Scott Bruno
Stay motivated- Work Hard- Patience
Athletic directors, ordinarily known as “AD’s” act as administrators at the college/university level, large high schools and middle schools. Athletic directors supervise coaches and any other staff members who are involved in the athletic program. Athletic director’s main responsibility is to provide supervision in the school’s athletic department. AD’s need to deal with budgets that include, coaches’ salaries, team travel expensive, equipment and having enough staff members. High school level AD’s holds the responsibility of being the leader in all of these areas as in the college level there are co-workers who help the head AD with these jobs.
Athletic directors work with coaches to try and provide the best schedule for their teams to play. All coaches and the head AD need to plan accurately for their teams and give them the best shot for playing in the post-season. Athletic directors at the high school level and at the college level both need to make sure their student athletes are maintaining good grades. For example, AD’s at the high school level coincide with school administrators to make sure that student athletes are doing well in their classes and are eligible for their sports. AD’s at the college and university level work with a compliance officer to make sure that student athletes are achieving the right GPA in order to participate in their sports.
High school and middle school athletic directors have a little bit of a different lifestyle then college athletic directors. High school and middle school AD’s usually start their careers by being teachers and coaches in their local school system. All athletic directors need to have a bachelor’s degree in either health education or physical education along with pertaining a master’s degree in education administration or sports management. However, if one’s desires is to purse a career in being a high school or middle school athletic director, he or she needs to have a principles certification. When applying for an athletic director job, applicants should have
numerous skills that include, planning, communication skills, organizing skills and general knowledge on sports.
There are many benefits and challenges’ working as an athletic director and it is a great career to pursue. Athletic directors want to work with coaches and players to make sure that their team is the best on the market. Being an athletic director puts you in a very important to make sure your team succeeds. In order for your team to succeed AD’s need to make sure their coaches and athletes are happy with their programs and schedules. College and university athletic directors can come across interventions that they have no control over such as, budgets, rule changes and even other school related matters. High school athletic directors may face problems with parents and coaches and more importantly grades with athletes. An important challenge that big division I school athletic directors can face has to deal with the media. As soon as a problem stirs up with a student athlete and grades or team misconduct, head athletic directors are always the ones who have to deal with it. Recently, some big division I schools have had to deal with certain coaches who have altercations with their own players and officials who want that coach out of that position.
Generally high school athletic directors make anywhere between $50,000- $80,000 a year where college athletic directors make a median of $100,000 a year
Name / URL / General / Audience / Rating
National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics / http://www.nacda.com/ / Schedules, schools, events / Athletic Directors / 3
A National Professional Association Serving Athletic Directors / http://www.nacda.com/ / Profile of an AD and different board members / Athletic Directors / 3
National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association / http://www.niaaa.org/ / Different programs, awards for athletic administrators / Athletic Directors / 2
Washington Township High School / http://www.wtps.org/WTHS/athletic/index.html / Athletic directors at the high school level / Anyone / 3
Athletic Directors, NAIA / http://www.naia.org/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=27900&ATCLID=205327003 / About the NAIA / Athletic Directors / 2
Athletic Directors lobbying NCAA / http://sports.yahoo.com/news/athletic-directors-lobbying-ncaa-for-more-control-of-college-sports-024802663.html / College Athletic Directors wanting more control of college sports / Athletic Directors / 3