Management Procedures: 9 o’clock & Closing: (Video Two): Multiple Choice Questionnaire

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I.D.No. / Score: / / 18 / %:
Indicate whether the following statements are true or false by ticking either “F” for “False” or “T” for “true” in the columns on the right hand side of the page.
1. / Both the “early” manager and the closing manager should count stock during the 9 o’clock check, to speed up the process / T / F
2. / It is only necessary to top up stock in the various sections once the section has run out of certain items / T / F
3. / It is important to complete a bin check to ensure that food has been prepared correctly and that items like crockery and cutlery have not been thrown out with the rubbish / T / F
4. / Effective Time Management means sitting back and relaxing when the store is quiet so you have more energy during the busy times / T / F
5. / It is very important to ensure that customer service is not compromised while completing the closing procedure / T / F
6. / If you have a busy night, it is acceptable to leave some of your closing procedure duties for the opening manager to complete the next morning, before beginning his opening procedures / T / F
7. / In order to ensure effective stock control in your store, it is important to ensure that ALL returns and discarded stock are voided through the Pilot System / T / F
Score for this page / / 7
8. / Waitrons’ bays must be checked for cleanliness only once all guests have vacated that bay and the waitron has completed his or her closing duties / T / F
9. / It is the closing manager’s duty to ensure that the cash up balances and that all the necessary items are locked up in the safe as soon as the cash up is completed. / T / F
10. / The kitchen staff are to go-off duty a half hour before the taxi arrives, the main reason is to ensure that they are ready to leave when the transport arrives. If certain duties are incomplete, the day staff can rectify them on their arrival the next day. / T / F
Select the most correct option by ticking the appropriate box in the right hand column.
1. / When is the 9 o’clock check completed: –
a) / At 9 o’clock on the dot / 
b) / An hour before 9 o’clock, to ensure that it is completed by 21h00 / 
c) / At night, before the coffee rush begins / 
d) / At night after the dinner rush, when the store quietens down / 
2. / Whoever is not completing the 9 o' clock check should be –
a) / Checking the bins / 
b) / Checking for variances & topping the sections up with stock / 
c) / Answers a) & b) / 
d) / Managing customer service / 
3. / “Topping Up” the sections means that –
a) / The sections should be stocked with enough stock to see you through dinner & breakfast tomorrow morning / 
b) / The sections should be stocked with just enough stock to see you through the remainder of the evening shift / 
c) / Placing the stock on TOP of the section walls is imperative / 
d) / New stock should be placed on top of the old stock / 
Score for this page / / 6
4. / When determining the fruit & veg order –
a) / Check the product & presentation manuals so you can decide which salads you will make tomorrow / 
b) / Check the previous day’s order sheet / 
c) / Count the fruit & veg stock & then determine what you will need to order / 
d) / Answers a) & b) are both correct / 
5. / If you try to balance your stock and there are variances, you should –
a) / Make the staff recount all the stock in their sections / 
b) / Check the bins immediately / 
c) / Checks targets and budgets for the week and order accordingly / 
d) / Recount the items where stock has failed to balance / 
6. / Why should the Bar be stocked at night?
a) / To ensure the day manager has less work / 
b) / To check for stock shortages, so orders may be placed / 
c) / To ensure the stock is cold for the following day’s trade / 
d) / To ensure there are enough cold beers for the managers to drink while closing the store / 
7. / Estimates are determined during the closing procedure, because?
a) / That’s the procedure at Spur / 
b) / Waitrons need to cash up in order to complete the final cash up / 
c) / The manager has just counted the stock so he will know what will be required by the following shift / 
d) / It prevents theft & staff placing goods in the dustbins / 
8. / Waitrons are to be ‘cashed up’ as soon as…
a) / The manager has the time / 
b) / The manager has completed the closing procedure / 
c) / The manager has inspected that all their bay & closing duties have been completed as they should / 
d) / The staff have left the store / 
Score for this page / / 5