Monday, December 15,2014 – 6:30p.m. Lincoln Elementary School Library

Board: Tara Mannigel, Tammy Simon, Steve Christianson, Kara McManus, Kelly Cassidy, Josh Dick, Ronnie Word, and Eric Meyer

  1. CALL TO ORDER/Roll Call
  2. Minutes from October Meeting
  3. Tammy motioned to approve, Eric seconded
  4. Treasurers’ Report
  5. Deposit for player registration
  6. Burt trophies for 2014 fall soccer
  7. Eric motioned to approve and seconded by Tammy
  1. REPORTS: (Discussion and/or Action)
  2. Correspondence from the Public
  3. President-Tara Mannigel
  4. No updates
  5. Registrar- Deb Gruenloh
  6. Total registration is 93
  7. Question on uniform on one registration
  8. Email regarding need for new uniform
  9. Schedule meeting for uniform order. Welcome, general information, Q&A, order uniforms.
  10. Uniform exchange
  11. Right to Play for All – R2P4All pays $75, club covers the rest and gets a used uniform if number available.
  12. Add Policies and Procedure for how to handle low income members.
  13. $25 fee to all low income members.
  14. Kelly get Registration form to Josh.
  15. Emails that are returning are unknown.
  16. League Representative–Rick Cherney or fill position??
  17. Rick determining if he can make it and looking for 2 others.
  18. January 17th 9AM is a welcome meeting.
  19. Second meeting in March? to create schedules.
  20. Rick things there should be meetings monthly especially in the winter.
  21. Saturday, March 14 - Monona Terrace in Madison
  22. Tara plans to attend.
  1. BOARD COMMITTEES REPORTS: (Discussion and/or Action)
  2. Coaching–Steve McCann
  3. Try to get things started up sooner. Earlier registration should make this easier..
  4. Organize a coaches meeting
  5. Check volunteer spreadsheet. Tara will send to Steve.
  6. Reserve location for late January coaches meeting
  7. Equipment-Collection/Storage– Ryan and Heather Grissman
  8. Order balls for next season. $16/ball. Rick recommends ordering about 25. Tara will have Ryan contact Rick.
  9. Order pinnies
  10. Medical supplies – Tammy Simon
  11. Gym Scheduling – Tara Mannigel
  12. Winter Dates & Coaches (U14 & upUniforms/Apparel – Fill position
  13. Reserve gym space through Tara if needed.
  14. Referees – Randy Sherman
  15. March 14 new referee class
  16. Scheduling and Fields– Kelly Cassidy
  17. No update
  18. Uniforms – Co-Chair Karen Assplin & Heather Grissman (Kristine Gerndt will assist as well)
  19. Status of potential new uniforms
  20. Volunteer Coordinator – Open position
  21. Added to the site. Tara include in email
  22. Website – Josh Dick & Tara Mannigel
  23. Aplus update – old website host
  24. Registration
  1. OLD BUSINESS: (Discussion and/or Action)
  2. Varsity/Junior Varsity Dugout Update
  3. Tom Carlson working on new blueprint and estimates.
  4. Touch base with Ben from Parks and Rec after blueprints complete
  5. Fall League wrap up
  6. Roles/Responsibilities/Timeline – Kelly to draft
  7. No update yet.
  8. Uniforms
  9. Plan for State Teams trial new uniforms – Kara to follow up
  10. Start with the youngest group and move up
  11. 22 total roster with 18 on a game roster.
  12. Register without a uniform to be handled separately.
  13. Kara to look into uniform
  14. Sponsor letter & list – Kelly
  15. Kelly to send 2014 letter to Tara to review to use for 2015.
  16. Sponsor Bronze, Silver & Gold. Also add them to website.
  1. NEW BUSINESS: (Discussion and/or Action)
  2. Scholarship Committee – 2014/2015 interests
  3. UpdatedScholarship information
  4. Jan. 10 return date?
  5. Change due date to Feb 28.
  6. Marketing –
  7. Banners - Tammy
  8. PDF created for Indoor Tournament (Tara & Kaytrina)
  9. Tournament updated on website
  10. Buyers guide MYSA Registration $150. Run 2 times. Tara send JPG of add.
  11. Kara will get to Buyers guide what Tara has for an ad and what Josh sent for a QR code.
  12. Lamar did 2 bulletin boards for $300 in the past.
  13. Indoor Soccer TournamentSunday March 15.
  14. Sanction the tournament?
  15. To sanction or not to sanction. $500 for the year. Insurance for 1 year was ~$450 through a local insurer. If it sanctioned the players have to be club members. Post on as well. Check with Pat on the costs.
  16. Fee $90
  17. Online Registration and payment?
  18. Parent/Player Meeting
  19. February?
  20. Uniform Order
  21. Date & format?
  22. First 50 registrants – soccer balls
  23. Victory Apparel Sale
  24. Tara collected costs and information
  25. Decide for April sale
  26. Outdoor Soccer Tournament – 2015 date
  27. Chicago Fire Game – when in 2015
  28. MYSA Fundraiser Activities
  29. Reserve a gym
  30. Melody Gardens
  31. Spaghetti Dinner
  32. Pancake Feed
  33. Subway cards
  34. 1 Board Member Opening
  35. Next Meeting Date