Modern United States History
Mrs. Maglio
Fall 2016
Modern US History (MUSH) is a two-semester required social studies course that explores the history of the twentieth century. In addition to the historical content, skills in geography, economics and research will be addressed.
Text:History Alive!
Classroom Materials:
In addition to your textbook, each day you should bring the following materials to class.
- 3-ring binder with dividers
- loose leaf paper
- Blue or black pen or a pencil
- Colored pencils
- 4x6 notecards
- Post-its
- Flash drive or online storage
Grading Scale:
A 100 – 94%C 76 – 73%
A- 93 – 90%C- 72 – 70%
B+ 89 – 87%D+ 69 – 67%
B 86 – 83%D 66 – 63%
B- 82 – 80%D- 62 - 60%
C+ 79 – 77%F 59% - below
Grades will be determined using a point system. Each assignment, test, project will be given a point value. Grades will be determined by dividing the points the student earns by the total points possible in the course. Students may demonstrate understanding of the material after a test or quiz through a retake. This may be done only if you have completed all of their assignments leading up to the assessment and completed the studyguide.
Semester Grades:42.5% 1st Quarter
42.5% 2nd Quarter
15% Final Exam
Classroom Expectations:
Being prepared and participation have a direct impact upon your grade. You are responsible for having read the assigned readings, taking notes in class and participating in classroom discussion. This class is a mixture of lecture; discussion, group and individual work; your cooperation and enthusiasm will enhance this class tremendously.
Classroom Conduct:
To insure that all members of our class can learn successfully, we will follow the procedures outlined in the Student Handbook and PBIS guidelines. A few additional guidelines:
- Please be on time to all classes and activities.
- Please bring all the required materials to class every day.
- Please come to class expecting to learn.
- Please be an active contributor and courteous listener.
- Please be respectful of others opinions and contributions.
- Please open your mind to new and different ideas and experiences.
- Leave your cell phone in your locker or backpack (turned off). If it is out when it should not be,it will be taken!
Work Make-up Policy:
It is the student’s responsibility to obtain any missing work on the day he or she returns. Students are given a full day for each day missed plus one day to complete any assignments. Extended absences are to be worked out on an individual basis. You cannot make up any daily homework for days you were unexcused. Most assignments are also uploaded to teacher pages.
Late Work Policy:
Assuming it is completed satisfactorily, students will earn up to 60% of the possible points for all course work turned in late but before a unit assessment. However, I realize that life has its occasional "bumps in the road" and there may be times when it is difficult to get something done on time. Therefore, you will be granted FOUR homework “passes.” Each pass grants you the privilege of turning in one assignment without late penalty! You may not turn in unit work after the unit assessment. Occasionally, I may announce that you may not use a pass for a particular assignment because a class activity is dependent on your timely completion of the homework. Otherwise, you will be free to use your passes as you need to. Students who have turned in all required work and have late passes remaining at the end of the semester may turn in unused passes for extra credit in the class of their choice.
Plagiarism involves a student taking credit for work that someone else has done. The following lists examples of common types of plagiarism.
- Copying all or part of an assignment from another student
- Copying all or part of a source for use in an assignment
- Cutting and pasting parts of web sites into an assignment
- Purchasing a paper from a paper mill site and turning it in for credit
- Not crediting a source used in an assignment even if it has been paraphrased
Because plagiarism is a serious academic conduct violation, the consequence is a zero for the assignment. Students are not normally given an opportunity to redo any of the work. Parents as well as the administration are informed of the misconduct. Consult the student handbook for further clarification of the school's policy on plagiarism.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with your concerns and questions. If you wish to contact me you can call the school at 437-2400. ext. 2133 or e-mail(best) I will return calls and e-mails as soon as possible.
We’re looking forward to a great semester!