SOUTHSHORE NEWS SPOT –May 2006 © 2006 by CMA Publishing- By Caryn Lazar Amster

Word count for this issue is 3653 words –Total read time about 10.5 minutes.

Thanks for stopping by the South Shore News Spot. This month we feature great stories, reunion information, SouthShore bus tour scoop, a new SouthShore radio interview to hear, former South Shoreites looking for old friends and new jobs, stories from the Pied Piper’s mailbag, upcoming events, new ways to reach old friends, and much more!

Don’t just forward this newsletter - tell your friends to email me and get their own copy at


Bob Tucker, a good friend of mine from SouthShore (Bowen graduate 1968)is looking for one perfect job. For many years he owned a highly successful marketing communicationsagency in the Chicago area. He is a great marketingplanner and would be an asset to any company that is looking to increase their bottom line through more strategic marketing and use of the internet. You can reach him at(847) 899-8877 or email him at .

PLEASE HELP THE PIED PIPER’S DAUGHTER KEEP THIS NEWSLETTER COMING - It takes a long time to write and manage the newsletter and the growing list. Please help me sell my out my first run of books. THERE IS A LIMITED NUMBER OF BOOKS LEFT! I am not sure if there will be a reprint. This may be the end of the Pied Piper books. Posters and fine art prints are also still available. This is a perfect gift for friends, relatives and loved ones that still do not have their own copy of the Pied Piper. How about MOM and DAD?

When was the last time you bought a personally autographedbook from someone you know? PLEASE order using the secured shopping cart on the order form at my book website to place your order. Or call toll free 1-866-50-PIPER (74737) or mail your order to CMA Publishing, P.O. Box 366, Medinah, Ill60157-0366. We take major credit cards including Visa, Master Card and Discover and we will gift wrap too! This will help me afford to continue the newsletter. Thank you – Caryn

SOUTHSHOREWTMX RADIO INTERVIEW– MAY 28th! - I recently taped a half hour radio segment called “Vantage Point” about SouthShore memories and The Pied Piper book for Chicagoradio station WTMX 101.9 FM. They have a Sunday morning arts program produced and hosted by Dr. David Unumb, a professor with the Department of Speech and Performing Arts of Northeastern Illinois University. The show airs on Sunday from 6:30 – 7:00 am. My interview on theSouthShore show will air on May 28th. Please listen in! The station was only one of 10 in the year 2000 to receive the Crystal Award for Excellence in Community Service from the National Association of Broadcasters and a Marconi award for Excellence in Radio.


Looking for long lost South Shoreites from the ‘50s and ‘60s? Email me and I will try to put you in touch. These are new this month. By the way - If you want me to use your request or memory in the newsletter, please include your permission to use your name and emailaddress in your correspondence.

THE OVERHAUL OF THE OVERFLOW- For many years the Overflowat79th chat room has connected hundreds of former South Shoreites and given them a forum to talk about anything that was on their minds. First it was a Yahoo group and now it is on Google. It is so big that recently, Tim, the moderator, broke it off into two separate Overflows. There is a basic chat for SouthShore news, reunions, revival of old memories like drive-ins, movies, restaurants and other issues. The second called “The PUB” is for those that want to discuss off site topics like politics, baseball and other heavy world issues. There are lots of photos too and once you join up you can view and post to the site. There is no charge for any of this. Thanks to Tim for all his hard work!

From Tim – “In order to make things easier for the new members (and some of the oldmembers) we have set up a 'gateway' site for the Overflow. This sitewill serve as a place to direct people who are interested in theOverflow. There are pages with News, F.A.Q.s (frequently askedquestions), links and more.”Here is the link:

The Overflow is a discussion group mailing list about SouthShore memories and the ramblings of SouthShore refugees. Topics here are limited to people, places and events ofSouthShore in the 'old days'. You will have to register to access the group if you don't have a Google or Gmail account (free and easy).

The Overflow Pub and Coffee Shop-This is aDiscussion group mailing list of ex-SouthShore folks who like to get together and discuss just about anything. No topic limits, join here after you are on the Overflow.

Overflow Photo Site- Photos (lots of them) of SouthShore and group members in the past and present. A must see. Here is the link to give someone to access the group gateway:

Looking for lost friends

I asked my Chicago friends to help me find the following:Scott Merriman - lived on E. 75th Street up until, at least, the 70s. I don't know what happened in Chicago during the entire decade of the 70s as I was living in Madrid.Margaret (Marge) Thompson (maiden name Toole) - She used to live at 7244 Coles Avenue up until the mid-60s at least. She has two sons: Bob and Jack Thompson.Any help would certainly be appreciated- Dianne Berger,

Friends that I would like to locate are Nazar Asjian, Frank Kish, Dan McDonald (all Horace Mann 1953) and John Hart (Our Lady of Peace about 1953). My familyleft SouthShore in June 1956 and I have forgotten most of the names in the last 50 years. Thank you, Jim Hemmen -

I lived at 74th and Coles till1950 and moved to Marion, Indiana. Then I graduated from MarionHigh School in 1955. Does anyone know the 'where-abouts' of Susie Curtis or Patsy Wilton?Also I discovered that I have way too many adorable little elephants from the Hamilton Collection. I was buying the darling little things like they were going out of style. I need to thin out the Curio Cabinet and will gladly email anyone who contacts me about then.The cost will be much-much-much below actual. Reach me at Peg Fixel Scott

My brother Avery Dee and I grew up at 68th and Euclid. I went to FaulknerSchool for Girls and O'keefe and Parkside Elementary, University of Illinois at Navy Pier, the School of the Art Institute and Northwestern. I graduated from Hyde Park in 1961. I would really love to find Jennifer Lynn (Parkside Grammar), Donnalyn Freund (former Miss Chicago-Parkside), Kenny/Nancy Dry (U-High), Sally Schapiro (Hyde Park 61) or Bobbie Garner (Hyde Park 61). I now live in SF Bay Area.... Thanks again, Tobbe Ann Dee-Sikorski –

Caryn, while much about your book was painful to read, there are many happy memories from those days and Wee Folks was one of them. Thanks again for writing the book and I'm so glad I found out about it! Anyone who attended St Philip Neri in the 70s please contact me. I lived at 7124 S Paxton Av. Thank you, John Jacobsen

Does anyone have any info on Claudia Kempf?She attended BrynMawrCollege after SouthShore.Richard Grant

As I was reading thru your last News Spot it occurred to me that there may be some June 1947 grads who might remember my late sister Barbara Louise Kilcran. She graduated SSHS class of June 1947. She married her high school sweetheart Alvin Toral SSHS class of January 1947. They attended many of their reunions. Sadly, Barbara passed away on June 2, 1990 of breast cancer. A special thank you Caryn for your diligent work in this SSHS memory effort. Keep up the good work. Larry Kilcran SSHS - June 1954

I have gotten such a kick out of your book, the poster I purchased and these E-Mails.Please post something regarding any classmates out there who attended OLP from 1962 to the 1968 graduating class.I lived at 78thandCregier from 1962 to 1966 and then 78th and Bennett from 1966 to 1968. Your book has brought back so many memories and your writing is so graphic I can just see the old neighborhood. Thank you for thesehappy thoughts! My sister Barbara Payne also attended – she is a year younger - Katheryn (Kit) Payne Titter

IT’S CORKY TIME! Here is a list of some of famous former South ShoreiteCorky Siegel’s Siegel-Schwall Band upcoming concerts. Maybe there is one coming to your town. Corky is so talented and seeing him is a great experience. Details about these listings are available through:

Sun 5/14/06 Chicago, ILOldTownSchool
Tom Dundee Memorial Benefit Concert - SOLD OUT and Chicago Blues Reunion!

Sat 6/10/06 Chicago, IL - 23rd Annual Chicago Blues Festival - Petrillo Band Shell - 7:20 PM till 8:20 PM - - see - Also a side performance on the Mississippi Juke Stage 3:30 till 4:30 with Sam Lay (on Guitar and Vocal) and Corky Siegel (harp)

Chicago Blues Reunion – Saturday, 6/17/06 Guerneville, CA Russian River Blues FestivalThursday - 6/22/06 Oshkosh, WI Waterfest - Saturday, 6/24/06 Downers Grove, IL Heritage Festival – Sunday,7/2 Breckenridge, CO Riverwalk Center – Friday, 7/7/06 Lowell MA Lowell Summerfest TBA - Saturday, 7/8/06 Albany, NY Empire State Plaza - Sunday, 7/9/06 New York, NY BB King's, Monday, 710/06 Annapolis, MD Ram's Head, Wednesday, 7/12/06 Alexandria, VA Birchmere Music Hall, Thursday, 7/13 Hoffman Estates, IL Prairie Stone Parkway
Summer Concert Series

BYE BYE BOWEN! - According to Susan Stevens an Editor at theSoutheast Chicago Observer newspaper, a twice-a-monthly that covers 79th to the city limits, lakefront to StonyIsland, BowenHigh School as we knew it will be no more. There will be a transition! Four small schools are in the complex, some now several years old. Susan will be doing an article about emerging artists from Bowen and on the transition in her paper. There will be a celebration on June 17th. The paper can be reached at The Observer, 9204 S. Commercial Ave.Chicago, and the paper is at

Bowen “Transition” Celebration Slated June 17th – By Susan Stevens

Former students, teachers, other staff and community members will celebrate the next phase of BowenHigh School from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sat. June 17.Bowen’s last students will graduate in June, with Bowen fully replaced by the four current small schools in the complex.The celebration will include a historical review, recollections from those who attend, a tour of the building and presentations by the four small schools.

A barbeque on the front lawn will be part of the refreshments.The small schools include Global Vision, Bowen Environmental Studies Team (BEST), ChicagoDiscoveryAcademy and New Millennium School of Health. Each school has its own principal, budget, staff and local school council.The school is expected to accommodate up to 2,400 students. A building manager is expected to be hired to coordinate use, maintenance and security within the building.Planning is still in the early stages. To help or for more information about the celebration, contact the South Chicago Chamber of Commerce, 773-768-1221, or the school, 773-535-6000.


On Sunday, August 20,2006 a 3-4 hour bus tour of South Shore will stop at: Chicago's oldest Jewish congregation – KAM temple, The South Shore Cultural Center formerlythe South Shore Country Club, and the Historic South Side Jewish/Civil War cemetery. The tour will be narrated and conducted by Chicago expert, Dr. Irving Cutler. He will trace Jewish settlements from their earlier beginnings downtown southward through Maxwell Street,Grand Boulevard, Washington Park, Kenwood, Hyde Park, South Shore, and South Chicago. The tour group will view important institutions including those with historic, religious, and architectural landmark status, the University of Chicago and other schools, homes of the prominent and important businesses such as the Wee Folks toy store. The tour is sponsored by the Chicago Jewish Historical Society (CJHS) and the coordinator is Leah Axelrod. I am planning to be on the bus to provide local color. I will have Pied Piper books and posters for autograph and sale. Tour payment is due before the event. Contact Leah Axelrod at 847-432-7003 or email her at Pick up/return locations: Bernard Horwich JCC – 3003 W Touhy Avenue in Lincolnwood – pick up at 12:00 –Return at 5:00 and the Chicago Marriot: Rush and Ohio Street entrance –pick up at 12:30 –Return 4:30. Full payment for the tour is due with the reservation. $30/Member of CJHS and $40/Nonmember - Join the Chicago Jewish Historical Society when making your reservation and pay membership prices. CJHS Membership: $35

Websites of interest to South Siders

South Chicago Community Map -

Chicago’s Southeast Side – a project by WashingtonHigh School -

Chicago Vocabulary -


Thanks to Roger Fineberg a former SSHS schoolmate of mine for these excerpts of memories of the '50's and '60's – how many can you remember?

  • My Mom used to cut chicken, chop eggs and spread mayo on the same cutting board with the same knife and no bleach, but we didn't seem to get food poisoning.
  • My Mom used to defrost hamburger on the counter AND I used to eat it raw sometimes, too. Our school sandwiches were wrapped in wax paper in a brown paper bag, not in ice pack coolers, but I can't remember getting e-coli.
  • Almost all of us would have rather gone swimming in the lake instead of a pristine pool (talk about boring), no beach closures then.
  • The term cell phone would have conjured up a phone in a jail cell, and a pager was the school PA system.
  • We all took gym, not PE... and risked permanent injury with a pair of high top Ked's (only worn in gym) instead of having cross-training athletic shoes with air cushion soles and built in light reflectors. I can't recall any injuries but they must have happened because they tell us how much safer we are now.
  • Flunking gym was not an option...even for stupid kids! I guess PE must be much harder than gym.
  • Speaking of school, we all sang the national anthem, and staying in detention after school caught all sorts of negative attention.
  • We must have had horribly damaged psyches. What an archaic health system we had then. Remember school nurses? Ours wore a hat and everything.
  • I thought that I was supposed to accomplish something before I was allowed to be proud of myself.
  • I just can't recall how bored we were without computers, Play Station, Nintendo, X-box or 270 digital TV cable stations.
  • Oh yeah... and where was the Benadryl and sterilization kit when I got that bee sting? I could have been killed!
  • We played 'king of the hill' on piles of gravel left on vacant construction sites, and when we got hurt, Mom pulled out the 48-cent bottle of Mercurochrome (kids liked it better because it didn't sting like iodine did) and then we got our butt spanked.
  • We didn't act up at the neighbor's house because if we did, we got our butt spanked there and then we got butt spanked again when we got home.
  • To top it off, not a single person I knew had ever been told that they were from a dysfunctional family. How could we possibly have known that?
  • We needed to get into group therapy and anger management classes? We were obviously so duped by so many societal ills, that we didn't even notice that the entire country wasn't taking Prozac! How did we ever survive?


If your class is planning a reunion please email me and I will include it in the newsletter.

SouthShoreHigh School 1959 – January and June Classes Reunion ~Do you know someone who graduated from SSHS in January or June 1959? For those of you who graduated from SouthShoreHigh School in 1959 (January and June) we are in the planning phases of a 50th reunion in 2009. A “Steerage” (not steering) committee is forming. If you or someone you know was a member of these classes please have them email me at or the new class email at – Thanks to Ken Manaster for starting all this.

AquinasHigh School, Class of '61 is having their 45th Reunion onSeptember 30th at the Drake Oak Brook (another sleep over). Anyone interested can contact me and I will forward your info to Judy Scanlon Grant, who is helping with the arrangements. Liz Goodrick Wise -

SouthShoreHigh School - June 1956 is having a 50th class reunion on Sep 9, 2006 at the North Shore Hotel, Skokie, IL. If anyone is interested contact

Carol (Smykowski) Giorgio

Stop now and forward this newsletter to friends. If you are reading someone else’s copy and want your own emailed every month, email.

SENIOR PERKS – New column

Admit it! A lot of us are already seniors over 55, 60, or 65. But we made it this far and we DESERVE perks. I will share some that I have come across in this column. Please email me to share your favorite senior discount sites with my readers.