8.Grading Policy
The following grading scale will be used for the Nurse Assistant Program:
1. Student must obtain a minimum of 75% grade to pass any test on Theory. This will be based on quizzes, homework assignments, midterm and final test.
2. A final grade for Theory that is below 75% means the student failed in Theory.
3. The Clinical grade is either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. The grade will be based on student performance, check-off times, instructor’s evaluation and student conduct. Unsatisfactory grade means the student failed in Clinical.
A student may repeat the course one time if they fail the final grade in Theory or receive unsatisfactory grade in Clinical. To repeat the course, the student must pay tuition once more, subject to class admission.
Dismissal will not allow the student to repeat the course at Mary Seacole Nursing.
9.Code of Ethics and Confidentiality
Confidentiality of Resident/Patient information is one of the most important concepts in the health care code of ethics. As students, you are to preserve the privacy, dignity and confidentiality of information related to the Resident/Patient.
Many Residents /Patients do not want it known that they are ill or hospitalized. Some may wish to keep their diagnosis confidential.
Breach of confidentiality is a violation of Resident/Patient rights. Residents/patients may lose trust in the healthcare team and will not disclose necessary information that can be essential to their care.
Appropriate communication are to be directed privately among health care workers involved in the Resident /Patient care. Conversations about Resident/Patient must never be held in public (break room, hallways, elevators, cafeteria, outside the facility etc.)
Confidentiality Standard:
Students will not discuss personal information about Residents/Patients that they come in contact with in the clinical observations and or clinical experiences, except with authorized medical and or clinical personnel.
Students will not put Residents’/Patients’ names, initials or identifiable information specific to any Resident/Patient on papers handed in class. Items used for clinical purposes containing Resident’s/Patient’s names or identifiable information will remain or be shredded at the clinical site.
10.Student Rights, Grievance and Due Process Procedures
Any student has the right to grieve or appeal any official decision or judgment that will preclude the realization of their educational opportunities.
An appeal can be initiated by the student to the Program Instructor. If the grievance is not resolved and concerns still exist, the student may appeal with the Program Director/Coordinator.
11.Grounds for Dismissal from the Nurse Assistant Program
Students in classroom or in clinical practice are expected to perform in a manner that ensures safety. If student demonstrates unsafe behavior related to the course, or behavior that is unacceptable as defined by the school, the student will be dropped.
A. Examples of unsafe behavior/practice:
Error not reported immediately to Instructor or Charge Nurse.
Failure to perform clinical skills appropriate to their level of training.
A student behavior that presents a threat to patient safety and well-being.
Attempting to administer patient care beyond their level of training.
Untruthfulness, either in word or writing, concerning patient care.
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