Manning Memorial Chapel

16February 2014


Acadia University

University Organist:Mr. John M. Scott

University Chaplain:The Rev’d Timothy J McFarland

16February 20147:00 p.m.

Our Approach to Worship

Organ Prelude: Salve regina, Ad te clamamus, Eia Ergo, O Clemens, Pro Fine Peter Cornet (~1600), Belgian School

*Processional Lord Of The Boundless Curves Of Space 210

Call to Worship:

With what shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before God on high?.

Shall I come with burnt offerings, with calves a year old?

God shows you what is good; and what does the Lord require of you?

To do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God.


Eternal and loving God, we offer ourselves to You this night. In praise we come before You. In gratitude for Your abiding love we seek Your will. In dedication we commit our lives to Your holy purpose of justice, kindness and humility. Be with us as we worship You. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen

The Word in Scripture

First Lesson:Deuteronomy30:15-20

*Responsive Psalm 15Refrain II

Second Lesson:I Corinthians3:1-9

Music for Meditation

The Gospel:St. Matthew5:21-37

The Word Proclaimed

*Hymn: Blest Are The Pure In Heart391

Message: AnnaRobbins

*Hymn: Pray For The Church Afflicted559

Our response to the Word

The Notices

Offertory Sentences

Presentation of the Offering:

Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

Praise Him, creatures here below;

Praise Him above, ye heavenly host:

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen

Music for Preparation: Our Saviour’s Lovearr. T. A. Collins

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession

The Lord’s Prayer: (Unison)

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy

Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those that trespass against us; and lead us not into

temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For Thine is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory,

for ever andever. Amen.

Prayer for the University: (Unison)

Lord God of all wisdom, we pray for Acadia University, that she

may be faithful to the purposes of our Founders, continue to

promote the search for truth and knowledge, and be an inspiration

to others who follow. May we be a community of scholars sharing

this ambition, caring for one another, and loyal to the truth

revealed to us as Thy disciples. Amen.

The Commission

*Recessional O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing534

Organ Postlude: Prelude and Fugue in D minor (from Little Eight)J.S. Bach


It is the custom at the chapel to remain seated during the prelude and postlude, using this time for preparation and reflection. The service proceeds unannounced. Where asterisks indicate, please stand as you are able.


We welcome everyone to the University service this evening. The chapel is one of the ‘special places’ at Acadia, and we hope you will make this your spiritual home during your time here.

If you wish to give regularly to the Chaplaincy Endowment Fund on Sunday evenings, numbered envelopes are available.


Today:7:00p.m.University Service

(Guest Speaker: Andrew Biro) (Guest Musician: Jared Mosher)

Monday: 11:30 a.m.Morning Chapel Service

5:30 p.m.Guitar Performance Class

5:30 p.m.Qi’Jong Meditation (Hall)

7:30 p.m.Buddhist Meditation (Hall)

Tuesday: 11:30 a.m. Morning Chapel Service (DanielWhite leading)

Wednesday 7:30 a.m.ACF Prayer (Hall)

11:30a.m.Morning Chapel Service

4:30 p.m.Voice Performance Class

6:15p.m.Mid-Point Service

7:00 p.m.Women of Wolfville (Hall)

Thursday: 11:30a.m.Morning Chapel

5:30p.m. Yoga

Friday: 11:30a.m.Morning Chapel

Saturday: 1:30 p.m.Lamb’s Way Workshop

6:30p.m.Roman Catholic Mass

Sunday: 7:00p.m. University Service

(Guest Speaker:Nicole Uzans) (Guest Musician: HollyLohnes)

We welcome AnnaRobbins to our Pulpit this evening. Since August 2012, Anna has been the Director of Doctoral Studies, overseeing the Acadia Doctor of Ministry program, and Academic Dean of Acadia Divinity College. She also serves as Associate Professor of Theology, Culture and Ethics. Originally from Saint John NB, Anna spent several years in Ottawa completing a Bachelor of Arts degree at Carleton University. Together with her husband, Peter, Anna moved back to the Maritimes and came to study at Acadia for ministry preparation (Master of Religious Education 1993 and Master of Arts [Theology] 1997). She served in outreach, youth, Christian Education, and interim pastoral ministries at Central Baptist in Saint John and at Aylesford, Clementsvale, and Digby, Nova Scotia. In 1997, they moved to Wales, where Anna completed her PhD at Aberystwyth. Between 2000 and 2012, she served on the faculty of the London School of Theology in the United Kingdom teaching Theology and Contemporary Culture, and taking on diverse administrative roles from Director of Training, to Vice-Principal, and Acting Principal.

In London, she was involved in many organisations as theological consultant, including Theos (a public theology thinktank), Christians in Politics, Tearfund, and the Evangelical Alliance. She served on the council of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and was a British delegate to the Baptist World Alliance. She writes and speaks widely on ethics, contemporary culture and apologetics, and has numerous publications. Anna lives in Wolfville with her husband, the Rev. Peter Robbins and their son David.

We are grateful to Jared Mosher for leading in musical portions of our service tonight.Jared currently studies in the Acadia School of Music. He has contributed to the musical life of the chapel on numerous occasions. We look forward to following Jared’s path of music performance. Jared lives in the Annapolis Valley with his family.

Music Notes: Peeter Cornet(Pierre, Pietro, Peter, Pieter) (ca. 1570-80 – 27 March 1633) was aFlemishcomposerandorganistof the early Baroque period. Although few of hiscompositions survive, he is widely considered one of the best keyboard composers of the early 17th century. Very little is known about Cornet's life. Much of the information comes from a letter by his widow.Cornet was born inBrussels, which was then the capital ofSouthernNetherlands, in the 1570s. The family included numerous musicians, among them aviolinist,singersand organists.From 1603 to 1606 Cornet worked as organist atSaintNicholas Church, Brussels; around 1606 he became court organist toAlbert VII, Archduke of Austriaand his wifeInfanta Isabella Clara Eugenia of Spain, also in Brussels.For one month, in March 1611, Cornet was acanonatSoignies, but he gave up his canonry to marry.Cornet is listed as chapel organist in the surviving court account books from 1612–1618.His colleagues included important English composersPeter Philips(who actedas godfather to one of Cornet's children) andJohn Bull, as well as fellow Flemish composersGéry GhersemandMatthijs Langhedul. Apparently Cornet was also activeas an organ consultant and builder. In 1615 he provided advice concerning the organ ofSt. Rumbolds Cathedral(Sint-Romboutskathedraal) inMechelen, and in 1624 hesigned a contract to build a choir division for the same organ.

Source: Wikipedia

This evening we are saddened by the early departure of Chapel Assistant Kim Rempel, who will be returning home for the rest of the term. We look forward to seeing her again in September. This is not a goodbye, but rather a farewell and a see you soon! Our prayers are with Kim and her family in this transition.