Content Core course London CIHD

Content:The categories of the MIH core course criteria as defined by tropEd are:

1. Introduction

2. Health Sciences

3. Health Systems

4. Health Problems

The CIHD, GHD core course fits these criteria in the following way:

Criteria / SIT in hours / Topics
Introduction and Orientation / 50
40 / Orientation and induction to University, Institute and Department standards, services, facilities and staff; meeting ICH staff and PhD students; programme expectations, objectives and structure.
Global health debate; critical thinking; reflective learning; communicating ideas; academic writing; principles and practice of literature searching and critiquing, citation research and personal skills; working and problem-solving in interdisciplinary and intercultural teams; oral presentation skills; time management
Health Sciences
Social science – concepts and methods
Research methods and tools / 210
60 / Designing research studies; qualitative/quantitative interface; research in action; allocation/ randomization; procedures; interim analyses and data monitoring; Collecting data: questionnaire design and storing data; Qualitative methods: Key skills & Data collection (focus group & interviews); and Coding and interpreting data; Summarising data: Means, medians and measures of spread; Displaying data: Why and how;
Making inferences: includes significance testing and confidence intervals, both parametric and non-parametric approaches, analyzing 2x2 tables; Sample size estimation: precision and power calculations.; Introduction to regression analyses and dealing with non-independent datasets (clustered and serial data); Assessing reliability and validity; sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios, age-related standards; Overview of meta analysis: interpretation and uses.
Applied academic writing; critical analysis and appraisal skills; accessing and using research; principles of citation; applied referencing skills; ethics and values in public health research
The Health System
Health policy/planning
Health economics
Information, education and communication
Management / 200
40 / Global policy, politics and public health; project financing and organising health services; needs and health impact assessments; health economics and economic evaluation; health promotion.
Globalisation and health; development theory and practice; economic, social, cultural and environmental determinants of health; global, national and local drivers and agendas in health and governance; States and markets; Poverty and inequalities; social and cultural change; Trade: end to world poverty?;
Health informatics; adult learning and professional development; cross-cultural teaching and learning; interdisciplinary principles and practice; group dynamics and interpersonal skills.
Health Problems
Major endemic diseases
Reproductive health
Adult health/violence
Environmental health
Health in Transition / 140
40 / Global burden of disease, major endemic diseases (eg HIV, TB, malaria) with special attention to global health, chronic diseases; health in transition (social, nutritional);global environmental health; Culture, health, illness and disability.
Variations in global health; gender and health; emergencies, famine and conflict; aid and emergencies.
Total / 600