Gratitude is the memory of the heart.
Mary of the Cross MacKillop
It is with deep gratitude that the Sisters of St. Joseph give thanks for the privilege of serving this school community in the role of Principal and Teachers.
We will continue to keep a special place in our prayers for all at Mary MacKillop Memorial School.
Thanks for Friday’s Celebration
On behalf of the Sisters of St. Joseph I would like to thank everyone who was involved in preparing for the celebrations last Friday. The liturgy was simple yet beautiful, our students were again a great source of pride as they sang, and did the various jobs they had. The luncheon was very much appreciated by all the visitors; again the generosity of our parent community was very much evident.
Particular thanks needs to go to Sonya Foggo, Anne-Marie Williams and Kathryn Mules who coordinated the day.
Thanks everyone Sr. Niesha
SRC News
This Friday, 2nd December, the SRC are running a ‘Fundraising for Peru’ day. Students are able to wear casual clothes for the cost of a gold coin.
Students are asked to bring an empty drink can or bottle (or 3 or 4) to be put in the Peru recycling.
Sr Chris will be selling items from Peru (finger puppets, friendship bracelets and brooches) for costs of $1.00, $2.00, $4.00.
Sr Chris will also have a stall for the adults. She will have this set up during the morning. These items are more expensive, but could be great Christmas gift ideas.
All money raised will be donated to the Sisters of Saint Joseph who work in Peru.
Thanks, Hamish Gleeson
Additional information from Sr Chris:
Finger puppets $4.00, Friendship bands $1.00, Pin on dolls $2.00, Christmas decorations – beaded stars or bells $5.00, Fabric decorations $4.00, Bracelets $10.00 and a few other small items between $2.00 and $12.00. Sr Chris will have Bawcoodalyn open for adults between 8.30 – 9.30am and 2.30 – 3.30pm on Friday, December 2nd.
The last Parent Club meeting for the year is being held tonight at Terra Rossa Wine Club. Come along for dinner at 6pm, or 7pm if you just wanted to attend the meeting. All are welcome!
Christmas Mass Times
Masses for Christmas are:
Christmas Eve - December 24th at 6.30pm at Penola
Christmas Day – December 25th at 9:00am at Penola
Concert Practice
Students will be practicing at Rymill Hall on Tuesday, December 6th. Please bring all costume items for this practice.
Reception Tens Packs
Would children please return their complete 'Reception Tens Packs' to school.
Thank you, Kathryn Mules and Lyn Davis
Royal Life Saving Society Swimming Lessons
The first week of the school holidays RLSS will be holding swimming lessons at Penola Pool – Monday 19th -23rd December 2011. Classes are for primary school aged children (5yo-13yo) covering RLSS Swim & Survive Levels 1 – 7. Lessons will be 40 minutes long involving both water safety and stroke development. Cost per child is $27 and there are limited spaces available. To enrol contact Rhett McDonald on
04485 40376
Penola Community Library Holiday Opening Hours
43 Cameron St PENOLA 5277, Phone 8737 2838
Library will close Wednesday 21 December at 4.00pm and
re-open Tuesday 10 January 2011 at 10.00am
Tuesday 10.00am – 8.00pm
Wednesday 9.30am – 4.00pm
Thursday9.30am - 4.00pm
Friday 9.30am - 4.00pm
Saturday 9.30am - 12noon
Closed Thursday 26 January 2012
Closed for lunch 12.30pm - 1.00pm
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Children who wish to send letters to Father Christmas can do so through Australia Post and have to be posted by December 16th with their name and address on the back of the envelope.
Included in this Newsletter
- Millicent basketball note
8thSchool Concert 6.30pm
12thGraduation and End of year Mass and BBQ
16thEnd of Term 4
Key dates in 2012
In keeping with the formation of the South East Catholic Schools Network and to help your planning the following dates have been set.
- Tuesday 24/01/12 - Staff commence
- Term 1 Monday 30/01/12 - Students commence
Parent morning tea down the street after assembly - 13/03/12 - Professional Learning Day (Pupil Free)
- Term 1 holidays 06/04/12 – 22/04/12
Good Friday 06/04/12
Easter Sunday 08/04/12 - Term 2 – Monday 23/04/12 Students return
- Friday 08/06/12 - Professional Learning Day (Pupil Free)
- Term 2 holidays 30/06/12 – 15/07/12
- Term 3 Monday 16/07/12 Professional Learning Day (Pupil Free)
- Tuesday 17/07/12 Students return
- Friday 31/08/12 - Staff Retreat (Pupil Free)
- Term 3 holidays 22/09/12 – 07/10/12
- Term 4 - 08/10/12 Students return
- Friday 26/10/12 - Professional Learning Day (Pupil Free)
- 14/12/12 School closes for 2012