Hosting Agreement
Accredited Research Organisation and Third Country Researcher
In accordance with the EU Council Directive 2005/71/EC (OJ L 289, 3.11.2005) on a specific procedure for admitting third-country nationals for the purposes of scientific research.
This is a fixed term hosting agreement between the researcher* specified in Section 1 and the Research Organisation specified in Section 4, solely and exclusively for the purpose of undertaking research specified in Section 3. The agreement expires, unless otherwise terminated, on the end date specified in Section 3 of this Agreement.
Title: MrMsMrsDrProf
Surname: Forename(s):
Date of Birth:Nationality:
Passport No:Expiry Date:
Home Country Address:
Irish Address (if available):
Email Address:
Relevant Qualifications:
Awarding Body:
In addition to processing your Hosting Agreement, EURAXESS Ireland can provide you and your family with practical advice and assistance in moving to Ireland. You can visit our website at
Please tick this box if you agree to be added to the Hosting Agreement contact database for updates and invitations to research activities
*”Researcher” means a third country national holding an appropriate higher education qualification, which gives access to doctoral programmes, who is selected by a research organisation for carrying out a research project for which the above qualification is normally required. This includes a person selected by a research organisation for the post of academic lecturer/professor where a core part of their duties is carrying out research. (at least 70%).
N.B. This does not apply to teaching-only positions.
Date of Birth:
Relationship to Researcher:
Passport No:
Expiry Date:
Home Country Address:
Irish Address:
Photo Photo Photo
Title of Research Project:
Purpose of Research Project:
Start Date: End Date:
Gross Annual Salary:
Sources of Project Funding: Amount of Project Funding:
Note:Full details of the project from dated documents drawn up both before the project commences and during the project shall be retained by the Research Organisation.
Name of Research Organisation:
Contact Person: Position:
Phone: Email:
Note:All research organisations must be accredited by the Innovation and Investment Division of the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, before entering into a Hosting Agreement.
Undertakings of Research Organisation
1.This agreement confirms that this research project has been accepted by the research organisation following consideration of its purpose, duration and the availability of the necessary financial resources.
2.This agreement confirms that the research organisation is satisfied that this researcher holds the appropriate higher education qualifications required to carry out the research project named in this agreement.
3.This agreement confirms that the researcher will have sufficient monthly resources to meet his/her (and where appropriate family members) normal living expenses and return travel costs without having recourse to Ireland’s social assistance system.
4.This agreement confirms that the researcher has sickness insurance for all the risks normally covered for Irish nationals employed by the research organisation.
5.The research organisation recognises that the hosting agreement will automatically lapse when the researcher is not admitted or when the contract of employment between the researcher and the research organisation is terminated.
6.The research organisation will promptly inform the EURAXESS Ireland Office of any occurrence likely to prevent the implementation of the hosting agreement.
Undertakings of Researcher
The researcher confirms that he/she undertakes to complete the research project under the agreed terms and conditions as outlined in this agreement and in the contract of employment between the research organisation and the researcher.
I accept and understand the terms and conditions of the hosting agreement outlined above.
Research Organisation (Secretary)
Signature: Date:
Notes:Signatory for research organisation must be the Secretary to the governing body of the organisation or person duly authorised by the governing body to sign this agreement. Contract of Employment for the named researcher must be attached to this hosting agreement.
Affix stamp or seal of Research Organisation:
[1] Family Members in this case means immediate family members i.e. Spouse, natural children or children for which the researcher has official guardianship.