Managed Clinical Network for Eating Disorders

MINUTES of the MCN Steering Group held on Thursday 7th May 2015 in The Fulton Clinic Meeting Room, Royal Cornhill Hospital, Aberdeen

Present: Jane Morris, Neil Laurenson, Marie McKimmie, Sam Aitcheson, Rachael Smith, Lesley Pillans, Shona Sinkins, Pauline Milne, Louise Johnston, Linda Keenan

Via VC Paula Collin, Lesley Dolan & Liz Drum (NHS Tayside)

Laura Hulse, Anne Fraser, Mairi Will, Heather Ireland (NHS Highland)

Kathleen Robertson (NHS Shetland)

Minutes taken by: Alison Sherriffs, MCN Secretary

No / Item / Action
1 / Apologies
Brian Grieve, Heather Cassie, Lynne Roe, Elaine Anderson, Alastair McKinlay, Phil Crockett
2 / Minutes of Previous Meeting
Accepted as accurate.
3 / Matters Arising
All matters arising are covered under the main Agenda
4 / Updates
Training & Educational Meetings
·  SA advised that Grampian EDS have a list of educational meetings and will circulate these to the group.
·  EEATS Supervisors Meeting taking place at the Station Hotel on Friday 15th May 2015.
·  The next EEATS Trainees Day is at the beginning of December.
·  8 EEATS scholarships have been awarded across the region following on from the recent CAMHS Conference.
·  56 people attended the CAMHS Conference and it was very well received.
·  There is a Royal College of Psychiatrists Eating Disorders Faculty Workshop taking place in Perth on the 19th of June.
·  There is to be a further MARSIPAN Training Day for Tayside on 3rd July.
·  SCOTFED Meeting taking place on 2nd June. / SA
5 / Service Developments (by Region)
·  Lost CT3 Trainee and now have Louise Johnston who is a CT6 Trainee.
·  Jane Lawson, Physician Associate Intern has moved on.
·  Continuing with secondments.
·  Had no interest in the re-advertised Occupational Therapist post which has now been vacant for 18 months.
·  Holding another Service away day next week where they will be looking at their group programme.
·  Yvonne is now officially medically retired.
·  Now have a Team Secretary in post.
·  Have 3 members of staff trained in prolonged exposure.
·  Lorna Carroll has passed her EEATS Accreditation.
·  Had a successful service away date and have various action points from that.
·  Currently setting up a Procedural Document for patients transferring from Raigmore to Eden Unit (including transfers via New Craigs)
·  Have recruited a permanent Consultant Psychiatrist who starts in June.
·  Dietitians are up to full complement again.
·  Taking part in a meeting with the MCN on 22nd May at 1:30pm to discuss cases with Island Boards – anyone wishing to attend should contact Linda Keenan.
·  Still without substantive Dietitian following on from Kareen Taylor’s departure at the end of the year. Meeting with Managers to discuss how to progress advertising this post. Elizabeth Stuart is still providing 1 day a week support.
·  Still at 4 Dudhope Terrace meantime and no further forward with moving to no. 15. New CAMHS Inpatient Unit has been open for over a month and will start taking patients next week. There is also some word that they may be moved from Perth Royal Infirmary back to Murray Royal Hospital.
·  Recently had a Gastroenterology Interface meeting which was reasonably successful. Another meeting planned for after the Marzipan training in July but no definite date yet.
·  Have had 2 patients in the GI Ward and there were some issues with communication.
·  Have been approached by carers who have undertaken Beat Facilitator Training in order to set up a Carers Group in Tayside.
·  Been invited to visit Kareen’s service in Berkshire.
·  Paula & Lesley both attended the London Conference.
·  Had a successful visit from members of the Cullen Centre.
·  Electronic referral service is now live.
·  Undertaking survey on group therapies.
Heather Cassie sent in an update seen as she couldn’t attend today’s meeting and this was circulated prior to the meeting.
·  The new North of Scotland Regional Unit is now up and running. It has 12 beds and 1 emergency bed.
·  Have set up a Scottish CAMHS Steering Group which will hold meetings quarterly.
·  Approached by Royal College of GP’s to set up training on eating disorders and happy for Adult services to do something for this.
·  There is currently a re-design of the Tier 4 Network.
·  Moving towards a 0-18 service.
·  Have FBT Parent Groups running.
·  It was suggested that Joy Olver & Nick Dunn should be invited to the next MCN Meeting.
Eden Unit
·  Staffing continues to be problematic.
·  Have appointed 2 new nurses but also losing 2 nurses who are going off travelling.
·  Have appointed a new Physio who has been in post for about 3 weeks.
·  Jan their CBT Therapist is back from maternity leave on a part-time basis. Will be advertising for the other half of her post.
·  Psychotherapy post advertised again.
·  Using CBT a lot more.
·  Deputy Ward Manager currently on maternity leave.
·  Will have 2 members of staff from St John’s visiting at the end of June.
·  Unit is very busy and always at 100% capacity.
·  Held a very successful away day.
·  Have had a number of medical students.
·  LP was granted funding from ACT for 1 session to offer teaching. / AS
6 / Audit & Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance Sub Group
Dates for future meetings will be circulated in the near future.
7 / AOCB
Eden Unit Uniforms
Currently allowed to stay out of uniform at the moment but this is to be reviewed later on in the year.
Staffing Across Regions/Increase in Admissions
It was agreed to discuss this item at the next Eden Unit Review Group Meeting.
Succession Planning
It was agreed to carry this item over to the next Eden Unit Review Group Meeting.
NHSG’s Guidance on Mental Illness & Driving
SA forwarded a document produced by NHS Grampian on this topic which was distributed prior to the meeting. This document doesn’t mention Eating Disorders and it was felt by the group that it should. LK is to contact the person who created the document and in the meantime JM is to circulate the checklist that they use in the Eden Unit.
Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
SA advised that they have received a number of referrals to their service in the last few months and wanted to find out how other services deal with these referrals. Tayside and Highland both see these types of patients and both felt that they responded well to treatment. PCollin suggested that SA maybe contact Rachel Bryant Waugh to discuss this further and to also look at the DSM definitions.
Patients Visiting Eden Unit
MarieMcKimmie asked if this could be an item added to the Agenda but it was agreed to add it to the Eden Unit Review Group Agenda instead.
Date for MCN Annual Clinical Event
It is hoped that this could be held on either the 28th of January or 4th of February 2016. Further details on this to follow in due course. / LK
9 / Date and Time for next Meeting
27th August 2015 from 12noon – 2pm in the Fulton Clinic Meeting Room.