September 2010
/ / Chairperson: Bill DysartTreasurer: Andrew Cowan
Secretary: Neal SwindellsSt John’sCollege, Jervois Street, Hastings. Telephone: 06 878 6853
Dear St John’s Old Boys,
Annual Old Boys’ Dinner
Our annual Dinner for 2010 will take place on Tuesday 19th October at the new Hastings Rugby & Sports Clubrooms in Elwood Road, Hastings at 6.30 p.m. We are really pleased to have Father Paul Martin S.M., Rector of St Patrick’s College in Wellington and a well known Old Boy as our guest speaker. He will be entertaining. Please make a special effort to come along with a group of your St John’s Old Boys friends.
ANNUAL OLD BOYS’ DINNERTuesday 19th October
Hastings Rugby & Sports Club
Elwood Road
6.30 p.m. Drinks
7.30 p.m. Dinner
Tickets $30
Tickets are available from:
1.The College Office – telephone 878 6853
2.Chris Wiig Menswear – Napier
3.Jim Halpin - Telephone 844 7096
4.Brent Miller - Telephone 876 9806
Old Boys’ Website:
A recent Old Boy, Jonathan Dysart, has almost completed a new St John’s College Old Boys’ Website. There will be a link from the College website and from the Old BoysFacebook page as soon as it is ready so take a look.
Young Seminarian
We are very pleased that arecent Old Boy, Matthew Grevatt, is in his first year of training to become a Marist Priest. Please keep Matthew in your prayers.
Chapel Redevelopment
The new roof for the College chapel is almost completed. We are now waiting for a new dome and the original cross to be restored. New wiring, lighting, heating and the installation of digital projectors will take place this year. We need further funding to complete the interior refurbishment. Any support Old Boys can give will be gratefully received
Annual Old Boys’ Mass and Drinks
On Friday 26th November we will hold our Old Boys’ Annual Mass at 5.30 p.m. in the College Chapel to be followed by drinks. All Old Boys are very welcome.
News from the College
- The roll this year was 457 students on the 1st March.
- Over 30 students are being “confirmed” at the Regional Confirmation Mass being held at the Pettigrew Green Arena on Sunday 12th September.
- Academically students continue to do as well as at any school in the country. In 2009 we had pass rates for NCEA Levels One, Two and Three of over 70%. Three students gained NZQA Scholarships and we had two students at Level One and three students at Level Two who gained NCEA with Excellence.
- Our top performing sports team at the present isthe Senior A Basketball team who have just finished second in Central Regions Qualifying Tournament in New Plymouth. This means the team will be going to the Nationals and are seeded 8th in New Zealand. Our Senior Badminton team (lead by Angus Crawford – nephew of long standing staff member Evan Crawford) won the Hawkes Bay Secondary Schools Championship. Our 1st XI football team coached by Old Boy, Jonny Greaney, finished 3rdin the Hawkes Bay 1st XI competitions. The 1st XV retained the “Matthew Cooper Boot” by beating St John’s College, Hamilton and finished their season by defeating Te Aute College 71 – 0.
- Our Pasifika Culture group performed very creditably at the inter-school Pasifika night at Hastings Boys’ High recently.
Keep in Touch
Please pay your $10 subscriptions to our Old Boys’ Association and ensure your address and email contacts are up to date so we can keep in touch.
Tear off and return with your subscription toSt John’sCollege Old Boys Association P.O.Box 14008,Mayfair,Hastings.
Alternatively you can pay via internet banking.
Our bank account number is 02 0644 020 6880 00.
Please ensure you give your surname and Christian name as your reference.
Name …………………………………Address ……………………………………
email: ………………………………………….……………………………..…
Years at College ……………………………….
Annual Old Boys’ Association Subscription$10.00
Ticket for Dinner ($30)$
Donation to the Old Boys Association………
Donationtowards the refurbishment of the Chapel………
(This money goes into our St John’s College Charitable Trust)