Published 2016-17 SGS Calendar for editing purposes only [exported July 28, 2016]
Management, Tri-campus: Introduction
Faculty Affiliation
Management, Tri-campusDegree Programs
PhD / Fields:Accounting
Business Economics
Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
Operations Management
Strategic Management
Collaborative Programs
The following collaborative programs are available to students in participating degree programs as listed below:- Environmental Studies
- Management, PhD
- Global Health
- Management, PhD
The Graduate Department of Management offers a world-class doctoral program, the Doctor of Philosophy. The PhD program offers specialization in seven different fields: Accounting, Business Economics, Finance, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management, Marketing, Operations Management, and Strategic Management.Contact and Address
Graduate Department of Management
Telephone: (416) 978-4226
Rotman School of Management
University of Toronto
105 St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E6
Management, Tri-campus: Management PhD
Doctor of Philosophy
Minimum Admission Requirements
- Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants to all fields must also satisfy the Rotman School's additional admission requirements stated below.
- Some depth in the cognate disciplines relevant to the field of specialization is required.
- These requirements may be satisfied prior to entry to the PhD program through an MBA degree program coupled with a relevant undergraduate degree, or through an undergraduate degree in business, management, or commerce coupled with a discipline-based master's degree.
- If the depth requirements are completed prior to entry to the PhD program, then the student is expected to complete the program in four years. If additional coursework is required, then the student may need an additional year to complete the program.
- In exceptional cases, and at the discretion of the Rotman School, admission to the program by direct-entry may be approved for applicants with an appropriate bachelor’s degree with high standing (a least an A- average in courses relevant to the discipline) from a recognized university.
- Applicants should provide:
- transcripts from each post-secondary institution attended
- a letter of intent for applying to the PhD program
- an updated curriculum vitae (CV)
- two reference letters
- a valid GMAT or GRE score
- proof of English-language proficiency, if applicable.
Program Requirements
- Students are expected to be qualified in the three basic disciplines essential to the study of management: economics, behavioural science, and quantitative analysis/statistics.
- During all years of study, students must maintain residency.
- Students in all fields normally complete coursework in a major field and two minor fields during the first two years in the program. In subsequent years of study, students concentrate on deepening knowledge through additional coursework and on generating unprecedented insights through research that culminates in a written doctoral thesis.
- Full-time students must complete a minimum of 4.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) to satisfy requirements for one major field and two minor fields of study. Direct-entry students must complete an additional 2.0 FCEs within Year 1 of their program.
- A minimum of 2.0 FCEs comprise the major field. These will normally be taken from 3000-level Management courses, but additional courses from other departments may be required.
- The two minor fields are usually taken in cognate departments. Each minor field comprises at least 1.0 FCE.
- Upon completion of the courses in the major and minor fields, students are expected to pass comprehensive examinations in the major field.
- Successful completion of the required course RSM 3080H Research Methods in Business.
- A thesis embodying the results of original investigation must be submitted and defended at a Doctoral Final Oral Examination in accordance with the regulations of the School of Graduate Studies.
Program Length
4 years full-time (students requiring additional courses may take an additional year);5 years direct-entry
Time Limit
6 years full-time;7 years direct-entry
Management, Tri-campus: Management PhD Courses
The department should be consulted at the onset of each session as to course offerings.Courses Normally Restricted to PhD Students
RSM 3001H / Research Methods in Strategic ManagementRSM 3002H / Advanced Topics in Strategy and Organization
RSM 3003H / Advanced Topics in Strategy and Economics
RSM 3004H / Advanced Topics in International Strategy
RSM 3005H+ / Strategic Management Workshop
RSM 3010H / Special Topics in the Economics of Technology and Innovation
RSM 3011H / Advanced Topics in the Theory of Industrial Organization
RSM 3012H / Advanced Topics in Urban and Real Estate Economics
RSM 3009H / Special Topics in Strategic Management
RSM 3020H / Financial Accounting: Theory and Empirical Research
RSM 3021H / Managerial Accounting Research Methods
RSM 3022H / Auditing Seminar
RSM 3023H / Topics in Accounting Research
RSM 3025H+ / Workshop in Accounting
RSM 3029H / Special Topics in Accounting
RSM 3030H / Financial Theory I
RSM 3031H / Financial Theory II
RSM 3032H / Empirical Methods in Finance
RSM 3033H / Current Topics in Finance
RSM 3034H / Capital Markets Workshop
RSM 3039H / Special Topics in Finance
RSM 3041H / Seminar in Operations Management
RSM 3045H / Advanced Topics in Operations Management I
RSM 3046H / Advanced Topics in Operations Management II
RSM 3049H / Special Topics in Operations Management
RSM 3051H / Marketing Theory I: Consumer Behaviour
RSM 3052H / Marketing Theory II: Strategy
RSM 3053H / Behavioural Research Methods in Marketing
RSM 3054H / Current Topics in Consumer Behaviour
RSM 3055H / Econometric Methods in Marketing
RSM 3056H / Current Topics in Marketing Strategy
RSM 3057H / Workshop in Marketing (Credit/No Credit)
RSM 3058H / The Psychology of Judgement and Decision Making
RSM 3059H / Special Topics in Marketing
RSM 3060H / Advances in Human Resource Management
RSM 3062H / Methods and Research in Organizational Behaviour and Industrial Relations
RSM 3063H / Advanced Topics in Organization Theory
RSM 3064H / Advanced Topics in Organizational Behaviour
RSM 3065H / New Directions in Organizational Research
RSM 3069H / Special Topics in Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Management
RSM 3080H / Research Methods in Business
RSM 3090H / Reading Course in Approved Field
RSM 3091H / Reading Course in Approved Field
+ Extended course. For academic reasons, coursework is extended into session following academic session in which course is offered.