Instructor: Amy Severino
Week Of: 9-13 through 9-17 / Class: ASL I-CP
Periods: 2, 8-9 and 12
Monday / NJCCCS:
7.1 Communication-Basic / Essential Question(s) / Objectives:
Students will learn the Manual Alphabet
Students will learn the structure for introductions including a Closing Signal / Instruction: Unit 1 “Getting to know You”
  1. A-Z Game-receptive skills (On the board-cross off the letter signed.)
Review structure for giving your name and asking for a name. [ME NAME A-M-Y ME ]
  1. Meet your classmates---introduce yourself to all classmates, write down the names of all classmates—complete form. Use workbook as a reference if needed.
/ Differentiation / Modifications:
11, 12, 20, 22
Interdisciplinary NJCCCS: / Assessment:
Tuesday / NJCCCS:
7.1 Communication-Basic / Essential Question(s) / Objectives:
How do we recognize and use formal and informal greetings in ASL? How do we conjugate the verb to be? How do we use deixes and eye gaze to refer to others?What is the proper way to greet someone in ASL? / Instruction: Unit 1 “Getting to know You”
  1. WARM-UP/REVIEW: Student Workbook pg. 1 #’s 1 and 2. A-Z
  2. Bingo A-Z
  3. Manual Alphabet Quiz
  4. Introduce text book-student intro, Meet the Characters pg. 3 and 4 and “Picture Word” worksheet A-Z practice. Distribute texts
  5. Inside/Outside Asking/Giving Name review
  6. Survival Signs-model signs voice-off.
  7. Application : Steal the Bacon to assess comprehension [Use letters and signs not #]
/ Differentiation / Modifications:
Interdisciplinary NJCCCS:
3.3, 3.4, 2.5 / Assessment: (Q)
QUIZ: Manual Alphabet= 25 pts.
Wednesday / NJCCCS:
7.1 Communication-Basic / Essential Question(s) / Objectives:
How do we recognize and use formal and informal greetings in ASL? How do we conjugate the verb to be? How do we use deixes and eye gaze to refer to others?What is the proper way to greet someone in ASL? / Instruction: Unit 1 “Getting to know You”
  1. Introduce responses to HOW ARE YOU?
Use DVD-signs are modeled.
Use greetings overhead- Pg. 5 textbooks. Distinguish greetings for people we know (informal) and people we don’t know or adults (formal). Use pictures to demonstrate differences-adults, friends, etc.. Volunteers participate while teacher introduces the ASL for each greeting.
  1. Independent Practice: Students are given identities of various people. Students approach each other, ask for names and use the appropriate greeting. Students have cards with response choices. After a conversation students should exchange cards to give practice with ALL new vocabulary. Students must meet 10 classmates, record who they met and how they are doing.
/ Differentiation / Modifications:
Interdisciplinary NJCCCS:
3.3, 3.4, 2.5 / Assessment:
Thursday / NJCCCS:
7.1 Communication-Basic / Essential Question(s) / Objectives:
How do we recognize and use formal and informal greetings in ASL? How do we conjugate the verb to be? How do we use deixes and eye gaze to refer to others?What is the proper way to greet someone in ASL? / Instruction: Unit 1 “Getting to know You”
  1. Review Survival Signs –Steal the Bacon
  1. Review format for introductions-modeling and guided practice while asking students their names and
providing support to ensure correct grammar is used.
  1. Introduce verb to be pg. 6 textbook. Students are representatives of you, she/he, we and they.
/ Differentiation / Modifications:
20, 22
Interdisciplinary NJCCCS:
3.3, 3.4, 2.5 / Assessment:
Friday / NJCCCS:
7.1 Communication-Basic / Essential Question(s) / Objectives:
What is the proper way to greet someone in ASL? How do we recognize and use formal and informal greetings in ASL? How do we conjugate the verb to be? How do we use deixes and eye gaze when referring to others? / Instruction: Unit 1--- introductions
  1. Review Survival Signs –Steal the Bacon
  2. Wkbk pg. 3 #’s 5 and 6; A-Z races with groups of 5;
  3. Review conjugation of verb to be Write on the board pg. 6 and review with students.
  4. Teach intro to glossing—wkbk Unit 1 Glossing
  5. Inside/Outside circles do C1 pg. 7 Greet and How Are You?
  6. Review new greetings C3 pg. 7 Teacher asks whole class for responses to 1-8
  7. Introduce MORE GREETINGS PG. 7 Students complete C 2 pg. 7 Create a dialogue Teacher models 2 examples. Independent work. Expressive Grade WRITING-ASL translation
/ Differentiation / Modifications:
Interdisciplinary NJCCCS:
3.3, 3.4, 2.5 / Assessment:
Expressive =20 pts
Writing = 10 pts.


Principal’s Comments: