MONTHLY MEETING MINUTES – October 24th, 2017


Principal: Lesley Motruk Co-Vice President: Casey West

Teacher Rep: Kevin Langenback Co-Vice President: Meg Zimmerman

Teacher Rep: Wendy Popadak Treasurer: Agnes Molnar

Co-President: Lindsey Borgese Secretary: Jennifer Sands

Co-President: Lauren Carber Volunteer Coordinator: Lisa Mazzie

September 2017 MEETING MINUTES- approved


Ø  Nature Walk $16,249.59

Ø  Nature Walk- donation and mailers $3,203

Ø  Redner’s $2,806

Ø  Alumninum Tabs $40

Ø  Babysitting and Gift Cards were the only going out funds last month


Ø  Nature Walk

o  Move the sign-in table closer to Nature Center

o  Add the marching band for next year?

o  Nov. 17th- the assembly for prizes

Ø  Kid Stuff Books

o  Casey West, Stacy Swavely and Joann Gery- collecting funds

o  Benefits Relay for Life and PTFS


Ø  Newsletter- look into SMORES electronic newsletter

Ø  Playground Equipment (Meredith Trotter)- survey the students, coordinate with “grounds” crew; need a chairperson to be the liason

o  Drive4UR School possible fundraiser for next year

Ø  Yearbook – Tanya has all dates needed for photographers

Ø  Dr. Alexis McGloin- Superintendent Visit to our meeting

o  3 tiered bussing

o  4th and 5th grade building opens with the new middle school 2019-2020

o  Benchmark and EDM new resources = positive increase in our test scores

o  Increase in graduation rate over the past 3 years

Ø  Class Directory – grade level reps could handle this task

Ø  Girls on the Run- teacher run- possible to reinstate it this year?

o  Kip to send out an inquiry to teachers

Ø  Pumpkin Night – (Lisa) Volunteers wear PTFS shirts

o  150 pumpkins ordered

o  11 volunteers

o  tattoo station

o  pumpkin painting

o  photo book pumpkin tic-tac-toe

o  exploding pumpkins- green goo with a worm

o  set up at 3:30pm

Ø  Joint PTFS Fall Event Update – (Lindsey)

o  Sensory Table only

o  24 Car Sign Ups

o  low on volunteers

Ø  Holiday Bazaar (Lindsey/Lisa)

o  Raffle Table- Robyn Schramm

§  Family baskets for raffle

§  Teacher experiences for raffle

§  Bike is confirmed for raffle

Ø  Book Bingo

·  Books in the closet

·  Show to be determined- Magician Juggler

Ø  Facebook

o  Scrip Program still being promoted

o  Local Biz advertising is not okay

Ø  Updates on Fundraisers: (Meg and Casey)

o  Redner’s- a large sum was collected $2,806

o  Box Tops – classroom winners – 1600 usually first collection

§  Trophy and class party

o  Aluminum Tabs- $40; no more tabs to be collected!

o  AmazonSmile- holiday shopping; promoted on Facebook

Teacher Representatives- no report

Mrs. Motruk

Ø  November 13-17: National Education Week

o  open visitation 9-10am

o  must register beforehand; no walk ins

Ø  Nov. 6- Cogat testing for 2nd grade

Next meeting is November 14th, 2017
