MAN Accessibility Forum- Meeting Minutes

Date / 04/04/2018
Time / 1200-1530
Location / Car Parks Training Room
2nd Floor
Olympic House
Manchester Airport
Meeting Chair / Andy Wright
MAG / Michelle Foster
MAG / Ashley Horsfall
MAG / Fiona Wright
OCS / Michelle Thomason
OCS / Craig Burrows
OCS / Sharon Hinxman
MAN AUG / Kieran McMahon
Colostomy UK / Libby Herbert
National Autistic Society / Emma Roberts
MNDA / Phil Bennett
MNDA / Melanie Worthington
PRM Traveller / Amelya Glynn
CAA / James Fremantle
MS Society / David Lodder, MS Society
Apologies / Gary Dawson- SIA
Apologies / Zoe Foster- Guide Dogs for the Blind
Apologies / Carrie-Ann Lightley- TFA
Ashley Horsfall provided Housekeeping brief.
Meeting opened by Andy Wright.
Introductions around the room.
CAA Presentation- James Fremantle, CAA
James Fremantle presented his pack on CAAs role and consumer enforcement
Kieran McMahon raised challenge around coproduction of legislation and action plans with disability groups. Kieran explained that the CAA provide guidance and therefore coproduction should be at grass roots.
Andy Wright compared MAN Accessibility Forum to LHRs ATF. Reference to a secondary forum. Should this forum be about bringing airport to task or sharing best practice. LHR has secondary HAAG who are more aviation savvy.
David Lodder of the view that the two forums sit separately. One about best practice, secondary about bringing the airport to task.
CAA will be entering consultation over the next couple of months around the Quality Standards framework. MAN will look to work with the forum on this.
MANTP Presentation- Rachael Melody, MAG
Rachael Melody provided an overview on MANTP Way-finding. Pack to be circulated to cover additional points around lift capacities and distances that were not covered due time constraints.
PRM Service Performance- Michelle Foster MAG, Ashley Horsfall MAG
Michelle Foster provided a performance overview on ECAC metrics. Followed up with an overview of the Service Improvement plan. Confirmed that MAG will present progress on this plan through the forum.
Ashley Horsfall provided an overview on customer service surveying and an introduction to our hidden disability survey.
The question was asked of the group to incentivise in a bid to increasing response rates i.e. competition. MAG to explore this further based on historically having withdrawn from this approach. MAG happy however that response numbers remain good and pushing OCS consistently to maintain good collection of passenger information.
MAN Training Update- Caroline McWhirter, MAG
Caroline McWhirter provided an overview on current progress within the training team. Reference to work currently going on with Colostomy UK. Libby advised that since this work no complaints have been received. This has been featured in Colostomy UK publication.
Emma Roberts advised no work had been completed with MAG thus far. No specific security feedback however general feedback across the board more around post security experience. Structure of security area may help.
MNDA key considerations for our training team would be around equipment’s, pegs, speech impairment. Speech impairment was a key consideration highlighted by David for those with MS.
Key consideration for all was around private search areas and awareness of their availability through information in the security areas, online and proactively making people aware by security officers.
MAN Airport Website update- Lizzie Lavan, MAG
Lizzie provided an overview on progress on the website and current logic in thinking. Demonstrated before and after screenshots. Feedback around the group was positive overall around look and feel.
View from the room was that content would be key and therefore they would wish to assist in shaping this. Agreed MAG would facilitate a session once work had progressed to refine this content. Dates to be shared.
Customer Journey Sessions, Susan Dean
Susan Dean provided a brief overview of the Customer Journey Session attended by Andy, David and Gary. Current pack shared, noting that this is a live document.
Wish to hold further sessions presented by Ashley Horsfall to include both a Terminal orientation and workshop session. Proposed dates to be shared.