Minutes September 13, 2012
Maple Lake Improvement District
President Abel called the meeting to order at 7 PM, Thursday September
13, 2012. Present were board members Abel, Beauchamp, Blackmun, Floan, Radke, Schulz, and Wavra. Also present were D. Yell and D. Rosenberg. Guests present were Steve and Lisa Swanson and Steve Swanson. Radke made a motion to approve the agenda with Floan seconding. The motion carried. Floan made a motion to approve the August 2012 minutes and treasures report with Radke seconding. The motion carried. Currently there is 15540.70 in the general fund and 15695.04 in the special events fund.
Steve and Lisa Swanson are requesting a variance of the setbacks. They presented the board with a drawing of their plans to put a basement under the current structure. The board suggested they raise the basement another foot and they would have to problem with their request. They agreed. The board did not think the Tony Kobetsky’s request was necessary. Yell reported that Patricia Broden’s request was passed as was Rick Nelson’s.
In old business the outlet has been repaired. A & S Construction did the work. Rosenberg will send letters to R. Sanders of the Polk County Highway Department and to Polk County Commissioner C. Buness for their help on this project. Dredging of the outlet from Ullands was discussed. The DNR has set the standards for the dredging. The limits are 2 feet by 8 feet by 75 feet. Wavra will get a bid from Mini Dredge. After much discussion Schulz made a motion to table the dredging for the time being with Beauchamp seconding. The motion carried.
In new business Steve Swanson addressed the board regarding the 2013-2014 directory. He will have it ready to publish around the 1st of April. He will give the board an update in January2013. Abel and Swanson will work together on the blank pages. The wood timbers on the MapleLake sign are getting bad. The board will look into replacing them with something else. There will be more discussion on this later. Schulz stated the Labor events were very successful. They hope to do the same for next year. He also thanked everyone that donated to the cause. A list of those donating can be seen on the website. The board members will get together to check the aerators September 29th.
Schulz made a motion to adjourn with Blackmun seconding. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM.
Diane Rosenberg
The next meeting of the Maple Lake Improvement District
October 11, 2012
7 PM
MentorCommunity Center