Unit 7

(1.5 weeks)

Manifest Destiny and Sectional Struggle 1841 - 1854

Chapters The American pageant 17,18

Quiz on each Chapter, Objective test chapters 17,18

Short response test Review Daily’s


Organizing Principles The Civil War was caused by historic economic, social, and political sectional differences that were further emotionalized by the slavery issue.

The Civil War effectively determined the nature of the Union, the economic direction of the United States, and political control of the country. War with Mexico, Oregon, British relations, 1850 Compromise

Topics: (sectionalism, abolition, expansion of slavery, apologists, Compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska, 3rd American Party System, emotionalization of slavery issue, economic development, social development, political development,

Chapter 17

Manifest Destiny 1841 – 1848

The shortest administration in U.S. history up to that point with the longest inaugural speech. William Henry Harrison got in office by the movements of Clay and Webster who intended to control him. Died after 4 weeks in office-replaced by Tyler who would not bend to the will of the Whigs. Refused to support clay and his banks – constantly vetoed Whig legislation.


Controversy with Britain over Maine boundary came to a head in the early 1840’s – U.K. wanted to build a road through the contested territory both American and British lumberjacks fought in what was called the” Aroostook war” Sec state Webster and Lord Ashburton hammered out a treaty givingthe U.S. 7000 square miles of the 12,000 contested miles – U.S. also put in small print which extended the boundry line to include Mesabi Minnesota Iron ore mines


54 40 or fight - from California to the southern tip of Alaska was Oregon – this territory was claimed by Spain Russia U.S. and the U.K. – by 1840 only the U.S. and the U.K. were claiming it - Both nations claimed it on exploration rights not occupation rights – U.K. really claimed to the Columbia river U.S. claimed just south of the Columbia thanks in part to early missionaries – who were converting Indians. In the early 1840’s the Oregon trail opened from Independence mo TO Oregon and thousands of settlers poured into Oregon - A relatively small area was contested in the immense territory – and it became pat of the 1844 election


Mexico refused to recognize it as an independent nation – Texas had it own Navy and Army and repulsed two Mexican attacks after independence Texas sought alliances with Britain and France two countries eager to get into the U.S. areas and come in under the Monroe Doctrine – France offered help so did Belgium and Holland –this forced a better relationship with the U.S. and resulted in statehood

Texas was the key issue in the 1844 election

1844 election

Whigs Henry Clay

Democrats James Polk

Major issues Texas – Oregon – tariffs – Slavery-the bank-and internal improvements.

Polk was for expansion and manifest destiny - annexation of Texas and 54 40 or fight. Clay out compromised himself and lost the election 170 to 105 electoral votes – Polk and the democrat’s believed that they were given a mandate by the voters to take Texas


1.Immediately lowered Tariffs – known as the Walker tariff was a great revenue producer for the country - and it helped that the American economy was booming.

2.Reinstated the Independent treasury that the Whigs had destroyed earlier

3. Get California

4. Secure Oregon

Oregon – was gained by peaceful debate between U.S. and U.K. – England simply did not want a war with the U.S. over a few miles of territory that was filling up with Americans and settled for the 49II as its border – Northerners and abolitionists felt betrayed by Polk a Southern President (TN) because he wanted all of Texas and not all of Oregon (Slave Issue)

Mexico – Texas and California

Claifornia (whose population was mixed) was scene as the prize for manifest destiny and a fear that the British would take control of it - – Polk wanted it – offered to buy it from Mexico but Mexico was in debt to America for 3 million dollars and was not paying (crimes committed against Americans in the west)

At the same time Polk wanted answers on Texas – and the border dispute there – Texas claimed the Rio Grande Mexico said Texas still belonged to Mexico. Polk sent John Sidell to Mexico and he was refused he was going to offer Mexico 25 million for California and all land east of it – POLK WANTED CALIFORNIA

Polk wanted war with mexico said we could declare it because Mexico owed us 3 million – and that they refused to hear Sidlell – his cabinet wanted Mexico to shoot at us first to justify the war

The War begins – Polk sent General Zachary Taylor into Texas with a U.S. Army – they were instructed not to shoot or start a war but to occupy the area on the Rio Grande that the U.S. claimed was the country of Texas’s border. On April 25th 1846 Mexico believing that a foreign Army had invaded her country sent an army across the Rio Grande and engaged Taylor’s force killing 16 Americans –

Polk sent a letter to congress stating we have tried all measures of peace with the Mexicans and they have invaded Texas and killed Americans Asked for a declaration of War – Northern congressmen claimed this was wrong and an attempt to spread slavery -

Polk wanted a limited war with the goal of securing California – U.S. Army was outnumbered and support from the home front was limited – Polk needed a fast war. In 1846 Polk sent General Kearny and 17,000 cavalrymen to take and occupy California – he arrived to late Americans in California had already taken over the Mexican controlled area and declared the California Bear Republic.

1847 Taylor with 5000 men marcher into Mexico and won victor after victory – his largest was at Buena Vista where he was outnumbered 25,000 to his 5,000 became a national hero following the battle and would become President based on this victory.

1847 U.S. invaded with the larger part of the U.S. Army lead by Winfield Scott landing at Vera Cruz and marched to Mexico City where he captured it using a combination of Army and Marine attacks – the Halls of Montezuma –

It was a swift victory and a timely one as congress controlled by Whigs was about to stop funding Polk’s war

February 2 1848 – State Dept representative Nicholas Trist signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and sent it to Polk who turned it over to the Senate for approval. The treaty gave America California – Texas – Oregon – and half of Mexico – U.S. in turn even as the victor paid Mexico 18 million for the war.

Cost v gain 13,000 American dead – a well experienced American Army whose young officers would fight each other 15 years later in the American Civil War – and the U.S. grew a third larger – more territory the LA purchase of 1803 – war also justified the existence of West Point created in 1802 and the creation of Annapolis Naval Academy in 1846 – Also justified the continuation of the USMC who stormed the Mexican capitol in the final assault on the Mexican Army. We won the was without a major defeat and established our surpremecy in the hemisphere Turning point had started in the development of America – Manifest destiny fulfilled.

Slave Question became an issue before the war ended – Representative Wilmot of PA created a bill that was defeated over and over again in congress but became known as the Wilmot Proviso Slavery would not extend into the territory gained by Mexico – it would be hemmed in at Texas – never became law it was just accepted. – this war lead the U.S. directly on a path to Civil War.

Chapter 18

Sectional Struggle 1848-1854

Popular Sovereignty

The war with Mexico really was the first shots of the Civil war and it was the training ground for the American military officers who would fight the war – with the peace of Guadalupe Hidalgo – brought forth all of the Mexican territory from Texas to California – with came the Wilmot Proviso and the division of the Govt. between the Southern Pro slave Fire Eaters and the Northern Abolitionists

1848 election

Democrats had to find a new candidate as Polk turned down the nomination – Chose General and Senator Lewis Cass of the 1812 war the congressman who created the idea of popular sovereignty- states have the right under the constitution to determine slavery –

The Whigs denied Henry Clay another chance to run and chose what worked for them in the past a General – the Hero of Buena Vista General Zachary Taylor –A new party formed as well the anti slave party or Free Soilers formed in the North put gat support from ex democrats and Whigs alike – they wanted slavery ended so that poor whites could get better paying jobs

Whigs Taylor

Democrats Cass

Free Soilers Martin Van Buren

Taylor took 163 electoral votes to Cass’s 127


1848 Gold is found at Sutter’s Mill and kicks off the 1849 Gold Rush to California few of the thousands that went found any – Merchants and capitalism that sold to the miners got rich – and the birth of the American mine towns was born – The territory due to the massive influx of people and poor infrastructure generated a lot of lawless areas and crime and murder skyrocketed – this caused president Taylor to step in and recommend a constitution be written one that excluded slavery and then immediately apply for statehood not having to become a territory first (importance of California for national security) The South opposed the entrance of a state like this – it would set a precedence for future states and the free soil movement – California would break the 15 15 membership of the senate – and both New Mexico and Utah were asking for free statehood as well

Taylor’s Govt. – a pro slave Govt. was in power the important offices were stacked by southerns

Taylor a Virginian and a Slave owner was president (executive branch)

The majority of the Supreme Court (Judicial Branch)members were Southern and slave owners

And they had equality in the senate (half the legislative branch)

The Underground Railroad Harriet Tubman

More myth than success Tubman lead 300 slaves on 19 runs to freedom– a string of safe houses throughout the South and North that helped slave escape through a network to Canada – a direct violation of constitutional law of protecting private property – In truth more slaves bought their freedom than ranaway –

By 1850 the South claimed to be loosing 1000 slaves a year – and demanded a new FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW

In 1849 Southern told Washington they intended to go to Nashville to discuss secession if the laws did not change – this sparked the last debates of the old guard of congressmen – Webster, Calhoun, and Clay would all try to patch of the growing sectional divide all were in their late 60’s and 70’s and would not live to see the next election- Clay lead the way with the help of a young senator named Stephen Douglas (late debate Lincoln for the Presidency) And an up state Senator from New York Henry Seward (later on Lincolns Cabinet) lead the Northern anti slave portion of Congress –

Compromise of 1850 – Favored the North and Anti slave movement –

North got –

1. California admitted free

2. The division of Texas and the creation of New Mexico from it

3. Abolition of the Slave trade in Washington D.C. but not of Slavery

South got

1.  rest of Mexican territory be admitted with choice

2.  Texas paid $10 million for last part to New Mexico

3.  a tougher fugitive slave law

1850 in the middle of the debate President Taylor Died and Millard Fillmore of New York became President

Fugitive Slave law scared whites as well as it took away basic rights

Fugitive slaves could not testify on their behalf

Denied a jury

And judges were paid $5 if they were freed and $10 if they were not –

Slaves were property

The South up held this law Northern States ignored or did not enforce it

1852 election

Democrats Franklin Pierce 254

Whigs General Winfield Scott 42

This election say the death of the wig party over slavery opinion

South sought expansion south to spread Slavery as it was loosing North America

British Competition in Central America sparked an Southern interest – William Walker created his own country in Nicaragua but was crushed by Latin American armies and executed by the Hondurans when the U.S. refused to support his country.

Southerns also attempted to take Cuba but Free Soilers foiled there plans

Asian Interest

With the admission of California and Oregon – the U.S. sought to take manifest destiny over seas to Asia

1852/53 President Fillmore sent Commodore Mathew C Perry to Japan to force trade at gun point – 1854 Japan opened its doors

Gadsden Purchase – a portion of Mexico we forgot to take had the railroad in it and we had to buy it from Santa Anna (6th time in office) for $10 million

Kansas Nebraska act –

Launched Civil War

Over road MO Compromise on the 36 30 line

Popular Sovereignty