WG F13-9-Draft Mandate Working Group F- version 2

Mandate Working Group F “Floods”

Version : 1
Date : 24.04.2012
Drafted by: M. Brättemark, M. Adamson,

Next steps: Discussion at WG F 12, 16/17-10-2012.


Directive 2007/60/EC on the assessment and management of flood risks (the Floods Directive) shall be implemented according to a three-stage implementation process, with Flood Risk Management Plans to be established by 2015 in coordination with Directive 2000/60/EC (the Water Framework Directive). In the 1st phase of the implementation cycle the need to exchange information between member States, with the Commission and with other EU institutions, groups, projects or international bodies working on relevant topics has been strongly expressed.


The purpose of WG F is to provide a forum for support for the implementation of the Floods Directive, for information exchange between Member States and stakeholders on good practices and feedback on implementation and reporting with a view to reaching a common understanding on the requirements for the implementation of the Floods Directive, and for linking with other related activities in the CIS and at EU level for support of the implementation.

The objective of the work programme for this period is to provide a platform for information exchange between Member States and with other actors (including WFD groups) on themes relevant to the implementation of the Floods Directive, and to finalise reporting schema.

Themes relevant to the purpose and objectives of WG F include, but are not limited to, those listed in Annex I.


i)Twice annual meetings will be held of WG F, to provide a platform for information exchange and for discussion on key implementation issues.

ii)Short workshops may be held, if and as required, on themes related to the implementation of the Floods Directive, based on themes approved by WG F members. Such Short Workshops will typically be of a half-day duration and be held back-to-back with a meeting of WG F.

Currently foreseen relevant themes might include:

Climate change and adaptation

Civil protection and the critical infrastructure directive, linking to other work on risk assessment and mapping

Links between the Floods Directive and WFD

Risk mapping and risk management

Trans-boundary Cooperation

Follow-up on experience of implementation (e.g., PFRA)

Flood hazard and risk mapping

Developments in natural water retention measures (NWRM)

Flood risk from sources other than rivers and the sea, e.g., groundwater, dams, etc.

iii)Thematic Workshops to take place each year, if and as required, on themes related to the implementation of the Floods Directive, based on themes and workshop outlines approved by WG F members, and thereafter approved by the Strategic Coordination Group (SCG). This mandate provides the framework for these Thematic workshops, whilst the specific themes and dates for Themtic workshops are to be agreed in workshop outlines. Strategic Coordination Group (SCG) and the Water Directors (WD) will be informed of the upcoming events for their approval, and will receive the outcome of each workshop.

Potential themes for Thematic Workshops are as outlined under Item III.ii) and as indicated in the annex.

iv)Finalisation of reporting formats (including Schema) in 2013, in line with reporting through WISE and with existing provisions under INSPIRE and future provisions under SEIS, for approval by the SCG and the WD, noting that the Reporting Sheets for all aspects of reporting have been agreed by WG F and approved by the SCG and Water Directors.

v)Development of reports, handbooks, guides or other documents on an adhoc basis, subject to specific mandates approved by WG F, SCG, and Water Directors.


A.Meeting reports of WG F, as well as discussion documents.

B.Reporting formats for the implementation of the requirements for flood mapping and the flood risk management plans under the Directive

C.Reports of Thematic Workshops on chosen themes.

D.Ad-hoc documents on themes relevant to the implementation of the Floods Directive, subject to agreement on mandates for specific tasks.

V.Links with other activities

  • Information exchange activities to link and coordinate with other relevant Water Framework Directive and CIS activities, including reporting, co-ordination of the implementation of the Water Framework directive and the ‘Floods’ directive, climate change adaptation, biodiversity, economics and hydro-morphology
  • Information exchange activities to link and coordinate with other relevant EU level activities, including civil protection, accident prevention, integrated coastal zone management, agriculture, critical infrastructure, regional and structural development and, JRC’s activities on floods including the European Flood Alert System and in coordination with DG RTD, relevant research initiatives.


WG F plenary meetings will take place twice a year. WG F Thematic workshops may be organised each year if and as required, subject to approval of SCG and WD. Drafting groups can be organised according to need and specific mandates.

WG F Tasks / 2013 / 2014 / 2015
Reporting formats
WG meetings
Thematic Workshops
Directive Tasks / 2013 / 2014 / 2015
Flood Maps

VII.Structure and organisation

Agenda of WG F meetings to be set / agreed by chair / co-chairs, and to include elements on WG F and Directive tasks, information exchange and links with other activities. The purpose of the meetings is to provide a platform to meet the stated purpose and objectives of WG F. Discussion papers may be prepared and presented by members or the Commission to facilitate information exchange and achieving a common understanding on specific relevant themes or issues. The working documents, minutes and presentations of WGF meetings are made available in a dedicated CIRCA site, with public access.

Members are in principle one main delegate per Member States and international inter-governmental bodies, such as international river basin commissions, regional seas. Additional contact persons can be appointed, and additional participants can attend the meetings. Stakeholder organisation representing relevant flood risk management interests at the European level can be members according to the CIS/SCG rules. Relevant research or other EU relevant projects can be invited on an ad-hoc basis. Other inter-governmental bodies such as WMO, UNESCO may also be members.

WG F Thematic workshops may be organised each year by members in conjunction with open organisation committees, based on agreements in WG F on which themes to address and according to Workshop outlines as agreed by WG F, subject to approval of SCG and WD.

The Drafting group on Reporting will finalise its work no later than 2013. The aim is to develop reporting formats / schema in line with the Reporting Sheets previously agreed and approved, ensuring that reporting via WISE provides for appropriate visualisation and is fully INSPIRE and SEIS compliant (as appropriate to the time of the reporting stage).

Other Drafting groups for specific documents or other tasks may be set up upon agreement of a mandate by WGF/SCG and WD.


The first cycle of implementation of the ‘Floods’ Directive will be substantially completed during the period of this mandate. The focus of outreach activities by WG F will hence be to ensure coordination with the implementation of the WFD, as well as transparency of activities at EU level in relation to the requirements and implementation of the Directive. EC will ensure clear information is provided on DG ENV Europa internet pages and CIRCA. The results of information exchange on key themes addressed at workshops will be made available to the public via CIRCA.

IX.Lead countries/organisations

Name / Organisation / Member State / E-mail
< To be discussed > / < To be discussed > / < To be discussed >
< To be discussed > / < To be discussed > / < To be discussed >



Themes relevant to the purpose and objectives of WG F:

Flood risk management plans,

Flood mapping,

Risk mapping and assessment

Coordination in implementation with the WFD

Trans-boundary cooperation

Climate change and implementation of the Floods Directive,

Economic assessment and funding of flood risk management measures,

Vulnerability assessment,

Links with civil protection at national and European level, such as the Prevention of natural and Manmade disasters Initiative, the community mechanism for civil protection, etc

Links with the whole risk management cycle, from prevention, preparedness, early warning, response and lessons learned

Specific flood types where further knowledge is necessary for implementation such as flash floods, pluvial floods, groundwater floods,

Links with protection of critical infrastructure directive

Reporting including Links with INSPIRE and SEIS

Other specific issues arising from the requirements for the implementation of the Directive