MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data

July 2006

Examples of Holdings Records in OCLC’s Connexion Browser

Below are some examples of electronic holdings records from OCLC’s Connexion

Browser environment, which implements both the Z39.71 and MFHD standards.

These records build upon the examples shown in previous sections of the Primer in

that they take the theoretical principles discussed and implement them in actual

records. Note, however, that these records are specific to one system and one

environment; the same records may appear quite differently in a different system or

environment (e.g. an ILS, or SERHOLD), although the underlying data is exactly the


Example of a Level 2 Record for a Serial

Example of a Level 3 Textual Holdings Record for a Serial

Example of a Level 3 Coded Holdings Record for a Serial

Example of a Limited Retention Holdings Record