Law’s Country Kennel

Dear Valued Customer:

Hopefully your satisfaction with our services will inspire you to continue to use our facility for your yearly vacation and pet care needs. As a valuable customer, Law’s Country Kennel is offering you and your pet a “Kennel Club Membership.” This allows you to save on the price of boarding, bathing services, and provides your pet with extra yard play at reduced rates. Below is an explanation of the membership savings. Please call if you have any questions.

Thank you, The Staff at Law’s

Members Receive:

($3 savings on boarding rates-one dog/cat)

($5 savings on boarding rates-two or three dogs/cats)

Canine Plan ($250/year) includes:

· $24/day (one dog/one kennel) $35/day (two dogs/one kennel) $50/day (three dogs/one kennel)

· 15% off bathing services

· Free yard play 2 x daily

· Priority boarding on no vacancy waiting lists

· Gift vouchers offering free services

Feline Plan ($100/year) includes:

· $9/day (one cat/one bed) $12/day (two cats/one bed)

· 15% off bathing services

· Priority boarding on no vacancy waiting lists


*Members who renew their yearly membership by their renewal date are eligible for membership at a discounted rate.

-- (Canine Plan - $200, Feline Plan - $75) --

*Member rates are subject to increase with Nonmember rates.


If you see yourself benefiting from the membership program and are interested, sign and return the bottom half of this document with a check payable to Law’s Country Kennel. Your membership will be in effect the date your check is received, or if renewing, activated on the date the renewal is due. We look forward to serving you and caring for your pet.

Yes, my pet and I are interested in benefiting from the membership.

Name: _________________________ Pet(s) Name: ______________________

Email: __________________________________________

Check Number: ________ Activation Date: ________ Signature: ______________________