English IV TEKS – Condensed for Grading Purposes
English IV TEKS Clusters / TEKSVocabulary, Comprehension, and
Media Literacy / Eng 4-1 – Vocabulary. Understand new vocabulary and use it when reading and writing.
Eng 4-2 – Inferences and Conclusions. Students makes inferences and draw conclusions from the texts.
Eng 4-3 – Analyze and Evaluate. Students analyze and evaluate an author’s purpose and technique.
Eng 4-4 – Evidence. Provide evidence to support understanding.
Eng 4-5 – Context. Students relate the text to its historical, social, and economic context
Eng 4-6 – Summarize. Condense a text to capture the author’s viewpoint and main ideas / 1. Reading: Vocabulary
2. Reading Comprehension: Literary Text – Theme & Genre
3. Reading Comprehension: Literary Text – Poetry
4. Reading Comprehension: Literary Text – Drama
5. Reading Comprehension: Literary Text – Fiction
6. Reading Comprehension: Literary Text – Literary Nonfiction
7. Reading Comprehension: Literary Text – Sensory Language
8. Reading Comprehension: Informational Text – Culture and History
9. Reading Comprehension: Informational Text – Expository Text
10. Reading Comprehension: Informational Text – Persuasive Text
11. Reading Comprehension: Informational Text – Procedural Texts
12. Reading: Media Literacy
Writing / Eng 4-7 – Writing Process. Plan and revise drafts, considering form, content, purpose and audience
Eng 4-8 – Structure. Write a text with structure and organization appropriate for the context and format
Eng 4-9 – Purpose. Write a text with a clear and appropriate thesis, claim, theme, or controlling idea
Eng 4-10 – Content. Effectively engage, inform, and persuade the audience / 13. Writing: Writing Process
14. Writing: Literary Texts
15. Writing: Expository and Procedural Texts
16. Writing: Persuasive Texts
Conventions / Eng 4-11 – Conventions. Effectively communicate orally and in writing, appropriately using standard language conventions. / 17. Oral and Written Conventions – Conventions
18. Oral and Written Conventions – Handwriting
19. Oral and Written Conventions – Spelling
Research / Eng 4-12 – Gathering Information. Develop and enact a plan to identify, gather, organize, and summarize credible resources
Eng 4-13 – Using Research. Effectively evaluate, analyze, criticize, and document information in order to present and support a clear argument / 20. Research – Research Plan
21. Research – Gathering Sources
22. Research – Synthesizing Information
23. Research – Organizing and Presenting Ideas
Listening and Speaking / Eng 4-14 – Listening and Speaking. Effectively communicate through attentive and responsive listening and clear, well-formed speeches and presentations
Eng 4-15 – Teamwork. Participate productively and collaboratively with other to achieve common goals / 24. Listening and Speaking – Listening
25. Listening and Speaking – Speaking
26. Listening and Speaking – Teamwork