NALG Australia delegates meeting 2017
Meeting held at The Federal Golf Club, 2 November 2017 commencing at 1:15pm with 17 members in attendance
Executive ChairmanBob Murphy
Vice Chairman Phil Hart
New South WalesRex LangthorneColin Aldrick
RiverinaJohn BrosterDennis Chaplin
TasmaniaBrian BannisterJohn Bosworth
South AustraliaRoy SeccafienDavid Ryles
QueenslandJeff HoganColin Clarke
ACTSid FarrellDavid Thorne
VictoriaLeigh Greening
Northern RiversNeil GarrettBarry Clark
The President Bob Murphy welcomed all present to the meeting
Apologies were received from Trevor Golding (Secretary) and Langdon Emery (Captain)
Election of Officers
Chairman: Bob MurphyProposed:Leigh GreeningSeconded: John Bosworth
No other nominations Elected unopposed
Vice Chairman: Phil HartProposed:Sid FarrellSeconded: Jeff Hogan
No other nominations Electedunopposed
Secretary: Sid FarrellProposed: Bob MurphySeconded: David Thorne
No other nominations Electedunopposed
Three year term for Captain ends next year
The meeting formally acknowledged the work of the former Secretary/Treasurer Trevor Golding and thank him for his input.
Minutes were accepted as a true record of the previous AGM
Proposed:Rex LangthorneSeconded: David Thorne
Business arising from the minutes:
- No additional money was requested from NALG Australia, Victoria or NSW from the organising committee of the World Championships
- No budget was received from the organising committee of the World Championships
From NR Division re RH members
From Tas. Division re Events at National Championships
Executive Chairman re NALGA WALG China Liaison Officer
The Treasurer’s report was presented
Audited reported was received
To be followed up
- Liability – Loan from Victorian division
- Asset – NALG World Championship committee
Treasurers report be accepted
Proposed: Roy SeccafienSeconded: Sid Farrell
The Chairman’s report was presented
National web site has received a number of hits
The Captain’s report was presented
Due to changes in the management of Golf Link the Captain raised some issues arising from this regarding the NALGA managed handicap
The following motion was put forward regarding promotion of the NALGA managed handicap
NALG Australia to suspend the managed handicap scheme for 12 months and review at next delegates meeting
Proposed: Phil HartSeconded: Sid FarrellCarried
Notice of Motion from Northern Rivers Division
Concerning admission of Right Handed golfers as associate members, may speak at meetings but not vote or win any left hander trophies
Neil Garrett spoke to the motion
Much discussion arose
Proposal: Amend constitution to admit right handed golfer as associate members in national body, divisions to make own decisions
Proposed: Phil HartSeconded: Brian BannisterCarried
Notice of Motion from Tasmania Division
Concerning number (too many) of left hander trophies at National Championships
After discussion it was proposed that a sub-committee of Bob Murphy, Phil Hart, Sid Farrell and a delegate from Tasmania discuss this and report to next delegates meeting
AYM Golf Tours
Current agreement has expired
Extend agreement for another three years
Proposed: Rex LangthorneSeconded: David RylesCarried
2017 World Championships
No report received yet
Next championship to be held in Germany, followed by France and then China
2017 National Championships
- Stressed the importance of the Divisions and/or their agents to have a publicised cancellation policy
- Delegates proposed congratulations to Sid Farrell, Bob Murphy and the remainder of the organising committee
2018 National Championships
- To be held by SA Division in the Barossa Valley playing at Tanunda Pines and Barossa Valley Golf Clubs
- New NALG-SA website with entry form on it
- Shotgun starts each morning
- Welcome Function and Dinner locations yet to be determined
- Cost $360
Future National Championships
2021Northern Rivers
Informal discussions will be held with Go Golfing regarding contracting them to manage future National Championships
Sick List
David Sparshott
Barney Venaglia passed away during the year,
Reports from Divisions
New South Wales8 events per year, average 30 per event about half right handers
RiverinaMaintaining numbers, playing better courses subsidising green fees
TasmaniaRegained numbers, large part by right handed players mainly spouses
South AustraliaIncreased membership by 25%, improved web site
QueenslandRunning on going raffle for participants, maintaining numbers
ACTFocussed on the Nationals this year
VictoriaBusy with the World Championships, limited events this year
Northern RiversMonthly events, subsidise the green fees for events
Any other business
Western Australian Division may be revived
The meeting was declared closed at 3:15pm