March 27, 2009 Department of English Volume XLIII, Number 2
Baylor University
Dr. William V. Davis’s ten poem ekphrasitc sequence on the paintings of Mark Rothko has been published in Arts and Letters: A Journal of Contemporary Culture 20 (Fall, 2008), 127-131. The sequence consists of poems on each of ten Rothko paintings, each poem bearing the same title as the painting. The poems are:
“Black on Grey” (1969)
“Black, Pink and Yellow over Orange” (1951-52)
“Number 18” (1951)
“Untitled” (1969)
“Light, Earth and Blue” (1954)
“Orange, Red and Red” (1962)
“Untitled” (1954)
“Black on Maroon” (1958)
“Grayed Olive Green, on Maroon” (1961)
“Black on Black” (1964)
Dr. Robert Ray’s review of Roberta Albrecht’s The Virgin Mary as Alchemical and Lullian Reference in Donne appears in the current issue (13:1 [2009]) of Religion and the Arts. His review of Gary Kuchar’s Divine Subjection: The Rhetoric of Sacramental Devotion in Early Modern England appears in the same issue.
Jeffrey Bilbro's interview with Gary Snyder “Helping People Love the World: An Interview with Gary Snyder” has been accepted for publication by ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment.
Kathleen Miller presented a paper entitled “Robert Browning and the Women: Fame and Frustration” at the MMLA conference in Minneapolis on November 15, 2008.
Kathleen Miller presented a paper entitled “‘A poor deformed creature’: Deformity as Feminine Weakness in The Mill on the Floss” at the NEMLA conference in Boston on February 28, 2009.
Information has been received from George Tech’s Writing and Communication Program concerning The Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellowship for a one-year contract that is renewable for up to three years. Applications are being taken through the end of April 2009. For more information visit, or see the poster on file in CS 106.
Information has been received from Rattle magazine for poetry submissions. Requirements include an $18.00 entry fee, a minimum of four poems per entry, and previously published poems will not be accepted. For more information visit or see the flier on file in CS 106.
Information has been received for the Third Annual Baylor Symposium on Faith and Culture entitled, “Secularization and Revival: The Fate of Religion in Modern Intellectual History”. The symposium will take place October 8-10, 2009. Abstracts of 500-700 words should be submitted no later than June 1, 2009, to The Institute for Faith and Learning, Baylor University, One Bear Place # 97270, Waco, TX 76798, or by e-mail to . The submissions should include name, affiliation, address, and e-mail address. For more information, see the flier on file in CS 106.
Information has been received from Eastern Washington University Press for the Blue Lynx Prize for Poetry & Spokane Prize for Short Fiction. Submissions will be accepted from March 1 through May 15, 2009. Poetry manuscripts should be at least 48 pages in length and short fiction at least 98 pages. Please include a $25.00 reading fee, payable to EWU Press, and a self addressed stamped envelope for notification results. For more information visit, or see the flier on file in CS 106.
Information has been received from AMBergh Education concerning a study-abroad program in Russia and Ukraine. More information is available at or see the packet on file in CS 106.
The Institute for Humane Studies is offering several free seminars this summer. The deadline to apply is March 31, 2009. For more information and to find applications visit or see the fliers on file in CS 106.
Luther College in Iowa is seeking applicants for a Visiting Assistant Professor of English. This is a one-year position, beginning in August 2009. Ph.D. applicants are preferred. Review of applicants will begin April 1, 2009, and continue until the position is filled. To be considered, correspondence should include a letter of application, current curriculum vitae, authorized transcripts of undergraduate and graduate work, letters of recommendation from those familiar with the candidate’s teaching potential, documented evidence of teaching quality and/or professional experience, and other relevant supporting documents to Professor David Faldet, Head, Department of English, Luther College, 700 College Drive, Decorah, Iowa 52101, (563) 387-1592. For more information see the flier on file in CS 106.