Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
Assistant Coach: Andrea Kowalski-Rospierski
Junior Varsity Coaches: Sean Hoffman and Paul Kallwitz
Policies and Expectations
- Introduction:
Welcome to the Stoneman Douglas Lady Eagles Softball program. The following information outlines expectations for the players and their families. All participants are expected to uphold what is expected of them in order to ensure a successful season.
- Academic:
- Student athletesare required to maintain the standard 2.0 GPA that is required by the state for eligibility. However we expect higher GPAsto continue with our outstanding academic record.
- Student athletes must also make up any and all missed assignments, quizzes, or tests due to games and tournaments. It is the player’s responsibility to speak with her teachers in order to make up work when necessary.
- Student athletes are also expected to seek additional academic help when necessary.
- Behavior
- Each player is expected to conduct herself in an appropriate manner in the classroom and on campus. Trips to the office, detentions, cutting classes, and violating the Broward County Code of Conduct will not be tolerated and may be grounds for dismissal from the team.
- Players are representing the softball program and need to conduct themselveswith a certain decorum. Players are expected to have a positive attitude and be motivated to succeed through hard work and dedication.
- All players MUST to be on time and prepared for scheduled events.
- Players are expected to be at ALL scheduled practices, games, and tournaments. Failure to do so may have an impact on roster selections. (If there isn’t an emergency in the family you are expected to be at practice. Please notify your coach well in advance.)
- Players, coaches, and families are always expected to act with respect.
- No Jewelry is to be worn by players during practice and games.
- Players must dress properly on campus and follow the dress code.
- All players are required to wear the proper practice gear for practices and games. Players are also expected to wear Stoneman Douglas Softball shirts on game days.
- To keep the program running in a professional manner, only players and coaches are allowed on the field before, during and after practice and games. Parents, brothers, sisters, and any other family members or friends are not permitted on the field, or in the dugout and practice areas at any time.
- ALWAYS BE PROUD TO BE AN EAGLE! Players represent themselves, their team, and their school.
All rule violations will be dealt with on an individual basis by the coaching staff and the player immediately. Consequences/Punishments for violating any of the above stated rules: extra running, being sent home, or possible suspension or dismissal from the team.
- Fundraising and Volunteering:
- All players are expected to fundraise and volunteer their time.
- All the parents or family members of the players are encouraged to participate in all fundraising efforts and/or committees that will be discussed at Booster Club meetings.
- Parent/Coach Relationship:
- It is important for parents and coaches to communicate when necessary in a respectful and logical manner. The coaching staff is always willing to discuss any concerns, whether they be in regards to softball (excluding playing time), academics, or personal matters. However, it is important to conduct conversations at appropriate times.
- Parents are not permitted to discuss playing time with any coach.
- Parents are not permitted on the field or in the dugouts during practices, games, or tournaments.
I have read the above information and agree to all the above guidelines. Any violation of the above will be handled on an individual basis and may involve suspension or dismissal from the program.
Player Name: ______
Player Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______