The following exercise is intended to clarify the geophysical environment and the spatial relationships among the important objects and places mentioned in the chapter. Locate the following places on the map.

Mark Protestant countries with a P and Catholic countries with a C.

Mark absolute monarchies with an A and parliamentary governments with a P.

Where were most Catholic countries located? Where were most Protestant nations? Is there any apparent connection between religious preference and the existence of absolute monarchy? Can you offer an explanation?

absolute monarchy

Louis XIV


Adam Smith

Mary Wollstonecraft


Anglican church

Jean Calvin


Catholic Reformation


Edict of Nantes


95 Theses indulgences


Denis Diderot

Catherine the Great

social sciences

William Shakespeare

Frederick the Great

Johannes Gutenberg

Martin Luther


John Kay

liberty and equality

Isaac Newton


Lutheranism Henry VIII

Marianne Ehrmann

Encylopaedia Britannica



Glorious Revolution

Leonardo da Vinci

Niccolo Machiavelli


Northern Renaissance

parliamentary monarchy

Frederick the Great


Treaty of Westphalia

Elizabeth I

Scientific Revolution


René Descartes

Thirty Years War

I. The First Big Changes: Culture and Commerce

A. A New Spirit
Identify Francesco Petrarch:
How was his writing different?

B. The Italian Renaissance
When and where does it begin?

When classs does it originate in?


Describe renaissance Painting:

B. The Italian Renaissance
Identify Michelango Buonarotti:

Describe the accomplishments of Leonardo da Vinci:

Describe the accomplishments Nicolo Machiavelli:

Describe Humanism

What did humanism draw on?

C. The Renaissance Moves Northward

When does the Renaissance move north?

Describe the Northern Renaissance:

Where does it start?

How was it dofferent from the Italian Renaissance?

Identify William Shakespeare:

Identify Miguel de Cervantes

D. Changes in Technology and Family

How wa printing important?

Describe changes in the Family

E. The Protestant and Catholic Reformations

What happens in 1517?

What does Luther see as the only authority?

How do vernacular translations aid in luther’s work?

In what ways are Protestant protest used for political gain?

Describe the German opposition to the papacy

What does Henry VIII do?

What does Jean Calvin do?

What is Predestination

Describe the Catholic Reformation

What role do the Jesuits play?

F. The End of Christian Unity in the West

Religious Wars


Who fought the religious wars in France?

Identify Edict of Nantes:

Describe the 30 Years War (1618-1648)

What were the outcomes?

G. The Commercial Revolution
What occurs in the 16th century woith regard to money?

Why does this happen?

H. Social Protest
What is the Proletariat?

How do Attitudes towards poor change?

Explain the Witchcraft hysteria:

A. Did Copernicus Copy?
Identify Nicolai Copernicus:

Identify and explain the significance of al-Urdi, al-Tusi:

II. Science and Politics: The Next Phase of Change
B. Science: The New Authority
How do New instruments add to data collection?

Identiofy Galileo Galilei:

Whose work does he use?

How do Kepler’s observations confirm earlier work?

Idenitfy William Harvey:


Identify Francis Bacon

Explain Empirical research:

Identify René Descartes

Explain Skepticism:

Identify Isaac Newton

Explain System of natural laws

What is Deism?

What system of thought does Locke advocate?

C. Absolute and Parliamentary Monarchies
How is the medieval balance disrupted in the 17th century?

Describe France’s monarchy:

What is an “Absolute monarchy?"

Identify Louis XIV:

Where were Other absolute monarchs ion Europe?

How was England Different?

Explain the English Civil War:

D. The Nation-State
What is a Nation State?

III. The West by 1750

A. Political Patterns

Describe the Great change in central Europe:

Identify Frederick the Great of Prussia:

Continual warfare

Explain the rivalry between France and Britain:

Explain the rivalry between Prussia and Austria:

B. Enlightenment Thought and Popular Culture
How does the Scientific Revolution lead to Enlightenment:

What are the General principles of the enlightenment”

Political science

Identify Adam Smith

Describe the advances in Criminology:

How do the following change at this time:

Women's rights

Protection of children


C. Ongoing Change in Commerce and Manufacturing

Describe Mass consumerism:

Explain the importance of the following to Agriculture:

Nitrogen-fixing crops


Swamp drainage

Potatoes, etc. introduced

Domestic system

D. Innovation and Instability
Explain the phrase “Change becomes the norm:”