Español 1 Syllabus

Maplewood Middle School

Teacher: Ms. Yaeger


Websites: Maplewood Teacher Pages


My name is Allison Yaeger and I’m writing to introduce myself as the Spanish teacher at Maplewood Middle School. I have studied Spanish for many years and I have spent time living abroad in both Spain and Honduras. I love both the language and the richness of culture found in the Spanish speaking world. I currently live in Vadnais Heights. I’m very excited to join you on your Spanish journey this year!

~Señorita Yaeger

Course Description:


Our district will be focusing on using Comprehensible Input in language instruction this year. Therefore, I will be using an approach called TPRS in Spanish class. TPRS stands for Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling. TPRS is a Comprehensible Input method that involves providing personalized and comprehensible input through stories, questioning, and readings, so that the brain acquires Spanish more naturally. This approach is based on decades of second language acquisition research. This method will be supplemented with occasional grammar lessons.


This year Spanish 1 teachers across the district will be using two readers: Pobre Ana by Blaine Ray and El Nuevo Houdini by Carol Gaab. We will also be using many other supplemental resources, such as short stories, children’s books, authentic texts, magazines, websites, songs, videos, etc.


This year I will be using standards-based assessments with our district’s Assessment for Learning framework. There will be academic practice in and out of class, quizzes, tests, and a summative final at the end of each trimester. Grades will be given in the following categories:

·  Summative Assessments (including projects, tests, and final exam)

o  Interpersonal Communication Practice

o  Interpretative Communication Practice

o  Presentational Communication Practice

·  Formative Assessments

o  Participation

o  Warm ups

Grading Scale

100- A+

93-100 A

90-93- A-

87-89- B+

83-86- B

80-83- B-

77-79- C+

73-76- C

70-72- C-

67-69- D+

63-66- D

60-62- D-

Below 60


You will receive homework in this class. However, it will not be on a daily basis. Most of the time, you will have work time in class to complete assignments. If you do not have enough time to finish in class, the assignment will be considered homework that is due the next day.


Students will be expected to follow school policy as outlined in the student handbook. If students fail to follow the expectations, they will be assigned logical consequences decided on jointly by the student and teacher. If necessary, parents will be reached by phone or e-mailed. Serious issues will be referred to the administration or counselors and the parents will be called.

The following are my expectations for students in our Spanish class:

• Students will try to use Spanish instead of English whenever possible.

• Students will engage both their mind and body in each lesson (sit up, eyes focused on teacher, etc.)

• Students will participate 100% in class activities.

• Students will respect themselves, their classmates, and their teacher (including others’ belongings).

• Students will ask questions and/or meet with me if they are struggling or don’t understand.

Extra Help

I am available after school from 2:15 -3:15 p.m. every day except Wednesdays. Please let me know in advance if you plan on staying after!

Required Materials

·  3-ring binder, filled with lined paper and dividers

·  Pen or pencil- pens MUST be blue or black ink

Helpful Materials (NOT required)

·  Spanish/English Dictionary

· = online dictionary

What About Translation Sites?

While translation sites may seem like a quick and easy way to go for doing assignments, the reality is that they are often inaccurate. They are sometimes helpful on a word-to-word basis. (For example, you type “dog” and it may correctly give you “perro”.) However, they cannot generate sentences and paragraphs accurately. It’s very obvious when a student chooses to rely on a translation site for sentences and paragraphs because of the errors. Please avoid this and just try your best! It will likely be much more accurate coming from you than from the computer! J

Students, please share and discuss this syllabus with a parent/guardian and return this page with both your parent/guardian’s signature AND your own.

I have read the syllabus and understand the course requirements and expectations.

Parent/Guardian’s Name:______

Parent/Guardian’s Signature:______

I agree to adhere to the policies. I will also come each day with both a positive attitude and with respect for myself and others.

Student Name: ______

Student Signature: ______

Date: ______