study?

6.  What were the results of the study?

7.  What did the investigators conclude?

8.  What was your impression of the study?

9.  What did you learn from this study that will help you to be a more effective educator?

This is not at research paper. The format will include the question by number and your answer. Answers should be written in a paragraph form. The evaluation should be typed and a copy of the first page of the report which includes the abstract should be attached.

D. Participation assignments:

There will be a variety of participation activities in class each day. Some will be graded and will provide feedback to the student and instructor and some will be practice.

E. Exams

End of unit exams will be multiple choice and/or short answer/essay.

F. Quizzes

Quizzes will be given over each chapter of the text. These are intended to help you prepare for the exams.

G. Attendance and participation:

Regular attendance is expected. Contact instructor prior to class to communicate absences and determine action of coursework.

Late Work/Make-up Test Policy: / Due dates are to be adhered to. Prior approval for late assignments or missing a test must be received or a 20% deduction will occur. Make-up tests must be arranged outside of class.

Class Attendance

Policy and College




As stated in the Student handbook: In compliance with Public Law 105-244, Kirkwood Community College makes a wide variety of general institutional information available to students.

For additional information, go to:
Regular class attendance is expected. Contact your instructor if you will be absent and promptly complete any make-up work.

Plagiarism Policy:

/ See Student Policies: Academic and Enrollment Policies
Campus Closings: / See Student Policies: General Policies and Student Rights
Learning Environment Expectations: / We believe that the best learning takes place in an environment where faculty and students exhibit trust and mutual respect.
In a productive learning environment, faculty and students work cooperatively, recognize and respect differences, model the values of character and citizenship, and become lifelong learners.
To minimize distractions, cell phones should be on silent and kept put away unless instructor gives approval for usage.
Americans with Disabilities Act: / Students with disabilities who need accommodations to achieve course objectives should file an accommodation application with Learning Services, Cedar Hall 2063 and provide a written plan of accommodation to your instructor prior to the accommodation being provided.
Midterm Grades / For Linn-Mar, grades will be recorded weekly in PowerSchool.
For Kirkwood, a midterm grade will be calculated and posted on EagleNet. The grade will be posted as “A” through “F” or as “S” (satisfactory) or “U” (unsatisfactory). The midterm grade is a grade-in-progress, and will not affect your official GPA, nor will it impact financial aid. The midterm grade has three purposes: first, to communicate your academic performance; second, to provide opportunities for you to discuss progress with your instructor; and third, to allow Kirkwood to design college-wide intervention programs that will improve student success
Student Evaluation:
How final grades are determined:
Grading Scale / Points Percent of Grade
Research Paper 50 16%
3 research reports 30 10%
5 observations 50 16%
Attendance/Participation 30 10%
Quizzes 50 16%
Exams 100 32%
310 100
Grading Scale:
A 93% 4.0
A- 90% 3.67
B+ 87% 3.33
B 83% 3.0
B- 80% 2.67
C+ 77% 2.33
C 73% 2.0
C- 70% 1.67
D+ 67% 1.33
D 63% 1.0
D- 60% .67
F 59% and below 0
Drop Date: / See your Linn-Mar counselor regarding dropping this class.
The following is Kirkwood’s drop policy: To get the last day to drop a class, or the last day for a 50% or 100% refund, go to any of EagleNet’s search for sections screens. You don’t even have to login if you just click EagleNet for Students and then Search for Sections.
In EagleNet for Faculty when you’re logged in, the last item under Faculty Information is your Search for Sections link:
Students dropping a class during the first two weeks of a term may receive a full or partial tuition refund for 16 week terms, for shorter courses check with Enrollment Services for total withdraw information.
The last date to drop this class for this term is ______.
Details of the refund schedule can be found under Academic & Enrollment Policies at:
Final Exam Information: / Final exams are scheduled during the last week of the term. The final exam for this class is scheduled on __May 23rd, 2017______at __2:00 P.M.______.

Emergency Information:

/ See Facilities: Emergency/Crisis Information
Other Information: / Check Refund Policy at:
Professional Portfolio / Portfolio Artifacts:
If enrolling in Kirkwood’s Early Childhood Education Program: All students will be expected to present artifacts from this course that they deem suitable for a cumulative professional portfolio. The artifacts will serve as evidence of the students' understanding of the Early Childhood Standards as outlined by NAEYC.

Course Outline


Week Topic[1] Assignment

Introduction to Course

ONE What is Child Development. Chapter 1

Theories of child development

Controversies in child development

Differing views of child development

Developmentally appropriate vs. Culturally appropriate

What is Child Development Chapter 1

How we study child development

TWO Child Observations Forman, G., & Hall, E. (2005).

Wondering with children: The

importance of observation in early

education. Early Childhood

Research and Practice, 7(2).

Heredity and Conception. Chapter 2

THREE Prenatal Development Chapter 3

Birth and the Newborn Chapter 4

FOUR Infancy: Physical Development. Chapter 5 (n.d.) Assure Baby’s Physical Development;

Identifies typical and atypical development.

Infancy: Cognitive development. Chapter 6

FIVE Infancy: Social and Emotional Dev Chapter 7

Early Childhood: Physical Dev Chapter 8

SIX Early Childhood: Cognitive Development. Chapter 9

Supplemental articles on Down Syndrome, FAS, Autism for group activity – See CLAD Curriculum Map

Early Childhood: Social and Emotional Dev Chapter 10

SEVEN Middle Childhood: Physical Dev Chatper 11

White-Traut, E (Jan 2007) Early Motor Delays

Middle Childhood Cognitive Dev Chapter 12

EIGHT Middle Childhood: Social and Emotional Dev Chapter 13


NINE Finals Week


6/8/11; 7/26/11; 8/1/11; 2/21/14; 5/14

[1] Issues of culture, language, and ability will be infused throughout this sequence.