4124 West 4th Street • Apartment 207 • Hattiesburg, MS 39401
Cell Phone 601 927-1555 • Home Phone 601 271-2800 • E-mail

Mandy Frazure

The objective is to use my skills in 3D modeling, animation, and virtual reality to aid in the marketing/sales of the AEC Industry. I will also strive to aid in the communication between the architect and client by enhancing visualization of architectural plans and giving the client a clear perception of a project as if they were physically walking through the standing structure.
2003-PresentUniversity of Southern Mississippi Hattiesburg, MS
Graduate Student
2000-2003 University of Southern Mississippi Hattiesburg, MS
Undergraduate Student
  • Bachelor of Science; Architectural Engineering Technology
  • Minor in Construction Engineering Technology
1998-2000 Holmes Community College Goodman, MS
Undergraduate Student
  • Associates of Science; Architectural Engineering Technology with Honors

Awards received
  • Associates of Science; Architectural Engineering Technology with *Honors*
  • High School Diploma with *Honors*
  • High School Overall A Average

Interests and activities
I have a large interestin 3D modeling with an emphasis in architecture; however, I do not limit myself only to the architectural field. I also enjoy graphic design. I enjoy using programs such as Autodesk Viz4, Photoshop, and Chief Architect. I am a member of ICEE (Innovation for Construction Engineering Enhancement) at USM, which is a research center for engineering students. I am also a graduate assistant and I really enjoy working with people. Since I have been so in touch with the students and involved heavily in the grading processes, I have found this to be a very rewarding experience. I have a wide range of interests and I enjoy doing things that involve helping others.
Work experience
8/03-PresentUniversity of Southern MississippiHattiesburg, MS
Graduate Assistant –Reference: William Crosby
  • As a graduate assistant, I work with students mainly through the grading process. I grade architectural drawing projects (working drawings and senior projects) and also create architectural/construction quizzes/exams to evaluate the students’ work. I also teach class as needed by the instructor. I work with the students in my office as needed for questions and/or grade checks.
6/02-5/03University of Southern MississippiHattiesburg, MS
Engineering Tech Lab Monitor –Reference: Doris Kemp
  • As a lab monitor, my job was to maintain the lab, making sure that students swipe their ID’s and sign in. Also as a monitor, I was in charge of helping students with minor computer errors and reporting to the lab technician of any problems beyond my experience. I was also in charge of the equipment in the lab, mainly making sure that the printers ran efficiently and error free.
5/99-5/00HolmesCommunity CollegeGoodman, MS
Holmes Ambassador –Reference: Janice Richardson
  • As an Ambassador, my duties were to recruit students and aid in orientation. The Ambassadors traveled to high schools, spoke to large groups of students, and wrote/sent post cards to potential HolmesCommunity Collegestudents. At orientation, I spoke in front of incoming students, explaining various aspects of attending the college and had a part in making student ID’s.
8/98-5/00HolmesCommunity CollegeGoodman, MS
Work-study –Reference: Terry Cox
  • As a work-study, my job to take care of paperwork and maintain the orderliness of the classrooms in engineering technology. From the months of May until August, I was involved as a work-study in helping with the remodeling of the Vo-Tech. There my duties included cleaning, painting, and various types of manual labor. During the summer there wasn’t much office work required of me so I volunteered to help in any way that I could. It was a tiresome but rewarding experience.

William E. Crosby USM Faculty/ICEE Co-Director (601) 266-4892
Dr. Tulio A. Sulbaran USM Faculty/ICEE Director (601) 266-6419
Doris A. Kemp USM Faculty/LabTech Administrator (601) 266-5673
Janice Richardson Retired HCC Faculty (662) 289-9407
Terry Cox HCC Faculty (662) 472-9070