
Marine Strategy Framework Directive: Common Implementation Strategy

Working Group on Economic and Social Assessment

Meeting of 5-6 July 2010, Stockholm

Draft Agenda

Monday 5th of July

13.00 Registration and lunch

14.00 Agenda Item 1 - Welcome, introduction, adoption of agenda and notes of previous meeting (14 April 2010)

14.15 Agenda Item 2 - Commission update

-  Progress in other working groups

-  Conclusions from the last meeting with Marine Directors, Sif Johansson, European commission

14.30 Agenda Item 3 – Updated work programme and milestone plan

-  Presentation of revised work programme and milestone plan, Philip Stamp, Defra, United Kingdom

-  Discussion

15.00 Agenda Item 4 - Lessons learnt from WFD

Presentation of ministudy on lessons learnt from WFD relevant for MSFD , Anita Payne, European Commission

15.30 Tea/coffee break

15.45 Agenda Item 5 –Pressures and drivers and descriptors

Presentation of Stuart Rogers, CEFAS work with pressures and drivers (environmental point of view) and Eftec, Ian Dickie on the implications for the economic analysis.

16.15 Agenda Item 6 – Data needs regarding costs and benefits of measures

Presentation of paper by lead author, Kari Hyytiäinen, MTT, Finland


17.00 Agenda item 7 – Baltic Survey

Presentation of the subproject in the project Baltic STERN. Åsa Soutokorva, Enveco, Environmental Economics Consultancy Ltd, Sweden.

17.30 Agenda item 8 – Knowseas

Presentation of the project Knowseas. Its purpose is to develop a comprehensive scientific knowledge base and practical guidance for the application of the Ecosystem Approach and includes a economics work programme which is covering issues such as the costs of degradation of marine environment, costs and benefits of measure to improve the marine environment.

18.00 Drinks reception

Tuesday 6th of July

08.30 Arrivals, coffees

09.00 Agenda item 8- Advances from the OSPAR feasibility study

Presentation by Eftec , Ian Dickie

Open discussion

10.00 Agenda Item 9 - Core content and assumptions of Initial Assessment (ie common understanding of article 8(1) (c) and the minimum requirements)

Presentation of paper by the lead authors Kirsty Inglis, Defra and Henrik Scharin, SRC (Stockholm Resilience Centre)

Presentation of scoping study about the socioeconomic aspects of the MSFD, ARCADIS, Lieven De Smet, Belgium, (the whole report is available at circa)


11.30 Tea/ Coffee break

11.45 Agenda Item 10 – Business as Usual scenarios

Presentation of paper by the lead authors Kevin Brady, Marine Scotland and Torben Wallach, Ministry of Environment, Denmark


13.00 Lunch

14.00 Discussion in groups

Topics: (to be decided)

15.00 Tea/coffee break

15.15 Agenda Item 11 - Forward planning

Review of meeting outputs

Agenda and papers for next meeting

16.15 Meeting closed