





The Lake County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Wednesday, January 4, 2006, 2006, at 9:00 a.m., with the following members present: Chair, JR Stewart, Bradley J. Winters, and J. Melvin Dick. Also present: Assistant to the Commissioners, Ray Simms; Assistant County Counsel, Jim Bailey; and Assistant for County Services, Lisa D. Bowler.

Additions to the Agenda: BOPTA Appointments and FBO Contract.

Last Official Meeting for Ray Simms, Commissioners’ Assistant: Commissioner Winters thanked Mr. Simms for his years of dedicated service to Lake County. Ray Simms stated “it has been a wonderful 15 years. I have enjoyed working with all the different Board members, my secretaries and the department heads. It has been a great experience.” Commissioner Stewart commented that it will be nice to have a Town Manager that has Town and County experience.

Election of 2006 Board of Commissioners Chairman and Vice-Chairman: Upon motion by Commissioner Dick, seconded by Commissioner Winters and carried unanimously; the Lake County Board of Commissioners hereby appoints Commissioner JR Stewart as the 2006 Chairman and Commissioner Bradley J. Winters as the 2006 Vice-Chairman.

Appointments to the Board of Property Tax Appeals: Upon motion by Commissioner Winters, seconded by Commissioner Dick, and carried unanimously; the Lake County Board of Commissioners hereby appoints Melvin Dick, Ora Temple, and Alan Parks to the Board of Property Tax Appeals for 2006.

Change Order Number 1 - Lakeview Airport Self Fueling System: Upon motion by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Dick, and carried unanimously; the Lake County Board of Commissioners hereby approves Change Order Number 1 for the Lakeview Airport Self Fueling System for a new contract total of $130,766.58.

Board of Commissioners Liaisons and Committee Assignments: By Consensus of the Lake County Board of Commissioners, the Board of Commissioners Liaisons and Committee Assignments will remain the same as the 2005 assignments.

Right of Way Permits: By Consensus of the Board of Commissioners, Chairman Stewart is authorized to sign Right-of-Way Permit #2005-71, Pat Widenoja.

Fixed Base Operator and Airport Management Agreement: Commissioners’ Assistant Ray Simms explained that only one bid was received. Upon motion by Commissioner Winters, seconded by Commissioner Dick, and carried unanimously; the Lake County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the Fixed Base Operator and Airport Management Agreement upon approval of County Counsel.

Appointment of Interim Planning Director: Upon motion by Commissioner Winters, seconded by Commissioner Dick, and carried unanimously; the Lake County Board of Commissioners hereby appoints J. Melvin Dick as the Lake County Interim Planning Director until the position can be filled.

Resolution No. 01-01-06 In the Matter of the Vacation Proceeding of Certain Public Land Within Lake County: Upon motion by Commissioner Dick, seconded by Commissioner Stewart, and carried unanimously; the Lake County Board of Commissioners hereby approves Resolution No. 01-01-06 declaring the intent to vacate property described as County Road 2-18 lying in the NW1/4 SE1/4 of Section 20, NE1/4 SW1/4 of Section 20 of Township 38 South, Range 20 EWM., Lake County, Oregon.

Animals in Courthouse Policy: Discussion ensued regarding the County’s liability if animals, other than those used to assist the handicapped, are permitted within the Courthouse. By Consensus of the Lake County Board of Commissioners, the accessibility of animals in the Courthouse is limited to those which assist the handicapped. This will be added to the Lake County Personnel Handbook and a notice will accompany the next paychecks.

Upon motion by Commissioner Winters, seconded by Commissioner Dick, and carried unanimously; the Lake County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the minutes of the December 21, 2005 Regular Session and the December 23, 2005 Special Session.

Legal Issues: Assistant County Counsel Jim Bailey provided an update on the legal issues he is currently reviewing and working on. He reported that there is now an offer to repay a portion of a loan given to the Credit Bureau for collection in 1996 for a Mr. Hendrick. Mr. Hendrick is asking to repay $10,000 of the $13,650.85 currently due if we will agree to remove this from his credit report. By Consensus of the Lake County Board of Commissioners, County Counsel is directed to present a letter to Mr. Hendrick advising him to contact the Credit Bureau directly regarding the repayment of a portion of this loan.

Received for the Record: Town Attorney John H. Bogardus provided a letter to the Board of Commissioners explaing the Town of Lakeview’s desire to proceed with an annexation which includes a portion of Missouri Avenue.

Lease of Property for Rotary Community Park: This item is continued to provide staff additional time to explore options.

Update Regarding Emergency Evacuation Plan: Sheriff Phil McDonald asked if the Board of Commissioners has read the draft provided at the last meeting and, if so, are there any suggestions or recommended modifications. Sheriff McDonald made the recommendation that the contact person upon evacuation be the Commissioners’ Administrative Assistant with one back-up incase the Assistant is out of the building. The Sheriff will update the draft plan and return to the Board at a future meeting.

Jail Shift Change Recommendation: Sheriff McDonald provided a list of overtime costs including actual, proposed, and the savings that may be incurred if the shift change were to occur. The Sheriff asked that the shift change be approved pending Union approval and the jail being fully staffed. He agreed that if the shift change does not work as proposed he will take the schedule back to what it is today. Commissioner Winters commended the Sheriff for his hard work on developing this evacuation plan. This item is continued pending Union approval first.

Request from AARP Tax Aide Coordinator for Courthouse Space: Ronald Ellison, Sr. Explained that the AARP Tax Aide was a success last year and he is asking to utilize the same space (room number 307) again for 2006. The space would need to be utilized from February 1, 2006 to April 15, 2006 and the office space will be vacated and cleaned immediately following the April 15, 2006 date. By Consensus of the Lake County Board of Commissioners, hereby agrees to the utilization room number 307 for the AARP Tax Aide Service from February 1, 2006 to April 15, 2006.

Handicapped Accessibility Courthouse Project Update: Commissioners’ Assistant Ray Simms explained that he had approved an extension of the deadline for the submission of bids to December 31, 2005 and one bid was received. The bid has been forwarded to the appropriate parties for review. This item is continued.

Amendment to the CaCoon Contract - Oregon Health and Science University: Public Health Administrator explained that this amendment reflects that we are dedicating 1.5fte. Upon motion by Commissioner Dick, seconded by Commissioner Stewart, and carried unanimously; the Lake County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the Amendment to the CaCoon Contract with the Oregon Health and Science University (Subaward No. 6 BO4MCO4246-01-01.

Resolution No. 2005-104 In the Matter of Unanticipated Funds: Upon motion by Commissioner Winters, seconded by Commissioner Dick, and carried unanimously; the Lake County Board of Commissioners hereby approves Resolution No. 2005-104 directing that $270,000 be added to the Lake County 2005/2006 Budget, Christmas Valley Airport Enhancement Project ($200,000), and Oregon Economic Community Development Block Grant ($70,000).

Resolution No. 2005-105 In the Matter of Unanticipated Funds: Upon motion by Commissioner Winters, seconded by Commissioner Dick, and carried unanimously; the

Lake County Board of Commissioners hereby approves Resolution No. 2005-105 directing that $12,000 be added to the Lake County 2005/2006 budget, Kellogg Grant Income.

Resolution No. 2005-106 In the Matter of Unanticipated Funds: Upon motion by Commissioner Dick, seconded by Commissioner Winters, and carried unanimously; the Lake County Board of Commissioners hereby approves Resolution No. 2005-106 directing that $26,050 be added to the Lake County 2005/2006 budget, Community Disaster ($78.00), Family Planning Grant ($122.00), Info Security ($22,000), Immunization ($3,066), and WIC ($784.00).

Resolution No. 2005-107 In the Matter of Unanticipated Funds: Upon motion by Commissioner Winters, seconded by Commissioner Dick, and carried unanimously; the Lake County Board of Commissioners hereby approves Resolution No. 2005-107 directing that $10,922 be added to the Lake County 2005/2006 budget, Bio Epi ($5,000), Bio Prep ($5,000), and Training ($922.00).

Resolution No. 2005-108 In the Matter of Unanticipated Funds: Upon motion by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Dick, and carried unanimously; the Lake County Board of Commissioners hereby approves Resolution No. 2005-108 directing that $7,000 be added to the Lake County 2005/2006 budget, OMAP Reimbursement.

Sick Leave Transfer Discussion: Commissioner Winters noted that, regarding Elected Officials, Harney County does not allow any transfer of sick leave, Klamath County does not accrue sick leave, and Grant County does not allow transfers from any employees. Commissioner Stewart stated his opinion that if elected officials earn it they should be able to do what they wish with it, unless we make it that sick leave for elected officials is only accrued for retirement purposes. This item is continued.

Ordinance Number 60, Lake County Licensing Program Ordinance for Environmental Health Services: The public hearing was opened at 11:07. With no one wishing to address this matter, the public hearing was closed at 11:09 a.m. Upon motion by Commissioner Winters, seconded by Commissioner Dick, and carried unanimously; the Lake County Board of Commissioners hereby approves Ordinance No. 60, Lake County Licensing Program Ordinance for Environmental Health Services.

Lake County Budget Meeting: By Consensus of the Lake County Board of Commissioners, the Budget Meeting is scheduled for 11:00 a.m., January 31, 2006.

Executive Session: As directed by Chairman Stewart, the Lake County Board of Commissioners hereby moves to Executive Session under ORS 192.660 (1h) at 11:15 a.m. with Commissioners’ Assistant Ray Simms, Assistant County Counsel Jim Bailey, and Assistant to County Services Lisa D. Bowler remaining. The Board returned to regular session at 11:30 a.m. No decisions were made.

By Consensus of the Lake County Board of Commissioners, Assistant County Counsel Jim Bailey to answer with “no objection” to the joint defense agreement between the attorneys for Lake County and the Oregon Department of Justice.

There being nothing further to come before the Board, the Lake County Board of Commissioners work session adjourned at 11:32 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa D. Bowler

Assistant for County Services

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