Management 305

University of Southern Indiana

Management 305Principles of Management Spring 2015

Professor: Dr. Nancy Kovanic

Office: BEC 2090


Class Location: BEC

Class Time/Day:Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Textbook: Jones & George. Contemporary Management,eighth edition, McGraw Hill Publishers.

Prerequisites: ACCT 201, ECON 208, PSYC 201, and junior standing.

Course Objectives:

The purpose of this course is to provide an examination of the basic principles and concepts of management. Besides gaining knowledge of the various functions of management, the student will be exposed to issues related to diversity, international management, cross-cultural relations, and ethics in the business world. Upon completing this course, the student should have a basic understanding of how management operates in organizations and have developed skills for solving management problems. This course will include a combination of lecture, exercises, and some discussion of readings and/or cases.

Method of Evaluation

This course will involve successful completion of the following requirements throughout the semester.

Quizzes/Activities150 (both in-class and online)

Exam #1200

Exam #2200

Exam #3150

Final Exam 100


TOTAL 1000

Grades will be assigned as follows:

A900-1000 POINTS

B+880-899 POINTS

B800-879 POINTS

C+780-799 POINTS

C700-779 POINTS

D+680-699 POINTS

D600-679 POINTS


Grade Posting

Student grades will be posted in Blackboard. Those students who have a question/concern regarding a grade should contact the instructor via email at or during office hourswithin one week of the posting of the grade on Blackboard. Failure to notify the instructor within the one week time period is required address concerns in a timely and efficient manner. Students will not have the opportunity to challenge nor re-do any activities or quizzes that have exceeded the one week after Blackboard grade book posting timeframe. Please be reminded----many students wait until the last week(s) of the semester to question the instructor regarding points for activities and quizzes which is not permitted due to the one week after posting policy.


Exams will be scheduled at regular intervals throughout the term. Only students who have an excused absence are eligible for a make-up exam.

Extra Credit

Extra credit activities and assignments may be added at the instructor’s discretion. Most likely in-class activities and assignments will be offered during the semester for extra credit.

Classroom Participation/In-class Activities

It is expected that you will attend regularly and participate in in-class activities. It is also expected that each student will contribute to in-class discussion. In order to receive credit for in-class activities, students must be present during the class period. There are no make-up assignments for in-class activities due to being absent or late for class. Once an in-class activity has begun, students arriving after the activity start time are ineligible for points but are encouraged to participate in the activity.

Excused absences

Absence due to illness without a doctor’s excuse is not considered an excused absence. Students who experience a death in the family of an immediate relative such as a parent, grandparent or sibling will be excused. Any other reasons for absence are considered unexcused. Those students who have an excused absence should email explaining the absence and bring documentation from the attending physician (for medical reasons only) to the next class. Those missing an exam will be provided a make-up test arranged by the instructor.

Use of Electronic Devices/Laptop Computers

The use of electronics such as cell phones or any other device is prohibited in the classroom. Laptop computers are not allowed in-class unless specifically used for note taking or reviewing class material via Blackboard.

Cell phones and other hand held electronic devices are not allowed during class. Students who use unauthorized electronic devices during class will be subject to a loss of attendance/participation or activity points.

Students will not be awarded activity points when this policy is violated. Example: A student who is texting during an in-class activity will receive zero points.

Inclement Weather/Cancelled class

If USI is closed due to weather conditions, students will be provided a make-up assignment posted on the Blackboard course website. This assignment will be due, in-class on next scheduled class meeting.

In the event the instructor may need to cancel a class due to an emergency, students will be notified via email and information regarding the class should be posted under announcements on the Blackboard course site.

Technical Difficulties Using Blackboard/Quizzes/Activities

It is the student’s responsibility to complete assignments/quizzes on-time as indicated in the course syllabus. Most times on-line Blackboard assignments/activities/quizzes have a specific time and due date. Due dates and times will be available in the Blackboard course site. Students who fail to submit on-line assignments/activities/quizzes during the timeframe will receive zero points.

Students who experience technical difficulties while on-line and are unable to complete an assignment/activity/quiz should email the instructor during the timeframe and specifically identify the issue. Failure to email the instructor during the quiz/activity will negate the opportunity to reset or submit a make-up assignment.


  • Email to:
  • Type “Management 305” and the class meeting time (example: 1:00 – 1:50) in the subject area of your email.

Note: Students who fail to use the Subject line properly may not receive a timely response to their email.

  • Explain your technical issue in the body of the email.

If possible, the instructor may be able to reset a quiz or activity before the deadline. If the student properly emails during the timeframe, and the time expires, a make-up will be allowed at the discretion of the instructor. It is the student’s responsibility to follow-up on technical issues with the instructor.

Students who experience other technical problems on Blackboard should contact Instructional Technology Services department (812)464-1838.

Student Conduct

USI policies and regulations governing the conduct of students and the procedures for handling violations of these policies and regulations apply to all students and can be found in the USI Bulletin. Any form of academic misconduct will not be tolerated.

Academic DishonestyOptions

Academic dishonesty such as plagiarism, cheating, etc. WILL NOT be tolerated. If you are found violating this rule of honesty, you risk a grade of “0” for the assignment/exam (at the very least) and possible expulsion from the class and/or program. Please consult student handbook for specific information in this area. All work submitted for this class should be developed solely for this class as a part of a particular assignment. Please be aware that USI faculty has access to software that allows us to compare your work to work submitted previously (several years back) to USI professors and also allows comparison to other sources (including the internet!)

Ethical Conduct

Academic dishonesty of any form (such as plagiarism, cheating on exams and/or homework, etc.) WILL NOT be tolerated. If you are found violating this rule of honesty, you risk a grade of “0” for the assignment/test (at the very least) and/or a failing grade for the semester. Please consult student handbook or bulletin for specifics in this area.

3.1 Definitions of Academic Dishonesty

3.2 Penalties and Procedures Related to Academic Misconduct

3.3 Degree Revocation/Delayed Degree Conferral


Tentative Course Outline/ Schedule of Class Material



1/14Chapter 1

1/16Chapter 1 – Manger’s and Managing

1/19NoClass – Martin Luther King Day

1/21Chapter 2–The Evolution of Management Thought Lecture

1/23Chapter 2 –The Evolution of Management Thought

1/26Chapter 3–Values, Attitudes and Emotions Lecture

1/28Chapter 3

1/30Quiz Chapters 1, 2, 3

2/2Chapter 4–Ethics & Social Responsibility

2/4Chapter 4–Ethics & Social Responsibility

2/6Quiz and/or Activity Chapter 4

2/9Exam Review

2/11Exam #1 – Chapters 1,2,3,4

2/13Chapter 5 – Managing a Multicultural Environment

2/16In-class Group Activity– Chapter 4

2/18Homework Due (Chapter 4 Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas)

Exam Review

2/20Class On-line

No in-class meeting Friday, 2/20/15

Exam Review posted in Blackboard

Supplemental Quiz online

2/23Exam #1 Chapters 1,2,3,4 + course materials

2/25Chapter 5–Managing a Multicultural Environment Activity

2/27Quizand/or Activity–Chapter 5

3/2Chapter 7 – Decision Making

3/4Chapter 8

3/6Quiz and/or Activity– Chapter 7

3/9No Class – Spring Break

3/11No Class – Spring Break

3/13No Class – Spring Break

3/16Chapter 8

3/18Quiz and/or Activity– Chapter 8

3/20Chapter 9 – Value Chain Management Lecture

3/23Chapter 10

3/25Quiz and/or Activity + Exam Review

3/27Exam Review

3/30Exam #2 Chapters 7,8, 9, and 10

4/1Quiz and/or Activity

4/3No Class –University Closed

4/6Chapter 11–Organizational Control & Change

4/8Chapter 12– Human Resource Management

4/10Quiz and/or Activity– Chapters 11 & 12

4/13Chapters 11 &12 & Exam Review

4/15Exam #3 Chapters 11 and 12

4/17Chapter 13– Motivation & Performance

4/20Quizand/or Activity– Chapter 13

4/22Chapter 15

4/24Quiz and/or Activity– Chapter 15

4/27Final Exam Review

4/29No Class – USI Study Day

FINAL EXAM – According to USI Final Exam Schedule