Ms. Marie-Hélène DAVIES
Tel: 609-921-7641. E-mail: .
DATE OF BIRTH: 02/09/1944, Paris, France
MARITAL STATUS: Widow of Horton Davies from the Religion department.
Citizenship: U.S.
1991: New Jersey Certification
PARIS Paris-X Nanterre for French studies degree and Sorbonne for English studies degrees.
1976: Doctorat d'Etat: Les brochures illustrées de la Renaissance anglaise, 1535-1640 (A study of literature in the historical and cultural context of England)
1973. B.A., French Studies, including Linguistics and Greek and Latin Literature in translation.
1968: Agrégation
1966 and 1967: Certification for teaching English.
1965 M.A. Thesis: "The human comedy in the works of Evelyn Waugh".
1964 B.A. in Anglo-American Studies with minors in French, Latin and Russian.
1962 CELG (Certificate of general studies in the Humanities: Latin, French and English)
PRINCETON SEMINARY: 1 course in religion, 1 course in psychology
U.S. 1973-97: French lycée in New York, HunSchool and PrincetonDay School, Princeton
FRANCE: 1965-70: Lycées Jules Ferry, Fénelon, Michelet, Abbeville and Poissy.
ENGLAND: Michaelmas term l964: part time position at St.Clare's Hall, Oxford.
U.S.1996-1999: Adjunct Professor in the Department of Modern Languages, The College of N. J.
1990 and 1991 (Fall terms): adjunct assistant professor, DrewUniversity, M.-Lit. Course on Shakespeare.
FRANCE l969-l973: assistant professor in English at the University of Paris-X. Tenured at the end of l973.
1997: Voltaire and the Calas affair. Cercle français de Princeton.
1993: Lecture on 17th century Theatre and Politics. Cercle français de Princeton.
1991: Lecture on the Seventeenth Century Theatre and the Arts. Cercle français de Princeton.
1975-83 (except l981) I lectured each year in PrincetonUniversity for the Religion and Literature course on Camus, Mauriac, Flannery O'Connor and F. Buechner.
1979 (summer) I gave a series at St. John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota on major contemporary religious novelists.
1971 and l972 I gave 2 series of Radio lectures for the University of Nanterre on Macbeth and on "The comic in modern fiction".
FRENCH: native speaker
ENGLISH: virtually bilingual.
LATIN: Fair reading ability.
2006 Rigolot, Carole: Saint John Perse.The book is under consideration by Hinneman.
2006 D’Almeda, Irene and Conteh-Morgan, John, Werewere Liking.The book is to be published by a firm in the Netherlands.
Davies, Marie-Hélène and Booty, John,eds. Believing; sermons by Horton Davies. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2007.
Davies, Marie-HélèneReflections of Renaissance England. Allison Park, Pa.: Pickwick Publications, l985.
Laughter in a Genevan Gown: The works of Frederick Buechner, l970-80. Grand Rapids, Mi.: Eerdmans, l983.
La Gravure dans les Brochures illustrées de la Renaissance anglaise, l535-l640. Lille: Presses Universitaires, l979.
Editor. Humor and religion: friends or foes? Thalia, VI, 1. Ottawa, 1984.
Davies, Horton, and Marie-Hélène. The Huguenots in English-speaking lands c. 1680-1785. New York: Peter Lang, 1999.
Holy days and holidays: The medieval pilgrimage to Compostela. Lewisburg, Pa.: Bucknell University Press, l982.
“Molière, panégyriste du Roi.”Romance Quarterly. August, 1992.
“Molière, divertisseur du Roi.”Seventeenth century Studies.Tuebingen, Dec. 1990.
“Fools for Christ's sake: a study of clerical figures in De Vries, Updike and Buechner.” Humor and religion: friends or foes? Thalia, VI, 1. Ottawa, 1984. 60-72.
“Buechner's Godric: a fictional biography of a medieval pirate canonized.” The American Benedictine Review, 35. June 1984. 153-166.
“A selected bibliography” Booty, John, ed. Divine Drama in history and liturgy. Allison Park, Pa.: Pickwick Publications, l984.
“Apologetics in disguise” (a study of Frederick Buechner). The Reformed Journal. Sept. 9, l983.
Davies, Horton, and Marie-Hélène. “The God of storm and stillness: the fiction of Flannery O'Connor and Frederick Buechner”. Religion in Life. 48, 2. Nashville, Tenn., l979. 188-196.
NATIONAL ENDOWMENT OF THE HUMANITIES TEACHER-SCHOLAR AWARD, 1989-90, selection for New Jersey, out of 615 applicants for the U.S.A., spent in research on 17th century French theatre.
1998 Essay Reader for the Praxis Series: Principles of Learning and Teaching Test at Educational Testing Service.
1997-99: Table-leader for French Literature Advanced Placement.
1995 June: Corrector for the Advanced Placement exam in AP
French Literature.
1993 June: Corrector for the Advanced Placement exam in AP French Literature.
1992 Feb 3rd: Panelist for the National Endowment of the Humanities on Masterwork Study Grants.
Past and Present memberships of several learned societies and journals and attendance at the major conferences that they sponsor: e.g.: Agrégation, Modern Language Association, Société des Professeurs français en Amérique, Association francophone de Princeton.
1985: Supervisor and examiner at DrewUniversity for an M.A. thesis on Camus.
1974-80 Examiner in English and French for the French Baccalaureat, for the Cultural Services of the French Embassy.
1974-1978: President of the Jury for the BEPC for the Cultural Services of the French Embassy.
1970-1973: Coordinator of the language program for first year students in English at the University of Paris-X.
1974-1996: served regularly on the honor Council at both schools.
Art exhibitions: framing and picture hanging
Church: Motel meals, Book-sale, Rummage sale, Christmas Bazaar...
Norwich Congregational Church, Vermont, rummage sale.
Habitat for Humanity. Vermont, summers 2005 and 2007. Currently in Trenton.
Katrina disaster: went for one week to build and continued to help refurbish the high school and public libraries, since then.
Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic. 2003-present.
Dr. John Fleming
Department of English,
Princeton, New Jersey08544 (609-924-9095)
Dr Lionel Gossman, Romance Languages,
Princeton, New Jersey08544 (609-924-2519)
Dean Emeritus Reginald Bishop (from RutgersUniversity)
166 Wilson Road,
Princeton New Jersey 08542 (609-759-4827)