Friday 14th February 2014
Jointly hosted by Sheffield University Management School, Sheffield and Sheffield Business School.
Registration: please confirm your attendance by Friday 7th February using the following link:
Papers and presentations: will be available from Monday 10th February. To access them please go to
Location: Sheffield University Management School!/file/campus-map-aug13-2997.jpg The Management School is located on Conduit Road, grid reference A3, building number 22.
Parking: There is restricted parking in the immediate vicinity of the building at a cost of £2.00 for a maximum of 4 hours. There is also free on street parking within a 2 minute walk of the building in the residential areas. In addition, there are 5 on-site parking spaces for visitors. Please contact Kelly Walker on if you would like to reserve a space, giving your name and vehicle registration in order for a visitor permit to be organised.
10.00 / Arrive and coffee10.30 – 11.15 / “The role of narrative in developing management control knowledge from fieldwork: a pragmatic constructivist perspective”
Will Seal, Loughborough University
11.15 – 12.00 / “Budgeting within the UK hospitality sector following the financial crisis” Martyn Jones, University of Winchester
12.10 – 13.00 / “The effectiveness of governmental governance at firms level: a contingency perspective of strategy performance management system” Minmin Xi, Queen’s University, Belfast
13.00 – 14.00 / Lunch (to include introduction to ‘Paper Partners’ – see below)
14.00 – 14.45 / "Control in international joint ventures: an integrative perspective" Dora Chan, Sheffield Hallam University
14.45 – 15.30 / “Accounting, Strategizing and Supply Chain: A Practice Approach” Mohammad Khawaji, Sheffield University
15.30 / Depart
Dear MCA attendees
The following idea emerged from recent council discussions and we wish to launch it at this workshop to gauge wider opinion and likely support for the idea. If you would like to bring a call for partner statement in the form of an abstract to the meeting on 14th February, please advise Julia in advance and if you would like to comment in advance of the meeting please respond to Elaine.
Paper partners (‘speed dating’)
Rationale: MCA currently supports doctoral students and early career researchers (ECRs) through its doctoral colloquia and Dragons’ Den initiatives and engages senior researchers as plenary speakers and chairs/facilitators for the conference, symposia and colloquia, and now wishes to extend this support to mid-career or more established researchers beyond the obvious networking and research forum offered by the regular workshops.
Idea: for those with a half-written or previously rejected paper lurking in the bottom drawer (or cloud equivalent) the opportunity to breathe new life into it by finding a new partner to work with, as co-author or just a critical friend, and would provide valuable addition to MCA’s range of research activities. One such paper, developed after a presentation at a MCA/MACORG workshop, was recently published in Management Accounting Research.
Method: members to submit a short abstract of the paper, together with a brief outline of the main issue or barrier to publication on a single side of A4 as a ‘call for partner’ statement to be displayed at workshops for attendees to read and offer themselves as potential partners for the turnaround project. The respondent may just sign their name and contact details or pin their business card to the statement to express an interest in partnering on the paper.
Benefits: to the caller, a renewed motivation to turn the paper around and publish with a new co-author, and to the respondent, to draw on someone else’s data and foundations of a paper to get a new paper published without starting from scratch. To both parties it offers the chance to work together on a small scale that could establish a longer-term partnering e.g. for funding bids.
Elaine Harris and Julia Mundy
(MCA Chair and Secretary)