PIP Number(s): /


PRR Number(s): / 425
Change Description: /

Outage Coordination

Protocol Section(s): / 2.1,, 8
Implementation Date: / Phased implementation (See below)
Description of System Change:
PRR 425 is a major revision to Section 8 of the ERCOT Protocols (Planned Outages and Maintenance Outages of Transmission and Resource Facilities). The revision is targeted at improving the accuracy and dependability of Outage Coordination and approval studies for Transmission and Resource Facilities in ERCOT. The PRR also clarifies the procedures for outage coordination of Reliability Resources (RMR, Black Start, and Synchronous Condensers). The improved outage scheduling process will take place in a sequence of steps discussed below and on ERCOT Operations Bulletin No. 67.
What is the change?
PRR 425 clarifies roles and responsibilities between ERCOT, Transmission Service Providers (TSPs) and Resource Entities in the Coordination of outages for Transmission and Resource Facilities. As this PRR makes significant changes to most of Section 8 of the ERCOT protocols, TSPs, Resource Entities and QSEs are highly encouraged to review the revised sections.
Some highlights of the protocol change are:
  • Definitions: Section 2.1 of the protocols has been revised to define Forced, Maintenance and Planned outages. The PRR also introduces level 1, 2 and 3 Maintenance Outages based on the length of time equipment must be removed to prevent a potential forced outage. System changes will be required to implement the designation of the different levels of maintenance outages.
  • Outage Coordination: The PRR adds the following activities as responsibilities of ERCOT in Outage Coordination:
  • Coordination and acceptance or rejection of schedules for Planned Resource Facility Outages scheduled to occur within 8 days of request
  • Review and coordination of changes to twelve (12) month Resource Outage plans to determine how changes will affect ERCOT System Reliability
  • Monitoring the performance of Resources and TSPs with respect to outage schedule updates
  • Single Point of Contact: The PRR clarifies the communications between ERCOT and Resource Entities or TSPs by requiring that these entities designate a Single Point of Contact to coordinate all communications regarding Planned and Maintenanceoutages. The PRR further requires that Resource Entities designate their QSE as the Single Point of Contact for Resource outage coordination. System changes will be required to allow the designation of primary and secondary contacts using ERCOT’s Outage Scheduler application.
  • Timeline for processing outage requests: The PRR defines timelines for the submittal and acceptance or rejection of Planned Outage requests. See section 8.4 of the protocols
  • Reliability Resource Outages: The PRR introduces timelines for submittal and acceptance or rejection of Outage Requests from Reliability Resources (RMR, Synchronous Condenser and Black Start). See section 8.5 of the protocols
When will the change be effective?
PRR 425 will be implemented in phases as system changes are made to the Outage Scheduler application.
Preparation Period: No later than March 31st, 2004, each Resource Entitymustits QSE as its Single Point of Contact for outage coordination and make the needed arrangements for itsoutages to be entered into ERCOT’s Outage Scheduler by the this Single Point of Contact. Resource Entities will need to submit Notice of Change of Information formsto designate Single Point of Contacts for outage coordination until system changes allow entry of the contact information into ERCOT’s Outage Scheduler.
Resource Entities and TSPs must also take steps to have their 12-month outage plans updated no later than May 1st, 2004. Since the needed system changes to allow the scheduling of Resource and Transmission Outages as specified in this PRR will not be in place until later this year, ERCOT will implement a manual outage scheduling processes until these system changes are completed. This manual scheduling process will be posted on the ERCOT website by no later than March 15, 2004. An ERCOT Operational Bulletin has been posted on the ERCOT website describing the steps to be taken during this and subsequent phases of this implementation.
Phase 1: This phase will be effective April 01, 2004. Resource Entities and QSEs will need to follow the new rules for the entry of Planned Outages as outlined in Section 8 of the ERCOT Protocols. The Outage Scheduler will receive all planned outage requests and send acknowledgements market as “ACCEPTED”. ERCOT will study requests submitted 8 days or less before the planned start date and contact the participant when reliability concerns exist.
Phase 2: This phase will begin when most of the system changes to ERCOT’s Outage Scheduler application are complete. See Operational Bulletin No. 67 for descriptions of the components that are planned to be available. Further communication from ERCOT will be sent when this phase is implemented.
Phase 3: This phase will begin when final software changes to the Outage Scheduler are complete. These changes will include version tracking for outage schedules and performance metrics to monitor QSE and TSP outage schedule updates submissions.
You can find details of the protocol language for PRR-426 at the following link:

ERCOT Operational Bulleting No. 67

A Notice of Change of Information form needed for designation of Single Points of Contacts can be found at the following link:

If you have any questions or comments, please contact your ERCOT client service representative. You may also call the general ERCOT client services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT client relations via e-mail at .