Art I
Wicomico County Public Schools
Student Learning Objective
SLO Component / DescriptionAcademic Goal / Summarize the long-term academic goal for students.
Students will be able to draw with accuracy between 4 and 5 three-dimensional objects and correctly shade them to create a realistic pencil drawing. Drawings will include accurate use of perspective drawing, correct use of highlights, shadows, cast shadows, and midtones, and well-managed use of blending techniques. Learning to draw three-dimensionally is a key Art 1 concept.
Data Review and Baseline Evidence / Identify specific data sources used in the data analysis process. Be prepared to submit baseline data for each student during the approval process.
At the end of the Drawing Unit, students will be assessed on their three-dimensional drawing abilities based on their understanding of perspective drawing and shading concepts. This assessment will be in the form of a completed Still Life Drawing art project worth 100 points. To develop baseline data for this SLO, students will be given a pre-assessment where they will be asked to draw two objects with shading according to a given light source. In another question, they will be asked to identify the components of shading (highlight, midtone, shadow, and cast shadow.)
Student Population / Describe and explain why you are targeting these specific students for this SLO.
This SLO is targeted to students’ grades 9 – 12 enrolled in Art 1 during the Fall 2014 semester. Art 1 is a ½ credit semester course. Wicomico County high school students are required to earn a full Fine Arts Credit for graduation; therefore, successful completion of an Art 1 course for most students is a requirement unless students opt for Music. The targeted students selected for this SLO vary in age, ability, and background. Selected students are enrolled as of September 8th (date of pre-assessment) and continually enrolled until the completion of the final post-assessment. SLO students have to maintain or exceed an 80% attendance rate. Absence includes any substantial time lost due to lateness, because much of the information taught and reviewed takes place in the first ten minutes of class.
The starting sample size for this target group is approximately 114 students. Of this total, the majority are 9th graders, though approximately 15% of these students range between 10th and 12th grade. Student population is comprised of regular program students, inclusion students with special needs, ELL students (Spanish, French Creole, and Korean language speakers), and students with instructional IEP’s. Student population represents subgroups such as FARMS and gifted and talented.
At the conclusion of this SLO, the final targeted group count is _____ and represents _____ of
# of Targeted Students / Total # of Students / Percentage Targeted
114 / 114 / 100%
Learning Content / Describe the content focus for this SLO. Cite a reference to the Maryland Common Core State Curriculum, Maryland curriculum, international, national, state, local, or industry standards.
Curricular content for this SLO is based in part on the National Standards for Arts Education and the Maryland Fine Arts Content Standards.
CS1A "Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes, apply media, techniques, and processes with sufficient skill, confidence, and sensitivity that their intentions are carried out in their artwork.”
Outcome 3: Expectation A, Indicator 2:
Develop coordination and skills for using art tools, materials, and techniques.
Outcome 3: Expectation A, Indicator 3:
Use a variety of art media and techniques to create visual expressions.
Learning emphasis will be on having students develop the skills and techniques required to create realistic three-dimensional drawings.
Instructional Interval / Describe the length of the instructional period for this SLO.
School year: 2014-2015. The length of time for instruction related to this SLO is one month and will take place during the fall semester of the 2014-15 school year. Students meet 50 minutes per day, five days per week. Vocabulary and pre-test will be given within first few days of interval.
Evidence of Achievement or Growth / Describe the evidence that will be used to determine student progress or growth throughout as well as at the end of the instructional interval. For example, name the assessment(s) that will be used.
Determination of student growth will include:
• A pre-assessment to establish student's prior skills and understanding of three-dimensional drawing concepts.
• A final score attained on students’ creative production piece. (100 pts.) See rubric for complete breakdown of scores.
Achievement or Growth Target / Describe the expectations for student growth for the students included in this SLO. For example, what score will be required on the assessment(s) to show growth?
Full attainment means that 70% of targeted students will meet or exceed the target score of 70% or higher OR their score will improve over their pre-test score by 25%.
Target Attainment / Define the attainment targets for student growth for the students included in this SLO. That is, use your knowledge of the baseline data and your professional judgment to identify the percentage of students that must meet the SLO growth target to reach Full Attainment.The percentage for Insufficient Attainment should equal the baseline percentage.The percentage for Partial Attainment should be a range between Full and Insufficient Attainment.
Out of 116 students in my Semester 1 Art 1 classes (114 of them meeting TARGET POPULATION criteria), at least 80 will meet the achievement target of 42 correct answers (70%/C-) OR show 25% improvement in score.
Full Attainment / Partial Attainment / Insufficient Attainment
70% or more of students will show growth or meet the achievement target / Between 70% and 60% of students will show growth or meet the achievement target / 60% or less of students will show growth or meet the achievement target
Strategies / Describe the key instructional strategies to be used to support students in reaching the growth target for this SLO.
Instructional strategies will include:
• Pre-test.
• Introduction to vocabulary and drawing concepts via PP and notes. French and
Spanish notes will be provided to students who do not speak English.
• Repeated visual samples of three-dimensional drawings via Smartboard and
in-classroom samples.
Professional Development / Describe professional development that would support your instruction for this SLO. If none, write “n/a.”
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Annotated SLO Form