21.1Security of Cash and Other Assets

All income due to the school is collected through the main office. Records are maintained of the source of the income, the date received and is cross-referenced to banking.

Banking undertaken by the school

Income received is paid into the appropriate account (School Budget Share or Private Fund) on a weekly basis by the [NAME, e.g. Finance Manager, Bursar, Secretary, etc] and escorted by [NAME, e.g. Caretaker]. Between bankings, the income received is retained within the school safe.

Cash collection service

The school uses [NAME, e.g. Securicor] to undertake the banking of income for the school. Income received is collected and paid into the appropriate account (School Budget Share or Private Fund) on a [FREQUENCY, e.g. weekly] basis


The school has one safe facility with a cash limit of [£AMOUNT]. Keys to the school safe are held by [NAME and NAME, e.g. Headteacher and Finance Manager]. All keys to the safe and other secure areas are removed from the school site out of school hours. The finance office door is always locked when not attended.

School property will be security / identify marked by [NAME, e.g. Caretaker] wherever possible using the Local authority standard marking system Selecta Mark. Valuable / attractive items will be stored securely wherever practical. Staff are responsible for school property in their custody.

21.2Key Holders

The management of school keys is undertaken by [NAME, e.g. Caretaker]. All staff who hold a school key (external / internal, safe, other secure areas, etc) have to sign the key log which is held [LOCATION e.g. within the school safe] (refer to Appendix A). Where keys are no longer required, they must be passed back to [NAME, e.g. Caretaker] and the signing out sheet completed to reflect their return.

21.3Key Cutting / Replacement

Where additional keys are required, a formal request should be made to [NAME, e.g. Headteacher] (refer to Appendix B). Where permission is granted [NAME, e.g. Caretaker] will be asked to arrange for the new keys and a formal record will be made within the key log. Under no circumstances should staff cut their own keys or pass their keys on to other individuals.

All members of staff are required to report the loss of a key immediately to [NAME, e.g. Headteacher] where an assessment will be undertaken to determine:

  • the circumstances of the loss and the likelihood of the key being used improperly
  • the need for the lock or lock mechanism to e changed, based onthe circumstances of the loss and the key’s level of security

21.4Computer Systems

IT systems are used to process and record financial, student, personal and other management data efficiently. It is therefore important that such information is properly protected and backed up with access restricted only to authorised users. ABC school uses the Keys / FMS6 package provided through the local authority.

  • Data Protection

The school and governors have a current valid Data Protection Act 1998 registration that has to be renewed on an annual basis. The school’s registration expires in [MONTH] and is the responsibility of [NAME, e.g. Systems Manager] to ensure continuous renewal. The [NAME, e.g. Systems Manager] ensures that computers and systems comply with the Act.

  • IT System Back-up Procedures

Daily back-up tapes are made on each server by [NAME, e.g. Systems Manager] and taken off-site by the [NAME, e.g. Systems Manager]. Weekly back-up tapes are made and stored off-site by the [NAME, e.g. Systems Manager]. End of year back-up taken before year-end closure and kept for 6 years. A copy of each back-up tape is also retained in the school safe.

A copy of the financial information is also taken by the local authority FSS adviser at

each visit.

  • Access Rights

Only authorised staff have access to computer hardware and software used for school management. The [NAME, e.g. system manager] sets access rights at the appropriate level for each member of staff. Passwords are not disclosed and staff are advised to change them regularly (at least every 6 months).

ADetails of the passwords for the finance package are recorded and held in a sealed envelope within the school safe in case of emergency. This envelope is signed and dated across the seal by the operator and the Headteacher.


BAccess to the finance package is restricted to the FSS adviser from the local authority. In the event of a query, the FSS Helpline should be contacted on 01992 555713/555753.

  • Software

Only authorised software is used in school to prevent viruses being imported. Anti-virus software is installed on computers used for school management.

The school has a disaster recovery plan in the event of loss of accounting facilities or financial data. (Please also refer to the disaster recovery file located in the Headteacher’s office.)

Computer Systems Disaster Recovery Plan

The school has a disaster recovery plan in the event of loss of accounting facilities or financial data.

Custody and smoothrunning of the accounting system and records is the responsibility of the [NAME, e.g. Finance Manager, Bursar, Secretary, etc]. The [NAME, e.g. Finance Manager, Bursar, Secretary, etc] ensures that all staff, particularly finance staff, and budget holders are familiar with the procedures. Staff training takes place as necessary.

Access to computer records is restricted at the following user levels:


Complete access to all records

Secretary / Bursar

Restricted access to finance modules only

Finance Assistant

Restricted access to finance modules only

Other Administration Staff

Access to relevant modules only (e.g. timetables, pupil records etc.)

Budget Holders

No access. All queries are resolved by the procedures outlined herein.

21.5Retention and Disposal of Accounting Records

All accounting records are retained securely to safeguard documents against loss, destruction or unauthorized alteration. All personnel files and payroll information is locked away [LOCATION, e.g. within the Headteacher’s office]. Bank statements, budget information and secured stationery (e.g. receipt books, pre numbered invoice books, pre numbered order books, etc) are locked away [LOCATION, e.g. within the

main office]. Cheque books and paying-in books are retained within the safe.

The reasons for the retention of finance related documents are two fold:-

a)To comply with the statutes of limitation.

b) To allow inspection by auditors either internal or external and HM Customs and Revenue, who may need to investigate records going back some years

Records are retained for the appropriate number of years (as set out in Appendix C to this manual and Section 4 of the LA Financial Handbook for Schools). Care is taken to dispose of documents containing sensitive data appropriately, usually by incineration.

Due care must be exercised on the disposal of these documents since they can contain information of a sensitive nature.

The accounts department has a number of forms for use as appropriate.

Form nameForm use Pre-numbered


Purchase OrderTo order goods or servicesN

Expenses Claim Claiming expensesN

Petty Cash ReceiptRecording cash paid into petty cashY

Petty Cash PaymentRecording expenses paid cash or cash floatsY

Goods Received NoteConfirm receipt of a good or serviceN

Document HeaderFor the processing of an invoiceN

Cash RequestTo request cash N

Pro-forma InvoiceTo request a cheque other than for an invoiceN

Interdepartmental Trf.To transfer funds between departmentsN

21.6Premises Security

Site management is the responsibility of the Headteacher and Site Manager/Caretaker. On a day to day basis this is the responsibility of the [NAME, e.g. Caretaker].

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