These minutes will then be replaced with the approved minutes.
Minutes of the Regular Board of Directors Meeting of the International Association of EMT’s & Paramedics of Local 167
April 28, 2016
Mounds View Conference Room
Present: Ryan Dougherty, Brett Hopper,Ron Gray, Karen Kozer, Kayla Siegler, Mark Reina, Alycia Simons, Jim Domeier, Amanda Groshens, Matt Bouthilet and Jordan Butler.
Absent: None.
There was a motion to approve meeting minutes from March meeting as submitted. Second. No discussion. Motion passes.
Treasury Report:
There is nothing new to report. The current balance is $34,264.43. The total in CDs remains the same. The treasury report is three pay periods behind. There was a motion to approve the treasury report as given. Second. No further discussion. Motion passes.
Second Quarter Membership Meeting
The 2nd quarter membership meeting is scheduled for May 25, 2016 at 1830 at the St. Michael Legion.
Annual IAEP Picnic
The annual summer picnic is scheduled for June 11, 2016 starting at noon at Island Lake Park in Shoreview. Food, water and soda are all provided. All are welcome.
Creep Language
Creep language is due May 31, 2016. Creep forms are available from your direct report as they are located on the S drive.
Committee Reports:
By Law Committee
Report given by Chair Reina. We are working on the changes and by next meeting they will be complete. Will be sending them to national for approval soon.
Grievance Committee
Report given by Vice President Dougherty. First time offense preventable crashes are getting a verbal warning which is new. A guide for managers of discipline for certain violations was presented at LMC. There was discipline for a crew that filled out the narc sheet prior to opening the narc box. We had the meeting with management about the Wright County EMT hire and it being posted incorrectly. We would like to fix the issue. More to come on this. There will be another case going to arbitration where an employee was given discipline and was denied a steward. The company stated they were in the wrong but no one was hurt from it. We are at 13 grievances so far this year.
LMC Report
Report given by President Hopper. LMC was today prior to board meeting. Staffing committee is working on the upcoming bid. The bid will start the second week in July. The safety committee is working on lots of things. They will be trialing a cut resistant shirt this summer. They are finally fixing the Mercy garage door to make it faster and looking at changing the door type. They are working on FTO issues and getting the regional FTOs and metro FTOs on the same page. We are working on a policy change for a one year requirement prior to moving to a different job class. The QI flow chart was updated and placed on AKN. We have no news on plans to move the VSTs from the storage room to the garage at Mounds View. Next LMC meeting is May 26, 2016 at Eagle Valley.
Old Business:
Local T-Shirts
There is no update on this. Kayla will work on it to bring to next meeting. We would like to have shirts available at the picnic.
This is in progress.
Emails to Membership List
National is requesting that emails be added to membership lists. Bouthilet and Dougherty will work on this and adding emails to the master list.
National Toolkit Directive
No new ideas were brought to the meeting.
New Business:
Steward Neutrality/Group Decisions
We had a union member state that they did not feel that they were being represented adequately or fairly by the steward handling their issue. We need to remember to represent everyone equally and use good customer service.
Glencoe Change in Work Area
Glencoe has moved to 24 hour duty truck and 24 unrestricted truck. Now if the duty truck goes on a call, the unrestricted truck moves to restricted until they are assigned a call. It used to go to duty pay. This is a change in work conditions as it is a change in how the shifts are paid. This will be brought to LMC and Hopper will have a discussion with Miller prior to LMC.
Next Meeting:
May 25, 2016 at the St. Michael Legion following general membership meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 1747.