Those in Attendance: - Jill Olsen - Bob Mollman - Sarah Pinion - Michelle Bell

- Craig Novak - Jeff Selfridge - Greg Hapgood - Erik Miles

- Nick Glew - Al Beach


PREVIOUS MINUTES: - Michelle moved, Jill 2nded, vote unanimous.

TREASURER’S REPORT: - End Polio Now: Have until Friday to donate. Nick suggested we send an email to the membership to notify them of this (only seven donated so far).

- 501.c.3: Erik gave Tom W. documents yesterday.

- Nick moved to approve – Jill 2nded, vote unanimous.

OLD BUSINESS: - Shoes: Made $2,500 through direct donations – will be sending thank-you notes.

- Siren Wednesday: November 3rd, Cibo’s.

- Cookie Dough: Fundraiser ended yesterday (Wendy hasn’t totaled yet).

- TCR White Christmas: $50 profit to date.

- Membership: Sharon Woodward has resigned effective end of October (consistently couldn’t get out of work to come to meetings – banker’s hours).

- Jeff will send __?__ Turano a note and brochure. (?)

- Special Meeting 9-30-10: Addendum – For NPO members, let them pay dues and then for meals only when they attend. NPO shall be a financial beneficiary of our club service projects during the current year or immediate past year. Member will be charged $56 every six months. Nick, Jill & Bob moved to table the issue – don’t want to rush through on policy items, Al 2nded, no vote (I think it would’ve been unanimous if we had voted).

- Media Person for Membership: Al to approach two people (at least Cassie Willis).

- Foundation: Want to sell value of Foundation & all projects they do (not just Polio Irradication).

- Interact: kickoff meeting this __?__ - meet with Jessica Schamberger who’s running Wash’s interact club. Jill Ackerman has agreed to be our liason. Dave Nicholson agreed to be her back-up if she occasionally can’t make a meeting.

NEW BUSINESS: - Board Election: Need to do in November (Assembly Nov. 13th). Bob Mollman’s and Jill Olsen’s terms are up. Need two new Directors (Jacob Wittrock and Mike Tiernan have expressed interest).

-  Conflict of Interest: (I don’t know what this was about – I just noted ‘Hold until Tom W. can review and comment’).

-  Potential Fundraiser: Coffee sales (thru Rotary Int’l?). Sell for $10, our club makes $3, RI makes $.32. Minimums apply?

-  Duckinator: One of the dragons the Marion kids made for the Swamp Fox parade is in disrepair. Let’s take a collection to raise money to refurbish it.

That’s all she wrote . . .

MEETING ADJOURNED: - Nick moved, Bob 2nded, vote was UNANIMOUS ! (what else?)

NEXT MEETING: - November 17, 2010 (Mr. Beans probably)