Barnstable Community Horace Mann Charter Public School (BCHMCPS) / Date: / March 25th, 2013 / Time: / 6:00 p.m.
Board of Trustees / Location: / BCHMCPS Staff Room
Chaired by: / Ronald Bearse, Chair
Recorded by: / Diana Sherburne, Parent
Attendees: / Ronald Bearse, Chair; Andrea Wood, Vice Chair; Dianne Gauthier, Treasurer; Brooke Boothe, Molly Fedele, Molly Sproul, Alik Taylor, Marilee Cantelmo, School Leader, Kathleen Capo, Judy Grant,
Absent: / Mary Lyons
Guests: / Lynore Frew, Beth-Anne Allen, Dave Kanyock, Debra Hemeon
Regular Meeting Minutes
Agenda Item / Substance of Discussion / Decisions / Action Steps / Responsible / Due Date
Call to Order / At 6:07 p.m. Board Chair Ronald Bearse called the Board of Trustees Meeting to order and read the Mission Statement.
Public Comment / At 6:10 p.m. Ron opened the meeting to Public Comment. Citing no requests, Public Comment was closed.
Reports / Ron reviewed Action Steps from last month’s minutes. Andrea and Dianne will create a brief formal written request on behalf of the BOT (requirement of bylaws) to Jen McCartin of Friends regarding their $9500 contribution and what it will be used for (Charter initiatives). There were two errors in minutes to be corrected that Diana will do and send when revised to Andrea. All actions steps addressed and closed. Andrea Wood made the motion to approve the March 4th, 2013 regular meeting minutes. Kathleen Capo seconded. All were in favor; none opposed. Motion was approved. / Vote to approve
3/4/13 Regular
Meeting Minutes / Andrea and Dianne send Jen McCartin letter regarding $9500 that Friends is contributing.
Diana will correct errors on 3/4/13 minutes and send to Andrea.
PTO (continued) / Diana Sherburne reported.
-Bowling Night raised $400
-The Walk-a-thon raised about $2500, the PTO plans to do in the fall when the weather is better and hopes to raise even more money. Hopefully get business sponsorship.
-Presently PTO is having an art fundraiser with students’ artwork that can be purchased. Art teacher Nancy Miller assisted with creating these. The PTO thanks Nancy for all of her dedication to this fundraiser!
-Paul Curry from Bay State Textiles attended our last PTO meeting to inform us of a wonderful opportunity to recycle textiles while raising money for our school. The PTO would use this towards the school playground improvement. Marilee will present this to the school committee and Director of Facilities. It will be a school district wide program in Barnstable if approved like in many others that are doing successfully.
Friends / There was not a Friends Report as there were no members in attendance.
Building Committee / Ron Bearse reported
-Alicea Sader (school parent) will chair.
-Focusing on enrollment, presently there is a 2nd enrollment period.
-The Barnstable Patriot will feature an article.
-Stakeholder meeting was held March 14th.
-The BOT thanked Brooke Boothe for all of her school enhancements (school store cover, sand/salt buckets, window display in halls).
Executive Committee / Andrea Wood reported.
-Charter Renewal Committee has been working on revising the application.
-All classes will be going to Long Pastures funded by a grant.
Finance Committee / Dianne Gauthier reported
-Debra Hemeon has been hired as the new bookkeeper. She passed out the FY Fund 0262 Grant status as of February 28th, 2013.
-Budget will be fine with substitute budget going into the last quarter.
-The Finance Committee and BOT approves $3K towards computer purchases for aftercare, will now request bids from district.
-The excess $23K funds from daycare can be used towards the new playground expenses.
-Presently there are two kindergarten students that school needs additional funding for: one to be tested for Asperger’s and one that has to be in a wheelchair due to leg surgery that requires a nurse. Total costs could be between $8-12K.
-Dianne is checking MOU for wording in budget section as to who is responsible for these costs, school district or BCHMCPS? MOU language should be reviewed. Dianne will look into contacting Stewart Rapp, who is an attorney that helped write MOU, for his feedback. / Dianne to look into MOU regarding possible budget costs for two kindergarten students
Personnel Committee / Andrea Wood reported
-Molly Fedele has assisted in distributing staff surveys, 80% have been returned.
-Parent surveys are ready to be sent out, they are online as well. Survey will run from April1st through April 12th.
-There will be incentive raffle prizes for those parents who return surveys.
-Encourage teachers to get parent/guardian e-mails to send surveys to them instead of paper copy as may be easier and get more responses. So far 120 e-mail addresses have been collected.
School Leader Report
School Leader Report
School Leader Report
(continued) / Marilee Cantelmo reported
-Building and playground update by guest Dave Kanyock.
-Defects on wheels are being repaired, hopefully by next meeting all 3 units will be up and running smoothly.
-Work orders have been submitted to repair leaks in roof that result in buckets needed inside of certain areas of the school. This is a safety issue that needs attention immediately and has not been resolved yet.
-Dave will follow up with this work order. Ron suggested a letter from the BOT to expedite these repairs if necessary.
-Dave stated that entire roof of school will most likely need to be replaced in 2 years. There is also a lot of improvement needed on exterior of school that will be done during the summer, including the front entrance of school. Material used is a plastic fiber called azak. Company that he is working with is Intex. The design will be very similar to what entrance is now.
-Dave is also looking into upgrading all classroom clocks. A wireless option would cost about $15k.
-Dave passed around the most recent playground design to BOT to view. The total cost should be between $100k-$200k.
-Staffing update
-A new bookkeeper has been hired, Debra Hemeon. Openings still remaining to be filled are Behavior Specialist and Technology Assistant. Marilee is presently interviewing candidates
-Lynore Frew began working as an ASP Consultant. ASP Coach Denise Nelson was at the school March 14th (in service ½ day). She will return for two more days in April or May, totaling six days this year.
-The charter renewal team have met so far March 1st , 7th and 22nd. The next meeting is April 4th. The goal of July 12th was set to submit final draft application.
-The Federal Programs Renewal Inspections Site Visit was today, March 25th.
-There were several interviews with staff members.
-A great deal of preparation goes into these site visits. The day went very well and Marilee will share the report as soon as she receives it.
BOT Functions
BOT Functions
(continued) / Ron Bearse reported.
-Vote to extend terms for three BOT members:
Andrea Wood until June 2014
Brooke Boothe until December 2013
Kathleen Capo until June 2014
Ron Bearse made the motion to extend all BOT members terms as stated. Molly Sproul seconded. All were in favor; none opposed. Motion was approved.
-Lynore Frew presented the Setting Priorities: Challenges 2013 to the BOT. Each member had to choose their two out of seven priorities to help develop 3 cadres that help to increase student achievement at BCHMCPS. She will inform BOT of final results as this was presented at the Principal’s Coffee Hour and Staff Meeting as well.
-BOT shared the school events that they attended over the month. Also confirmed the retreat will be on May 13th from 5-8:30pm. Molly Sproul offered her home if needed. / Terms were extended for three BOT members
Adjourn / At 8:12 p.m. Dianne Gauthier made the motion to adjourn the Regular Meeting. Judy Grant seconded. All were in favor, none opposed. The motion was approved. / Vote to adjourn.

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