(You may wish to retain a copy for your records)

This leaflet provides information about a new relief scheme for small businesses which came into effect on 1st April 2005. Please read the details below about the scheme before you complete the application form.

Details of the Scheme

Qualifying hereditaments with a rateable value below £5,000 will be eligible for 50% rate relief and have a reduced multiplier applied to the calculation of business rates. (44.1p in the £ for 2007/08).

Qualifying hereditaments with a rateable value between £5,000 and £9,999 will receive 50% rate relief decreasing on a sliding scale of 1% for every £100 rateable value between £5,000 and £9,999 and will have the reduced multiplier applied (44.1p in the £). E.g. a property with a rateable value of £6,000 will receive relief of 40%.

Qualifying hereditaments with a rateable value between £10,000 and £14,999 will receive no relief but will have the reduced multiplier applied (44.1p in the £). This application form must be submitted to receive a bill calculated using the reduced multiplier.

Non-qualifying hereditaments including those with a rateable value over £15,000 will be subject to rates calculated using a higher multiplier (44.4p in the £). This is to meet the cost of the small business rate relief scheme.

The rateable value is that which is applicable on the 1st April 2007.


(i)Rate relief can be awarded if you pay Business Rates on a single hereditament with a rateable value within the above thresholds.


(ii)Rate relief may be awarded on a single property if you occupy other hereditaments where the rateable values of these hereditaments are each not more than £2,199 and the total rateable value of all your hereditaments is not more than £14,999 where the hereditaments for which relief is sought is situated outside Greater London, or £21,499 where the hereditaments for which relief is sought is situated in Greater London. (If you qualify for relief on your main property the other hereditaments will be charged at the higher multiplier 44.4p in £).


(iii)If you already qualify for relief as a registered charity or under the rural rate relief scheme you will not be eligible for relief under this scheme. Similarly you will not be eligible for relief on hereditaments that are unoccupied.


If you consider that you may qualify for rate relief under the scheme then you will need to complete the application form overleaf. It is important that you complete and return the form as soon as possible so we can calculate your Business Rate bill for 2007/2008 accurately in the first instance. However, you do have until 30 September 2008 to claim relief. Claims received after this date will be refused.

If the rateable value of your property is amended then applications may be accepted up to six months after the date of notification of the change.

The application will apply for the remaining life of the 2005 rating list, that is until 31 March 2010. There is no longer a requirement to apply for relief each year. However you must advise the Council immediately if there is a change in your circumstances which may affect your entitlement to relief.

If your property has a rateable value between £10,000 and £14,999 you still need to complete an application form so that the lower multiplier (44.1p in £) can be applied.

The scheme is quite complex especially if you occupy more than one property but if you require further information or advice on completing the application form please contact us on telephone 01539 733333 asking for extension 7171 or you may e-mail us at .

The information given on this form may be held on computer. If so, it will be subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998. It will be checked against other information held and may also be used to amend the Council’s council tax and benefit records.