february 12, 2008
7:00 – 9:10 pm
Meeting called to order at 7:25 by Chair, Cesar Lagleva
Commissioners Present
George Pegelow
Adriana Ames
Aref Ahmadia
Cesar Lagleva
Andrew Marshall
Commissioners Absent
Marna Cohen
Raphael Durr
Maureen Mc Manus
Kerry Pierson
Human Resources Staff Present
Patricia Maguire, Staff Coordinator
Guests Present
Martin Schaaf, Social Justice Center
Aristan Armada, Grand Jury
Ray Gordon, Resident
Guests introduced themselves and were welcomed
MOTION: Guests will be moved up on the agenda. Agenda approved as amended M/s/p Marshall/ Ames
V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF january 8, 2008
MOtion: minutes approved M/s/p Pegelow/Ahmadia
Aristan Armada from the Marin County Civil Grand Jury announced that the Grand Jury is now accepting applications for the FY 08/09 session. He explained the process for selection and the obligations of members.
VII. Chair’s Report
· Intern: Comm. Lagleva introduced Aricel Bongco, a student at Dominican University. She is interested in doing an internship with the Commission taking on assignments from commissioners who need additional assistance with their committee work. One project would be to work with Mr. Schaaf in developing the ordinance he has proposed to the commission. Staff will prepare a packet of information for Ms. Bongco and the commissioners will make a list of projects with which they can use assistance.
· Race and Class Forum, January 26, 2008 Commission Dialogue on Problems and Solutions in Education Update:
Commissioner Lagleva provided a wrap-up summary about the forum which turned out to be very successful. There will be district committees within Marin that will continue the dialogue started at the forum. Comm. Marshall discussed a lecture he just attended at UCB around this same issue.
· Staff informed the commission that the annual report is due on 3/24/08. Commissioner Lagleva asked commissioners to send in list of accomplishments and goals from their committees.
· Form 700 is due April1st.
· Staff will be off on Thur. but will be working Mon.
· Retreat Committee Ames/Ahmadia/Pegelow:
Agenda Outline: Commissioner Ames discussed the meeting with the Retreat Committee. The following are the highlights of that meeting.
1. Retreat to be a two or three hour meeting in the evening.
2. Agenda items:
1. Outreach to community
2. Working with other organizations i.e.Grand Jury
3. Future goals and directions i.e. oversight committee
4. How to regularly monitor data of areas of concern
5. Other concerns
3. Possible location: Rug Room on Tues. or Thur. or Corporate Center.
4. No facilitator
Commissioner Ames and Lagleva will get some dates for availability and check with the Corporate Center.
· Velvelon Brown Complaint: Complainant did not come to the meeting. Commissioners received copies of the complaint and this was reviewed. The complaint will be referred to Comm. Durr as chair of Law Enforcement. It was suggested the Comm. Durr interview father and son. MOTION: Complaint will be referred to Comm. Durr. M/s/p Pegelow/Ames
· Form 700: Discussed above.
· Verna Adams Invitation: Staff will meet with Commissioner Ahmadia about what he wants included in the invitation letter to Judge Adams.
X. EEAC Liaison Report/ Cohen
Commissioner Pegelow reported that the meeting with Personnel Commission went well. They approved the creation of a questionnaire for line staff that will precede discussion with department heads. It will ` provide a perception from line staff as to how things are going rather than just from administration. It will also provide some insight into how HR is working to implement positive changes in the workforce environment.
1. Martin Luther King Awards Committee/Ames :
Commissioner Ames reported that a small profit was made. There were fewer paid guests and more compted dinners this year.
2. Education Committee/Pegelow
· Comm Pegelow stated that they have completed training at Tam High and are in the planning stages at Redwood High. They are underway at Drake and are working with White Hill and Davidson Middle Schools.
· Maria Mikel Complaint: He has done further investigation on this. There is a second complaint from Chrystal Crawford regarding Terra Linda High and issues that she and her children have experienced. They have met with the superintendent of San Rafael regarding these issues. He will be meeting with the principal at Terra Linda. He is hoping to get some programs into Terra Linda to help with the issues brought up in the Mikel and Crawford complaints.
3. Law Enforcement Committee/Durr
· Ray Gordon Complaint/Update: Mr. Gordon updated the commission on his current situation. He asked the commission for assistance with a complaint against SRPD once it is filed. Comm. Marshall reported that he went to the BOS meeting to discuss a moratorium on citing people for sleeping in their cars at least through the winter. He will go to San Rafael City Council next week. Comm. Lagleva went to Marin Interfaith to discuss using the parking lots of churches for the homeless. They responded by suggesting that the Sheriff’s Dept. use their parking lot. He will bring the issue to Supv. Mc Glashan. Comm. Lagleva referred commissions to Californians Aware which is an internet site that grades law enforcement agencies, including Marin County.
4. Community and Government Committee/Marshall
· United Nations Treaties/Support for Resolution:
Martin Schaaf reviewed a proposal on a four year plan to first, get a
Resolution from the BOS passed stating that it agrees to participate and support the gathering of information required by the treaties. The second part of the proposal is the process by which the information is gathered and submitted. The target for completion of the report would be in 2011. Mr. Schaaf asked that HRC write a letter of support for the proposal. He will then take this to other community groups to ask for their support. Mr. Schaaf also asked for the commission to approve both documents that he brought. Approval of these two documents will be postponed until next month so that the commissioners will have an opportunity to review them. Mr. Schaaf and the new intern, Aricel Bongco, will be in touch by e-mail so that Ms. Bongco can gather information about this project and provide some support to Mr. Schaaf.
· Housing Authority/Peirson: Commissioner Peirson is at a meeting in Marin City to discuss the public housing issues that are occurring at this time. There is a proposal that would require residents to be displaced in order to upgrade the public housing units. .
5. Media Committee/Ahmadia
No report
6. Human Resources Committee
The committee is in “monitor mode”. Comm. Lagleva asked about combining this with EEAC but Comm. Peglow stated that because of the reporting line, he wanted the committee to remain as it is at this time.
1. Minority Contracting/Durr: No report.
MOTION: Meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm M/s/p Ahmadia/Pegelow
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia Maguire