An Experiment of the ICI3 Scheme for Retrieving Atmospheric Parameters over China
Xuebao Wu, Fengying Zhang, Lydie Lavanant,
Pascal Brunel, Wenjian Zhang and Yuanjing Zhu
National Satellite Meteorological Center, Beijing, China
Department of Atmospheric Science of Peking University, Beijing, China
Centre de Météorologie Spatiale, Météo-France, Lannion, France
This report reviews briefly the ICI retrieval method. An experiment was carried out to retrieve the temperature and humidity profiles from NOAA-16 ATOVS data over China. The ICI physical retrieval scheme with some adaptations is implemented in this study. The analyses of the Chinese regional NWP model are utilized to create a rolling library for initial guess field. Retrieval results validated against both NWP analyses andradiosondes indicate good agreement between the retrieved temperature and humidity profiles and conventional observations.
ATOVS Preprocessing
The AAPP (ATOVS and AVHRR Preprocessing Package, Klaes 1997) has been installed to process the relay HRPT data from the 3 receiving stations (Beijing, Guangzhou and Urumqi). The radiances from ATOVS instruments are interpolated to the HIRS sounder’s field of view. With high-resolution AVHRR data as well as AMSU data, the cloud detection technique for current ATOVS is improved greatly. Figure 1 shows such an example of the cloud cover. When available in the FOV of the HIRS, such information enhances the cloud detection for selecting initial guess and inversion process.
Retrieval Atmospheric Profile
The radiance leaving the earth-atmosphere system which can be sensed by a satellite-borne radiometer is the sum of the radiation emissions from the earth’s surface, each atmospheric level and those reflected by the surface. For a non-scattering stratified atmosphere in local thermodynamic equilibrium, the radiative transfer equation can be expressed as
It is necessary to acquire realistic initial guess in ICI scheme.
Generally the analysis of NWP model is more representative of the real atmosphere than climatological data. In our processing, the analyses of the Chinese regional NWP model HLAFS (High-resolution Limited Area Forecasting System) are utilized to create a rolling library of vertical profiles over the last ten days. Once an initial guess profile has been obtained, inversion consists of perturbing this profile under certain limits in order to minimize the error between the measurement and the synthetic brightness temperature of the final profile. The most probable solution is the function minimizing the cost function (Eyre 1989)
Figure 2 is the diagram of ICI scheme implemented in this experiment.
Retrieval Results and Their Validation
The ICI package can be run in many different configurations. In this application, ICI3 (Lavanant et al. 2000) has been run at a thinned resolution of 2 by 2 HIRS pixels which is about 50km*50km. The retrievals are separated due to surface types (sea and land) and cloud conditions (clear and cloudy). The cloud classification is based on AVHRR cloud cover and AMSU precipitation flag. For monitoring the retrieval results and their statistics, a few examples are given below. Figure 3 shows the statistics between ICI retrievals and observations (NWP analyses plus RAOB measurements) for a ten-day period for NOAA-16 ATOVS retrievals over China. The average standard deviation for temperature profile is found to be about 2 Kelvin on 7 layers. Over land the standard deviation reaches 3K near the surface and is about 2K on the 500hPa layer. Figure 4 shows the similar comparison but for humidity profile.
The ATOVS preprocessing and the physical retrieval method ICI have been briefly described in this report. The retrieval results from ATOVS observation are validated against Chinese NWP analyses and radiosondes. These results show good agreement between ICI retrievals and conventional observations. Many Chinese meteorologists are very interested in the retrieved atmospheric parameters for the weather analysis and forecasting etc. The ATOVS radiances are also needed to enable the assimilation of satellite data in a numerical weather prediction model. A joint assimilation study of ATOVS data in the new generation Chinese NWP model is underway between the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Science and NSMC.
Eyre, J.R. 1989. Inversion of cloudy satellite sounding radiance by non-linear optimal estimation: theory and simulation for TOVS, J. Q .R. Meteor. Soc, 115, 1001-1037.
Klaes, K.D. 1997. ATOVS data processing in Europe, Technical proceedings of the 9th International TOVS Study Conference, 20-26 February, Igls, Austria, 267-274.
Lavanant, L. and P. Brunel et al. 2000. ICI Version 3 Retrieval Package, Technical Proceedings of the 11th International TOVS Study Conference, September 20-26, Budapest, Hungary, 203-205.
Fig.1: AVHRR Cloud Cover in HIRS/3 Field of View
Fig.2: The system schematic diagram of ICI inversion processing
Fig.3: The statistics between temperature retrievals and observations (NWP analyses plus RAOB measurements) for a ten-day period for NOAA-16
Fig.4: The statistics between humidity retrievals and observations