Earthwatch Custom NuTravel Booking Site
New User Set Up
- Sign in as a new user. Company Name = earthwatch
Member ID: newuser
Password: 1earth56
Click “Login” to Proceed.
- Set up your personal traveler profile.
Name: Please use your legal name, which would match your government issued identification.
Member ID: Please use a personal email address.
Email address: Please enter an alternate email address for contact purposes. If you do not have one, you may use the same one as your Member ID.
Phone numbers: Please enter your home and mobile phone numbers. If you do not have a home phone, you may enter your mobile phone in both areas.
Save: Click “Save” to proceed.
- Update your password. Please type in a password which is personal to you. Characters are case sensitive. Passwords must contain one number and be a minimum of 6 characters long.
Save: Click “Save” to proceed”
Bulletin Board
- Bulletin Board: The custom bulletin board will be the first screen to appear. This will provide you with contact information, helpful links and advisories. Click “Continue” to proceed.
Traveler Profile Completion
Certain pieces of information are mandatory for the airline to confirm reservations in your name. Please fill out your “Traveler Profile” upon your first login. It can be found in the top left side of the upper banner.
- Personal Information: Required fields would include the Secure Flight Requirements (First and Last Name, Gender and Date of Birth). All other fields in the “Personal Information” section are optional.
- Travel Preferences: All fields in this section are optional. This section will allow you to select your preferences on airline meals, seat preferences, rail settings, car and hotel settings.
- Membership Numbers: All sections in this area are optional. To add a frequent flyer number, simply click “Add New Air Membership Number.”
Select the airline and type in your membership number in the fields below. Click “Save” to continue.
- Billing information. You have the option of setting up a default credit card for payment. If you do not set it up at the beginning, you will be prompted to put in a credit card number when you are ready to make a purchase. To add a card, click “Add a New Credit Card.”
Fill out the “Billing Information” screen in full and click “Save.”
- Let’s get started!