2017 St. Patrick’s Parade

Email form to by 3:00pm on 3/10/17 or bring this form to Registration Trailer on 3/11/17 (Xavier Parking lot) to receive a parade number

Business/Organization Name_____________________________________________________

Contact Person________________________________ Phone: _________________________


Description of entry (for judges identification) _________________________________________


***EVERY PARTICIPANT MUST BE REGISTERED AND HAVE AN ASSIGNED NUMBER VISIBLY DISPLAYED. Assigned number should be on left side of parade entry for judges to see. Judges are located in front of the Library/City Hall.

Prize winners will be announced on Dyersville Area Chamber of Commerce Facebook page, KDST, KMCH, Telegraph Herald and the Dyersville Commercial following the parade.

These rules have been adopted to provide the safest possible parade experience for attendees and participants.

· Participants should not stop unless the entire parade has otherwise stopped. Keep a gap no larger than 40 feet between floats. Keep up with the pace of the parade.

· Each parade participating group must be responsible not only for their own safety, but also for the safety of the public audience around them.

· Vehicle drivers are solely responsible for the safe operation of their vehicle.

· Candy, prizes, promotional items, etc., should be thrown away from the parade float/vehicle with enough distance that onlookers do not have to enter the roadway to retrieve them. Items should be thrown in an arching manner that does not target any individual. Promotional products made from paper may not be thrown.

· Alcoholic beverages should not be consumed on the parade route.

· Horses are not allowed. All other animals of any kind will require Parade Official approval upon registering.

· Immediately bring to the attention of a parade official any unsafe or troublesome conditions along the parade route.

· Each float/motorized vehicle/truck/tractor driver must be the holder of a valid driver’s license.

· Prizes: Floats – 1st place: Traveling trophy $100, 2nd place: trophy $75, 3rd place: trophy $50 Costume: 1st place: trophy $25, 2nd place: trophy $15, 3rd place: trophy $10. Winners to pick up at Dyersville Area Chamber of Commerce Office on Monday.

Authorized Representative Signature(s)_________________________________________________